Ebony White Cock

Ebony White Cock


Ebony White Cock
Here’s the truth: Race is still a thing.
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I was talking to my friend, Kim, as we sipped cocktails at a bar in Hollywood. She followed my gaze. “The … bald … white guy?” she asked, her face scrunched up in disbelief. I nodded. She raised an eyebrow and slurped on her vodka cranberry.
Some background might be helpful here. I’m black and my friend Kim is white, as was the guy in question. He also shaved his head and, apparently, that threw my friend for a loop. I knew why.
Since I’d known her I’d mostly dated black guys. The real estate agent I’d met at the LACMA summer jazz series. The actor who’d given me his head shot as soon as he learned I was a TV writer. The musician who serenaded me at the Dresden between Marty and Elayne’s sets. All black. And the one or two white guys in the mix had hair.
Two weeks later, I climbed in the passenger seat of the bald white guy’s truck when he picked me up from my apartment in Miracle Mile. Hmm … he drove a pickup truck. And I knew from talking to him on the phone that he was from the South.
I smiled as he told me he’d made a reservation at Ammo. So far, so good. I liked that place. As we drove along, I surreptitiously glanced at him — he was wearing a nice suit, having come straight from his office to get me.
He had mentioned he was a lawyer, so I’d already mentally checked the box for gainfully employed. But something else was on my mind.
Here’s the truth: Race is still a thing.
No matter how advanced a society we think we are, the idea that we’re post-racial is laughable. Over the years working in numerous writers rooms as the only black writer, I’d become a pro at deciphering comments white guys made:
Interracial relationships aren’t a big deal nowadays.
Translation: I’d never do it but I think Halle Berry’s pretty.
I have a lot of friends in interracial relationships.
Translation: Some of my friends date Asian women.
Translation: My kid listens to hip-hop.
This guy was from Georgia. “The heart of Klan activity,” one of my friends felt compelled to tell me. To be fair, I’m from the South. Raised in Florida, I know about chewing tobacco, gator farms, 2 Live Crew, y’all, and the Confederate flag. For that reason, I started getting nervous about this guy.
What if I were part of some Dixieland fantasy of his? After we were seated I asked him how many black girls he’d dated. “Why?” he asked. “Because maybe black girls are your thing,” I said. “I don’t want to be part of your chocolate fantasy.”
“Uh … I just think you’re hot,” he said.
We continued dating, and soon we were exclusive. This didn’t come without challenges.
Whenever we went somewhere with a lot of black people in attendance, I got the side eye from some of them. I understood. My dating outside the race was seen as a betrayal. Their thought bubble hovered, clear as day: “After everything they’ve done to us, you’re going to date one of them?”
And some days, it was tough because I felt guilty for not completing the picture of the strong black couple. Another time, my boyfriend got a call from his ex-girlfriend. “I heard you’re dating a black girl.” Yep. Word had spread through the Caucasian grapevine.
I was working on a sitcom at the time. When I told the writers on the show I was dating a white guy from the South who drove a pickup truck, I could tell they were skeptical.
The kicker was when we went to the wedding of one of his friends in Cape Girardeau, Mo. I’m not exaggerating when I say white people stared at us as we walked down the street.
The more serious the relationship got, the more I started thinking about kids.
If we had them, they would be “multiethnic” or “biracial” or “mixed heritage.” All terms that annoyed me. But I was getting ahead of myself, right? Was I in this or not? Was I ready to be committed to a guy whose family owned shotguns and went to the Waffle House?
My parents were both college professors. His parents hadn’t gone to college. My parents were Baha’is who didn’t celebrate Christmas. His dad played Santa Claus in various malls below the Mason-Dixon line during the yuletide season. My boyfriend listened to emo rock, for God’s sake!
I loved that he shared a house off Sunset with a gay, Pakistani performance artist. I loved that he’d had the same Rottweiler for a pet since high school. I loved that he was a plaintiff’s attorney, helping clients who’d been discriminated against in the workplace.
I didn’t love his pickup truck — it was cramped and always had dog hair on the seat.
Fourteen years and two kids later, race is still a thing, in a growing list of things, that defines us.
Maisha Closson is a TV writer living in Los Angeles. She’s on Instagram as @ maisha_closson
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21 Stars with Especially Big Penises

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By Author Kay D. Rhodes at
Apr 16, 2015 • Category Ben Affleck
These stars are packing! In the penis department, we mean.
According to various insiders, sources, rumors and innuendo, the famous studs listed below know how to please their sex partners when it comes to how large their private parts are.
We’ve seen many of their male units and we’ve heard talk about others and let’s just say that all were blessed where many say it matters most…
We don’t know why he’s naked on this paddle board. But we do know that women on the Internet were impressed.
A newspaper snapped a photo of Bieber on vacation in Bora Bora. He was not wearing any clothing. And let’s just say that we now understand why it was so difficult for Selena Gomez to walk away from him.
Dude is cocky. In more ways than one. We know it isn’t his shining personality, so there had to be a reason these girls flock to him. Everything is starting to make sense.
No wonder Chris Brown lost his virginity at age eight.
There are Tumblr pages dedicated to Jon Hamm’s penis. He had to actually state for the record that he’s sick of talking about it.
What’s there to say? We’ve all seen the Kim Kardashian sex tape, right?
Don’t take our word for it! Good friend Ed Sheeran confirms the size of Styles’ package.
According to rumors, the bulge on Brandon Routh had to be digitally altered so it would not distract (both) Superman Returns viewers.
We’re just using our eyes on this one. Have you seen those David Beckham underwear ads?!?
We all saw his junk in the movie Shame. Prometheus co-star Charlize Theron even went so far as to say Fassbender’s “penis was a revelation” and she is “available to work with it any time.”
We are not posting any Shemar Moore naked photos here. But they exist online. And they back up this point.
Chuck Lorre once ran into Ben Affleck at a urinal and told fans at Comic-Con: “Yes, I peeked. And yes… he can play Batman.”
Ralph Fiennes is so large down there, he had to have several inches of his penis digitally removed for the movie Red Dragon. Director Brett Ratner apparently deemed it so big that it would be distracting to viewers.
In a memoir, Janice Dickinson wrote two things about what Liam Neeson packs on a daily basis: “Biggest Penis of Any Man Alive” and “He unzipped his pants, and an Evian bottle fell out.”
An ex-sex buddy of Mr. Beyonce once said his penis is “like a one-liter Pepsi bottle. What do you call those things? The 20-ounce bottle. It’s beyond huge. It could block the sun.”
Once again, the videotape speaks for itself. There’s a reason Tommy Lee wanted to film himself sticking it to Pamela Anderson.
Antichrist director Lars von Trier said of the star: “Everybody got very confused when they saw” his penis because it was so sizable.
Someone once said Dan Rather that “he is as hung as he is handsome and intelligent.”
Gary Griffin, the author of Penis Size and Enlargement, describes Eddie Murphy as being “very well hung – probably in the 8-9” range. We’re not shocked.
Last but not least, there is no disputing this bad boy.
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ABC’s “What Would You Do?” hosted by John Quinones is known for creating uncomfortable situations with everyday people and capturing their reactions.
Last week’s episode featured “Rachel,” an actress playing a hairstylist at Harlem barbershop Denny Moe’s who is flirting with a Black male patron. When his White girlfriend walks in, she immediately begins loudly criticizing him and making snide comments about her. Hidden cameras capture the reactions—ranging from those who ignored “Rachel’s” shenanigans to those who called her out for being “ignorant” and “racist.”
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The video has gone viral and sparked interesting social media conversations about race relations and the controversial claim of “reverse racism.”
Check out the video below and tell us in the comments or on our NewsOne Facebook Page : “ What would you do? ”
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Queen Sugar stars Kofi Siriboe and Bianca Lawson discuss the beauty of Black love, in its many complexities as it pertains to the hit series’ ...
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Queen Sugar stars Kofi Siriboe and Bianca Lawson discuss the beauty of Black love, in its many complexities as it pertains to the hit series’ …
Since 1945, EBONY magazine has shined a spotlight on the worlds of Black people in America and worldwide. Our commitment to showcasing the best and brightest as well as highlighting disparities in Black life has been, and will always be, cornerstone to EBONY.

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