Ebony Throat

Ebony Throat


Транскрипция и произношение слова "throat" в британском и американском вариантах. Подробный перевод и примеры.
throat, neck, larynx, gorge, gizzard, whistle
pharynx, throat, swallow, gullet, larynx, gob
mouth, pharynx, throat, fauces, chops
mumble, mutter, murmur, babble, burble, throat
The infection spreads from the nose or throat through the Eustachian tube, a passage between the throat and the middle ear.
He allowed his hand to trail down her neck and across her throat .
Destine nodded, trailing her fingers across the front of his throat .
Her palm was wrapped around the front of his throat , and he gagged once or twice.
The infection spreads from the nose or throat through the Eustachian tube, a passage between the throat and the middle ear.
Suddenly a pair of hands grabbed her throat from in front of her and began to choke her.
When you have a cold, the tiny tube that connects your throat and middle ear is often blocked.
His mouth trails down the column of my neck, my throat bare and arched up towards him in an attitude of complete submission and surrender.
They had decided to meet the Utuku in the narrow throat in the Papti Plain between the Lolopopo Swamp and the great bend of the Adkapo.
What we have to imagine now is that a tiny piece of that skin is pinched off, forming a little blister connected to the Universe by a narrow throat - the black hole.
The hospital will use the money to buy a laser to treat abnormal lining in the throat which can lead to oesophageal cancer.
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