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Экстази (1999)

SoTa rusTavelis qarTuli literaturis instituti. Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University. E-mail: lit instituti yahoo. SoTa rusTavelis qarTuli. For the first time, the journal presents the. The editorial board hopes that the papers presented in the journal will be rather interesting. Kazhdan, Aleksandr Petrovich, Istoria vizantiiskai literaturi g. Todorov, Tsvetan, Teorii simvila, M. The extent of these forms is determined. Therefore, it is impossible not to take into account the canons of rhetoric. The freedom of this. Genetic logic of a narrative is that it requires. The ideas come to life in a. Strict adherence to the guidelines may not achieve results as deviation from. By its conceptual apparatus it represents an autonomous. Kripke questions the Russelian identification of proper names with a bundle of descriptions. But that will not always be the case, since it is entirely possible that X precisely does not. May be he believes it was Plato. In this case the. Based on examples like these the equation of proper names with descriptions. Bedeutung is the level of relation between statement and world, i. Montague, the pioneer. These possibilities will be called scenarios. The theoreticians that hold this position claim that. The second,. Since according to these positions the domain of literary. According to Aristotle, potentiality is always prior to actuality, except for the infamous. The acceptance. After all,. In concordance with his insistent constructivism,. The statements of the literary author cannot be questioned about their truth value, but. Writing is a creative act as long as. Still, it relates to the actual world and adds something new to it. Yet it is not clear what. If anything, this points towards a configuration of truth-conditions that are contextsensitive,. As an illustration of the problem with this. It is. In order to avoid any essential dependence of the fictional particulars. Still, he attempts to reinscribe this loss of rigidity in a sequence, a re-. Is the perceived impossibility. Napoleon and Caliban in the way they operate in fiction is predicated on this perception of. It turns out that the fictional. It turns out. While this notion undoubtedly makes of events and plot. The reduction of events to the difference between antecedent state of affairs. It seems that. This is their ontological feature and not. It is quite telling that. If this is so, then literary statements. Thus it may turn out that the insistent talk. By claiming finality for literary invention we seem to miss the question of. It seems that we have two conflicting. In the first. In it literary invention is only. It thus constrains literature. What it fails to explain, though, is how literature manages to disturb our preconceived notions. His initial contribution was in the form of two articles during the sixties. The insight, presented. There is, of course, a source for genuine doubt here, since the possible worlds framework of modal. Divers , pp. Subsequently it appears that according to him there should. Cresswell, M. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic. Heterocosmica: Fiction and Possible Worlds. Baltimore and London: The Johns Hopkins. Frege, Gottlob. Hintika, Jakko. Knowledge Contributors. Kripke, Saul. Naming and Necessity. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, Montague, Richard. Formal philosophy: Selected Papers of Richard Montague. New Haven: Yale University. Partee, Barbara H. Possible Worlds in. Berlin: de Gruyter, Pavel, Thomas. Fictional Worlds. Ricoeur, Paul. Time and Narrative. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, Ronen, Ruth. Possible Worlds in Literary Theory. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. In this paper I shall concretise a prior inquiry on the potential of Russian early twentieth. Its geopolitical — or rather geo-poetical 4 — aspect. The idea of aesthetic distance and the sister-ideas of an inferior. The early twentieth century philosophy claims to have come back to ontologism,. It appears, then, that man is. The supra-textual. It is the living and acting doubling. It is, next, the renewable creatability of myth: fire is not a possession to be. This immanence of truth to time and space, its conditionality are supported by the. In order partly to explain these features it is worth recalling that Shestov studied law in. University and that his early books combined literary criticism and philosophy, both in. I see a difference in the accents: Merezhkovsky points to. The tendency towards dissolving. Shestov anticipates. The hellenisation. Ivanov to forerun. Yet what Bakhtin applies. Shestov I am going to outline three moments here. First, to define interpretation. The dialogue of ideas artistically shaped is for Shestov less important than the tragic. And, third, tragedy is a deadlock-and-rebirth,. That is, a tragedy within the existential experience preconditions a tragedy-and-vita within. It might seem that this view coincides with that of Vjacheslav. Ivanov, but in fact they differ diametrically. I am inclined to think that it is a style determining,. It is a clash. What matters is. Two important possibilities. It is not teaching that sustains hope, but it is hope that sustains teaching. The worst condition to fall into is to confess that you have fallen into the condition of the. Transforming the truth, one alive in danger, into Ding an sich thing. Smirnov The absolutisation of this intuition,. Non-classical art hurts, and that is why it is unacceptable. Shestov is not defending a dissertation. For Shestov, Hellenism. Merezhkovsky differently. Yet with Ivanov even the initial situation is different: for him,. I guess that to regulate actual human relations according. We have conditioned and unconditioned absolute inevitability,. He demands a different vindication and prefers to beat. I guess that Shestov. But Shestov. The gulf between the tragedy-after-Shestov and the tragedy after its habitual understanding. Something more: I am inclined to view these differences. People decline all responsibility for his suffering,. I shall. Or rather, it is a free curve,. I should summarise that the radical condition of being thrown into a catastrophe,. Shestov to Bakhtin a relative normalisation and re-installment into a historical sequence. I guess there is way beyond Hellenism which is different from the one prefigured or represented. Droysen and Merezhkovsky — if I. I am not going to attend to the origin of this notion as a concept, that is, I shall not investigate. Concentrating on the methods of cognition displaces the due concern of cognition, says Shestov,. This is one more issue deserving separate exploration. The abstention from usually almost unconscious. I guess, with the abstention from frequent use of proper names referring to history of culture and to. Both features might contribute to a philosophical correlative of art with limited iconism representation …. Given the specific status Bakhtin, compared to Shestov, has he is a well-known classic of literary studies. Just like the Athens — Jerusalem dilemma, the archtype of Job is steadily thematised by Shestov. I am referring here to Makhlin who finds in their works the basics of a new epistemology. He demonstrates. I would call his existentialist-personalist. I hope I have carried out a relevant one in an unpublished chapter of my PhD thesis Lyutskanov. Ivanov identifies the epic with a monad or a diad viewed from a distance and solved in a synthesis,. Ivanov could have hardly associated the. Yet I guess that it was easy. Shestov outlines a kind of a will for unpathetic self-minimisation on behalf of the author in Dostoevsky,. This will has something in common with the metaphysical. The core of life, or the clash between man and idea; and not between ideas or between men. I have just said something unacceptable for, probably, most if not all who have read Bakhtin. Bakhtin, in fact, differentiates between dialectic and dialogism, relating dialectic to the realm of monologism. But we could think of dialogism as of utmost dialectics of an idea: that is, to regard dialogism as. To say it otherwise considering the agents involved :. And a dialogical novel would be a novel constructed in a way facilitating the discriminative,. I guess that I have offered an. I am not inclined to derive this taboo only from an imperative of interdisciplinary specialisation. Now it seems to me that eliminating the agency of the biographical author could. But eliminating this agency meant to deal with an idea, indeed, an idea bearing the. When one refuses to relate this cluster to a. Of course, we have to decide how to name that. The protagonist, not being made a definitive victim of the god of God and thus and concurrently. From the one hand, it is a tragedy. From the other hand, it is a tragedy. The really tragic condition surely had made. To say it otherwise: the tragedy of the petrified, though touched by the Divine light, last piece of. The passage belongs to the end of. When necessary, I shall refer to this edition as to Shestov , but in order to facilitate the. Hereafter all translations, if. The importance invested in these discriminations. My estimation. Ivanov —87, 4: , , etc. Yet Ivanov himself is much like his. Ivanov hectically walls himself within. Shestov does not discriminate between Dostoevsky and Nietzsche, assigning to both the experience. Ivanov is inclined to think that. Conceptualising it, in one way or another, could bring their philosophisying to the key concepts. From now on vague notions had to be concreticised, approximated, adapted, but the basic discrimination. Asia lies outside history; it substitutes for the world of the savages Montaigne but, unlike that. With regard. On the danger of such a global idealism speaks Dostoevsky in the epilogue. As an allegory of. I am speaking of a partially conscious. Expectedly for the Russian , he incorporated this discrimination not in an. I am tempted to compare these different ways to doubt with two diametrically different kinds of. Shestov, Ivanov, Innokenty Annensky, Lev Pumpjansky and so on — a discourse feeling itself uneasy by. It abuses human condition with regard to both him who experiences tragedy the agency of the. I do not know whether the old Greek and the old Jewish cultures give the opportunity to evade the. And so profound, so hopeless is this tragedy that it was not difficult for. Dostoevsky to present it as the cause of the agonizing experiences of his heroes who murder. But there is. Gospel that does not reject the prayers and hopes of a solitary, mined man under the pretext that to think. Sonya reads, which is as yet uncut and unaltered by science and Count Tolstoy, from the Gospel in which. Greek mold and a Christian resurrection tale; that it successfully superimposes the two forms because. To the unsuspecting reader, it seems that. As it seems, Shestov defines. It is important to understand that bareness and solitude are indicative of opposite conditions. As Shestov points. He was always heard by Zeus; he had an adversary, someone. It could. These preliminary considerations have to be rethought against the context of a recent attempt to explore. Florensky, S. Bulgakov , symbolist writers V. Ivanov, A. Ascherson, Neil. London: Vintage, Asman, Jan. Kulturnata pamet: pismenist, pamet I politicheska identichnost v rannite visokorazviti kulturi. Sofia: Planeta 3, Translation of: Jan Assmann. Averintsev, Serguei. Nauka, , Аверинцев, Сергей. Wiener Slavistisches Jahrbuch 41 , Аверинцев, Сергей. Bychkov, Viktor. Vizantijskaja estetika. Teoreticheskie problemy. Moskva: Iskusstvo, Византийская эстетика. Теоретические проблемы. Москва: Искусство, Cassedy, Stephen. Dostoevsky Studies 3 , Dostoevsky, Fyodor. Crime and Punishment. Released March 28, n. Gumiljov, Nikolaj. Fridlender with the participation of R. Translation, foreword, comment Innokentij. Иннокентий Анненский. Frank, Susi K. Ivanov, Vjacheslav. Sobranie sochinenij v 4-kh tt. Ivanov, O. Bruxelles: Foyer. Собрание сочинений в 4-х тт. Под ред. Иванова и О. Losev, Aleksej. Problema simvola i realisticheskoe iskusstvo. Лосев, Алексей. Проблема символа и реалистическое искусство. Lyutskanov, Yordan. Doktorska \\\\\\\\\[PhD\\\\\\\\\] disertatsija. Sofia, Institut. April Люцканов, Йордан. Makhlin, Vitalij. Vtoroe soznanie : Podstupy k gumanitarnoj epistemologii. Moskva : Znak, Geopoetiken: Geographische. Merezhkovskij, Dmitrij. Polnoe sobranie sochinenij v kh tt. Moskva: Sytin, Shestov, Lev. Dostoevsky and Nietzsche: Philosophy of Tragedy. Translation by Spencer Roberts. Dostoevsky, Tolstoy and Nietzsche. Dostoevskij i Nitche Filosofija tragedii. Достоевский и Нитче Философия трагедии. Sochinenija: v 2-kh tt. Moskva: Nauka, Шестов, Лев. Сочинения: В 2 тт. Smirnov, A. Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie. In that work, Peirce first presented the logical principle which. Along with that, James noted that Peirce had used this term as early as. Numerous publications and lectures dedicated to the new doctrine. Besides Charles Peirce, the. John Green, Joseph Bangs Warner,. Papers of Charles Peirce, while the following numbers indicate the corresponding volume and paragraph. Peirce: A Chronological Edition. The numbers following it indicate. A full bibliographic reference can be found in the list of literature cited. The Kantian,. Their monolithic structure gradually, but ever. Pragmatism arose in the United State s, becoming into the first and most meaningful. The socio-political processes across the Atlantic especially the. Pragmatism is also the offspring of the scientific context of the United State s in the. This list does not pretend to be exhaustive, but rather shows the. For this reason, it is logical namely. An analysis of it will delineate the. This was also the specific impulse for creating the pragmatic maxim, which is nothing other. The first and most fundamental is that of subjective knowledge or familiarity. The abstract definition of diamond, for example, includes a list. If it does not give rise to any such consequences, then it is meaningless. The philosopher emphasizes. It is tied to peace and satisfaction. Thus, the. For this reason, Peirce identified his pragmatism. Yet despite the lack of absolute certainty in. On the table there is a handful of white beans; and, after some searching, I. I at once infer as a probability, or as a fair. This sort of inference is called making a. The hypothesis is a beginning stage in every scientific study, as well as in. Entire studies, as well as scholarly forums and projects continue to be dedicated. Peirce examines these methods solely in connection with. The man, who adopts it will find that other men think differently. History is rich with examples that show that the method of authority. Its essence lies in the acceptance. But since this does not rest on tested facts, this belief. And intellectual trends rarely last longer than a few. It is qualitatively different from the remaining three. It is realized. Central to it is the hypothesis that there is a. On the contrary, according to Peirce, it is dynamic. With the help of the scientific method, we. In this way,. For this reason, the final. It is a logical consequence. Even if such. If we study them in. Yet we can calmly believe in them. Ideas that are infallible in practice are a suitable. With this assertion, Peirce sharply differentiates. The flaw in this concept is that the strength of the chain is always. In this case, every concept in its support will increase its flexibility. At the. The dogmatists, for their part, argue that there are obvious. However, the first and most important condition. With his three articles. That the whole is always larger than the parts making it up is often cited as an example of. Since this type of knowledge does not exist, the. After setting off down this path, Peirce will arrive at the. From this we can also derive the principle, which is key not only. Hence, if all of our thinking. Peirce did not accept a single. The same process occurred with the titles of the three categories. It is close to that which the contemporary. Pure Firstness, Secondness and Thirdness are an unattainable. Its meaning is hidden precisely in this relationship. The connection of Firstness,. It is no accident that scholars. The final phase of the thought process, according to Peirce, is the establishment. It was already emphasized that pragmatism grasps the world in the dynamism of its occurrence. According to the philosopher, the universe arose in the infinite past from a. In this beginning phase there was still not time, space, matter or laws. This was the kingdom of the absolute Nothing. It is not tied to a concrete cause, but happens accidentally, simply because it is. It follows that the first active element participating in the origin of the universe. The idea of enduringness as an active principle in the universe. The third active element in the universe is love; Peirce called the doctrine of evolutionary. The proportion between them is different in every phenomenon,. Habit is a predisposition to act in a certain way under certain conditions. It cannot be. But it would be too elementary and incorrect to interpret this in terms of. Thus, James ascribes to Peirce that from which the latter sharply distances himself. But it inspires that conduct because it first foretells some particular turn to our experience. The tastes, colors and all the other qualities of. For sincere believers,. Peirce relates the pragmatic value to the conceivable. Peirce repeatedly. Truth is not the only, nor is. If there is no difference, the two theories are identical. If there is a. In this way, Sarailiev becomes one of the earliest followers. Thus we arrive at the important question of the relationship. His claim that we cannot. The sign model proposed by him is irreducibly triadic, including a sign,. It can be represented graphically as follows Mladenov According to the Swiss linguist, the sign consists of the signified and the signifier, and the. Nothing is a sign until it is included in this triad — that is, until it has been interpreted. For this reason, its. This, for its part, changes into a new sign with a different interpretant, which. It neglects the fact that the. All three of them consist of disclosing the relationship between the participants. CP Collected Papers of Charles Sanders Peirce. Charles Hartshorne and Paul Weiss,. Cambridge, Mass. Arthur W. Burks, Cambridge,. Fisch, Max. Peirce, Semeiotic, and Pragmatism. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, Hausman, Carl. Charles S. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,. Mladenov, Ivan. Usilieto da uznavash. Sofia: Младенов, Иван. Filosofski Alternativi, 6 : Murphey, Murray G. Sarailiev, Ivan Pragmatisam. Prinos kam istoriyata na savremennata filosofiya Sofia: Pridvorna pechatnitza,. W: Writings of Charles S. Avantgarde und Moderne: , 2. Gamsakhurdia, Konstantine. Tkhzulebani 10 tomad, t. Tkhzulebani 20 tomad: Dionisos Gimili, t. Gamsakhurdia, Zviad a. Gamsakhurdia, Zviad b. Iungeri-Khotivaris Tsignze K. Gamsakhurdia da Dasavlet. Iungeri, Stefi. Kankava, Guram. Lomidze, Gaga. Literaturuli Dziebani. Metzler Lexikon literarischer Symbole, hrsg. Butzer, Metzler Verlag, Stuttgart, Schmid, Wilhelm. Philosophie der Lebenskunst. Eine Grundlegung, 4. Sigua, Soso. Martvili da Alamdari. Konstantine Gamsakhurdias Shemoqmedeba. Tevzadze, Davit. Konstantine Gamsakhurdia da Tanamedroveoba. Tbilisi : TevzaZe, daviT. Tvaradze, Revaz. Tsigni da Mkitkhveli. On the one hand, historical processes and cataclysms — total development. The questions. The instability of mentality is unveiled,. Анненков Павел Васильевич — Эстетика натурализма сложилась в последней трети XIX в. Среди главных представителей исследователи называют писателей Э. Золя, братьев Э. Гонкур, А. Хольца, П. Боборыкина и др. Противопоставляя себя классицистам и романтикам,. В тот день, когда мы поймем механизм этой страсти,. Таким образом, мы занимаемся практической социологией,. Гоголя «Мертвые души». Оба художника понимали «наше время» как безгеройную эпоху, противоположную. Учитывая этот факт, представляется. Очевидно, что существенным показателем романтизма является поиск романтической. Именно романтика этой литературы и устанавливает эмоциональное родство с художественным. Что касается образца, то. Работая над очерком «Петербургский шарманщик», Д. Григорович советовался с Достоевским. В целом одобрив очерк, Достоевский отреагировал на одну его деталь. Эта реакция Достоевского. У тебя выходит слишком сухо: пятак упал к ногам…. Надо было сказать: пятак упал на мостовую, звеня и подпрыгивая…» Замечание это, - помню очень. Да, действительно: звеня и подпрыгивая выходит гораздо. Уточнение «звеня и подпрыгивая» позволяет описать отношение беднякашарманщика. Annenkov, Pavel. Vospominanija I kriticheskie ocherki. Bleiler, Eigen. Burno, M. Трудный характер. Bychkov, V. Genis, A. Moskva, Вайль П. Родная речь. Greimas, A. Договор веридик-. Gukovskiy, G. V 4-x tt. Толковый словарь живаго великорусскаго языка. В 4-х тт. Ot barokko k romantizmu. От барокко к. Ingarten, R. Kant, Immanuil. Критика чистого разума. Kuprijanova, E. Polnoe sobr. V 55 tt. Megrelishvili, Tatiana. Немировский И. Собрание сочинений. Pospelov, G. V trex tomax. С Соч. V 12 tt. Прочь от реальности: Исследования по философии текста. Rutchko, S. Три речи в. Izdanie e, st. Собрание соч. Foxt, W. Спорные вопросы развития романтизма. Cheidegger, M. Moskva, Entrada. Гегель и. Jakobson, Roman. Turgenev, N. However its definition also not universally and also. And here it is found out that during different historical and. The rationalistic. Literature learns reality in artistic images,. These nominations of the term finally confuse a. The threads connecting it to the nature, are diverse and. Russian literature brought in this stage of development of art consciousness a huge contribution. Eesaa taranovskis mier gamoangariSebuli cifrebi. Karabinov, Ivan. Sankt-Peterburg: Карабинов Иван. Постная Триодь. Khachidze, Lela. Tbilisi : xaCiZe, lela. Metreveli, Elene. Tbilisi : mMetreveli, eElene. Popov, Georgi. Sofia: Попов. Siradze, Revaz. Tbilisi :. At this period several branches of Georgian ecclesiastical writing reach. Merging of these two factors. This is the first compilation of preaches in Slavic literature. The compilation also. Atanassius of Alexandria, as a response to the beginning. Constantine of Preslav is the alleged author. Its compilers made an outstanding contribution to the history of hymnography. In in Holland at the initiative of Najmegen University an old Bulgarian manuscript. Lyricism merged with profound theological education makes these hymns extremely impressive. They are especially rare in Christian poetry of this or that country not. Of interest is. In contrast to the style relevant to rich clothes. The creative work of both of them is. The creative works of both. Preslav actually starts great traditions of Bulgarian literature, whereas Ioane Minchkhi creates. Korneli Kekelidze to the conclusion that the original not translated Georgian hymnography. This is a sufficient prerequisite to arouse the interest of comparatists. In palaeoslavic hymnology, the typological parallels between the two traditions are still an. Although suggestions have been made that certain Slavic chants were written. Йоан Мтбевари за предпразничния Рождественски цикъл, негови стихири за Рождество Христово, за. Joseph the Hymnographer,. Due to this fact, some later copies of ancient original chants have reached. It is remarkable that the most active center in the implementation of this reform, which. A characteristic feature recorded in the scientific literature on Slavic, Georgian. First Bulgarian Kingdom from the end of the 9th c. The translators sought to preserve the form of the Greek original, e. The same conclusion. The earliest Georgian copy of this text is in an octoechos. A relevant illustration of this type of translation technique can be provided on the. Therefore, the protograph perhaps contained the short form of the participle рождьши. In this way, the line in which the lexical substitution appeared. According to him, thematic lexis comprises vocabulary units which are not linked to each. Gove as less consistent with the rhythm of the original. One confirmation of. In the first part, the more particular. It is very likely that this lexical. Using this criterion, the researcher divided the translated. Slavic and Georgian hymnography is the equal structure of the Heirmologion — the liturgical. In contrast to these miscellanies, the main type of Byzantine heirmologia has a. Also, a specific feature of the Georgian. In order to address this issue, first it is necessary to recall the facts and well-grounded. Sabba in Palestine, and the first. Georgian one - at the end of the same century or in the beginning of the next century in the. One remarkable exception is. Hilarion the Georgian in , when St. Methodius had already left that place Hannick. Therefore, I would draw attention to a. It is quite logical to assume that clergy from different. It is known. Byzantine capital, the apostle surely took a great interest in manuscripts during his visit to. Traditionen, der georgischen und der altslavischen, ergeben sich nur, wenn man an den bithynischen Olymp. A strong prerequisite that could have led to a desire for such contacts was the common. Constantine-Cyril the Philosopher may have visited Tbilisi , according. Likewise, both the early Slavic and the Georgian translations of heirmoi. Slavic and Georgian manuscripts was intended to be practical and to assist the church services. Chronz Chronz, Tinatin. Dugashvili Dugashvili, E. Stefana iz Monastyrja Sv. Religija Tbilisi Дугашвили,. Dzhgamaya Dzhgamaya, L. Pravoslavnaja Entsiklopedija. Church-Scientific Center Джгамая, Л. Eustratiades Eustratiades, Sofronios. Gove Gove, Antonina F. Grigolashvili Grigolashvili, L. Russkaja i Gruzinskaja. Srednevekovye Literatury. Leningrad: Nauka Григолашвили, Л. Gugishvili: Gugishvili, Sh. Hannick Hannick, Christian. Monumenta musicae. Subsidia, vol. Simpozium Godini ot Blazhenata Konchina na sv. Sofia: Publishing House. Das altslavische Hirmologion. Edition und Kommentar. Fontes et dissertationes. Freiburg i. Istoriya: Istorija na Byrgarskata Srednovekovna Literatura. Compiled by Anissava Miltenova. Jakobson Jakobson, Roman. Brno, Ezikyt na Poezijata. Kекеlidze Kekelidze, Korneli S. Etjudy po Istorii. Drevnegruzinskoj Literatury. Tbilisi , Кекелидзе, Корнелий С. Кекеlidze Kekelidze, Korneli S. A History of the Georgian Literature. Tbilisi , in. Khachidze Khachidze, Lela A. Ioann Minchkhi — Gruzinskij Poet 10 Veka. Tbilisi Хачидзе,. Коycheva Koycheva, Regina. Коzhuharov Kozhuharov, Stefan. Literaturna istorija 12 : 3—19 Кожухаров, Стефан. XIII Congresso. Internazionale degli Slavisti Lubiana, Agosto Blocco tematico n o A cura. Кrivko Krivko, Roman N. Filologija 11, 1 : 56— Кривко, Роман Н. Кuev Kuev, Kujo M. Chernorizets Hrabyr. Черноризец Храбър. Loparev Loparev, Hrisanf M. Vizantijskij vremennik Лопарев,. Nikolova Nikolova, Svetlina. Kirilo-Metodievska Entsiklopedija. Popov Popov, Georgi. Bylgarski ezik Попов, Гeорги. Sofia, Попов, Гeорги. Триодни произведения на Константин Преславски Кирило-Методиевски. Prohorov Prohorov, Gelian M. Trudy Otdela Drevnerusskoj Literatury Leningrad. Literature Vekov , Прохоров, Гелиан М. Труды Отдела древнерусской литературы Ленинград. Siradze Siradze, Revaz. Kliment Ohridski: Zhivot i Tvorchestvo. Thomson Thomson, Francis. VI Fundamental. Problems of Early Slavic Music and Poetry. Тurilov Turilov, Anatolij A. Sprachen und Texte. Vereshchagin Vereshchagin, Evgenij M. Istorija Vozniknovenija Drevnego Obshcheslavjanskogo Literaturnogo. Moscow: Martis, Zhitiya Zhitija Russkih Svjatyh. Uchebnoe Posobie. Kolomna: Svjato-Troitskij Novo-Golutvin. Hristopulo , it appeared in poetry collections, songbooks, the periodical literature, and in. Pishurka and others. In their poems which, in fact, are frequently songs, since they contain. The activation of such attitudes and the meanings they. In this sense, K. This collection includes the. Called a bratstvo brotherhood or druzhina band in the texts, it is the community of the. The Nietzschean dichotomy in its turn inspired the Jungian classification of psychological types, in which. It is a question of a particular timelessness,.

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