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Based in Los Angeles, MJ is a journalist and blogger who covers the LGBTQ community. Identifying as gender-queer, MJ focuses on topics that touch on a variety of life issues impacting men, women and non-binary individuals. Look for posts on science, dating, relationships, and culture.

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Looking for pictures of sexy, hot black men ? Do attractive black guys inspire you? Hoping to see African American men that are well built, handsome, and beautiful?
If the answer is yes, you have come to the right place. I love black guys and have been attracted to them for my entire life. When I think about it, there isn’t one specific reason why.
Maybe it has something to do with gravitating towards guys who are darker?
Trying to find photos of hot black guys isn’t difficult. That said, it’s critical to know the search terms. A friend of mine, who happens to be from Cameroon, suggested to me that I input words like “Chocolate Men” and “Brown Guys” when searching the internet.
Having nothing to lose, I figured why not. Well, it turns out that her advice was dead on. The truth is I was able to find TONS of pictures of super-hot black men with different skin tones.
I’ve taken the liberty of breaking down the different shades of black men, based on research and conversations with others. Obviously, my list isn’t complete, but it does cover much of the gambit.
People often wonder about skin color variation. In other words, why do some people have fair colored skin and others have a darker color?
According to information published on the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History , the reason can be traced to adaptation and the location of early man in his relationship with the sun.
Our ancestors were in constant search for food, causing them to move into hot, open areas where food and water were abundant. Because of harmful ultraviolet rays caused by the sun’s light, homo erectus [early man] evolved during the Pleistocene Epoch into darker tones to protect the dermis from damage.
Melanin, a complex polymer made from the amino acid tyrosine, is responsible for skin pigmentation. It also is the lead agent behind hair and eye color. For example, guys with blue eyes have an iris that melanin pigmentation that gives them their blue look.
I won't bog you down with science, except to say that the closer early man lived to the equator, the stronger the sun exposure. As a result, humans adapted with darker skin tones, super-charged by melanin.
For example, someone who has native roots traced to Nigeria may have darker pigmentation than an individual from Morocco. If you happen to be black or want to know about your ancestral roots, I highly recommend order an Ancestry DNA kit ( see Amazon ).
There are other causes of skin color variation in black and brown people. Some of these you can guess, and others might cause you to pause and think.
If you want to know more about what influences skin color, consider watching the video below. Interested in skin care tips to help you look amazing? See this men's skin care guide routine .
Let’s take a look at fifty hot black guys in pictures. Some are male models and some are not. Maybe you will recognize a few of these attractive black men?
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Posted in Categories Black Male Celebrities , Gay Male Celebrities | on March 2, 2020 November 6, 2015 by Pimmy Watson
© 2022 Famewatcher • Built with GeneratePress
Here’s a list of ten black gay male celebrities for those of you who are looking. You know who you are, honey. Of course, we have to begin the list with a man who is very much in the news these days after he came out as a gay man.
1. Yusaf Mack . The professional boxer admitted that he is also into guys after he was caught performing in an adult movie with two other dudes. The 35-year-old father of ten kids has a winning record as a pro; in a total of 41 boxing matches, he recorded 31 wins (17 by knockouts), 8 losses, and 2 draws.
2. Michael Sam . Michael may have jeopardized his unrealized career as an American footballer in the National Football League (NFL) when he came out. Sad, no? Still, we give him props for paving a way for closeted footballers to pass through in the future.
3. Don Lemon . Disliked by some for saying un-PC things, CNN’s Don Lemon is currently the most visible gay black man in mainstream media.
4. Jason Collins . Jason Collins with Congressman Joe Kennedy during the 2013 Boston Pride March. Jason came out while still playing basketball at the National Basketball Association (NBA).
5. RuPaul Andre Charles . RuPaul probably deserves the credit for making drag performing mainstream, no? If you can think of a different person who popularized drag, do tell in the comments.
6. Frank Ocean . Who says there are no gay rappers? Certainly not rapper Frank Ocean who came out in 2012. Who says the black community is homophobic? Certainly not Jay-Z and Beyonce and other black celebrities who voiced out their support to Frank when he came out.
7. Lee Daniels . Lee Daniels with boyfriend Jahil Fisher . If you are looking for a person to thank for bringing us the fabulousness of Cookie Lyons on Empire, Lee Daniels is the man.
8-9. Andre Leon Talley and Miss J. Alexander . Who is more fabulous? ALT or Miss J? We love us our Miss J (who doesn’t?) but we gotta give it to ALT because he is an icon extraordinaire and nothing can beat that. Right, Tyra?
10-11. Milan Christopher and Miles Brock aka the gay couple in Love and Hip Hop. We gotta thank Wendy Williams for introducing us to Miles and Milan. These two may be the Ross and Rachel of the hiphop community because they have apparently broken up after they appeared on Wendy’s show. When will they get back together?
12. Emile Griffith . Emile lived at a time when being gay was still classified as a disease by the American Medical Association. This did not stop him from establishing a winning record as a professional boxer (85 wins, 24 losses, and 2 draws).
That’s it for now. We know there are more famous gay brothers out there so expect a part 2 on this topic of black gay male celebrities in the world of sports, media, music, Hollywood, fashion, and more.
We blog about hot male celebrities from their washboard abs, boxers or briefs underwear preferences, sculpted muscles, movies and TV shows, and sometimes their shenanigans.

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Black stereotypes. They plague both the men and women of our community. We’ve already covered 9 Stereotypes Of Black Women That Aren’t Always True , but now, men, it’s your turn to prove (some of) these rumors wrong.
This one is bound to start some discussion. Upon googling ‘Black men big penis true?’, you’ll find a range of references to an unemployed white man from Brooklyn named John Falcon, who’s apparently the owner of the world’s largest.
Research however will tell you that there is in fact no truth to the debate about differences in size across the races. It is certainly not a guarantee that the next black man you meet will outdo John Falcon in the size department but in terms of a continued discussion about this myth, we’ll leave it with you.
While Black men suffer from some of the highest rates of unemployment in America, psychologists will confirm that this is in no way related to choice. Men in general are hardwired to want to provide for their families and so will pursue any means possible to achieve that goal. ‘Not wanting to work’ is a negative stereotype of black men that is certainly not true in the grand majority of cases of unemployment.
3. Black Men Are Extremely Sexually Virile
Can we keep this one as it is? What do you think?
Any major sporting event features an array of muscular, testosterone-filled black men. But, ‘Look at them! Now look at your man! And back to them! Now look at your man!’
Popular urban culture and Hollywood have perpetuated the myth of the black man as a player. This is in fact not true of black men in particular. All human beings must actively resist polygamy in their lives because of the pressures of evolution, which tell us to procreate with as many people as possible, and society, which dictates that we remain faithful to our chosen partner.
Now this one depends largely on who you ask. Interracial marriage is on the rise in America and the perception that black men like white women may stem from the fact that it is becoming more socially acceptable and therefore more common. In the end, a man and a woman will be together for reasons of personal compatibility, not race.
7. Black Men Don’t Take Care Of Their Children
A good black man will be a wonderful father to his children no matter what the circumstances. The trick is to avoid those who might take the easy way out of hard circumstances – of these there are plenty and they’re all shapes, sizes and colors.
This stereotype is like a bad joke gone worse. Urban and pop cultures have played on this perception to the point that those who unfamiliar with black people maintain some crazy ideas about our world.
The only reason people become known for dancing well is that one good mover can overshadow the 5 others who just escaped through the fire exit to avoid being pulled onto the dance floor.
We want to hear from you. What do you think about the validity of some of these stereotypes?
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