Eating Out 3 Streaming Vf

Eating Out 3 Streaming Vf


Eating Out 3 Streaming Vf
Доступ к информационному ресурсу ограничен на основании Федерального закона от 27 июля 2006 г. № 149-ФЗ «Об информации, информационных технологиях и о защите информации».

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Caleb, a hunky poli-sci major fresh off a breakup with the aggressive Tiffany, is shocked when his gay roommate, Kyle, lets him in on a little secret: Gay men can get any girl they want. Armed with this tasty tidbit of knowledge, Caleb agrees to a plan hatched by Kyle, and finds himself pretending to be gay to woo Gwen, a smart-mouthed cutie with a penchant for boys who like boys.
Regie Q. Allan Brocka Hauptdarsteller Scott Lunsford , Jim Verraros , Emily Brooke Stiles Genre Komödien , LGBTQ Untertitel English [CC] Wiedergabesprachen English
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Nebendarsteller Ryan Carnes , Rebekah Kochan Produzenten Phillip J. Bartell , Daniel Hatch , Danielle Probst , Jeffrey Schwarz , Michael Shoel Studio Ariztical Entertainment Inhaltsempfehlung Alkoholkonsum , Nacktheit , Schimpfwörter , sexuelle Inhalte , Gewalt Kaufrechte Direkt streamen Details Format Prime Video (Online-Video wird gestreamt) Geräte Kann auf unterstützten Geräten angesehen werden
Seano Am 19. Juni 2006 in den USA rezensiert
This is a farce, a comedy of the absurd, where roles and plotlines are exaggerated to create a level of comedy well above our usual standards or expectations. To suspend disbelief is to allow oneself to be entertained. So it is that we might believe that in one party on one evening the stars allign and the straight guy posing as a newly out gay guy will win over the fag hag, (who hangs with gay men trying to cure them and experiences heartbreak after heartbreak) while at the same time landing the hotty roommate of the fag hag. Got it? Yikes! Did I mention the straight guy is playing the role because his roommate who is gay, believes that ultimately he will land the hotty and his roommate will disclose the farce to the woman and all will be perfect? The plot is definately above and beyond reality. That is half the fun of this comedy. The roommate who devises this plan, played by American Idol contestant Jim Verraros, as Kyle, is neither a jock or twink. Kyle is average and secretly adores Marc, played by Ryan Carnes. Marc is a handsome, sculpted blonde, who studies music at the same university as Kyle. Marc is the type who can have almost anything he wants, as we see in an early scene when he hooks up in a broom closet with another hotty, but calls it quits when his man refuses to kiss. Caleb is Kyles roommate, the straight guy who plays it gay. Caleb is handsome and typifies the ideal boyfriend from all the John Hughes films of the 80s...he is a jock, has a great body, dark hair, is a little slow, and seems genuinely nice. Caleb is played by Scott Lunsford. Caleb actually goes so far as to date Marc, and is involved in a menage a trois of sorts with Marc and Gwen. Gwen is played by Emily Hands. This encounter is interesting in that Caleb is left confused by the sexual experiment of sorts and the manner in which it all occurred. Kyle worries that Caleb says little when he comes home. Marc and Gwen each fall for Caleb. Confused that the plot has backfired, Kyle arranges for a dinner party for the four of them, and adds Calebs Mom, Dad and sister to round out the climax of the farce. Dinner is interrupted by the gilted ex girlfriend of Caleb, who enters the scene in what is likely the most absurd comedic flaw in the plot. I imagined a drumbeat and stripper whistle from a burlesque show to play whenever she spoke. Having not been invited, and contributing little to the overall story, this character hurts the film and detracts from what silliness should prevail. The parts of Calebs mom and dad and sister were shallow, dimensionless and flat. It is tough to determine if they are being comedic or just bad actors when they spout their untraditional response to revelations at the dinner table. Any criticism of them is just and appropriate. By dinners end, Caleb had been "outed" by Gwen, and then revealed he is straight to everyone. Gwen offends Kyle with one of the most harsh, meanspirited moments in film, and yet remains attractive to Caleb. Marc, confused and now realizing that the scheme had him involved with a straight guy who would never really be into him, goes to comfort Kyle and reveals in his conversation with Kyle that he always admired Kyle from afar. Kyle asks why Marc always acted like he didnt know Kyle and went as far as to address him with a different name everytime they spoke. Marc says he doesnt know why, but thats all in the past. Handsome Marc wants to build a relationship with average Kyle (at then end of the DVD I bought, there is a few scenes of them together, after the closing credits). Okay, so this was a farce, right? So our disbelief must remain in tact. Before anything there was Kyle and Caleb two good friends, one gay and one straight. One might watch the film and wonder why Caleb would want Gwen who was as cruel as ever to Kyle. One might also be skeptical of the Kyle/Marc affair, too. But this is a comedy and a farce. It shouldnt all be neat and clean at the end and we dont see the ending as it might have been in a drama or a tragedy. I think the story was entertaining and better than a heck of a lot more comedies I'd seen over the years. The gay plot was an interesting twist and I think this was a brave effort on everyones part. Jim V. did a good bit of acting and was convinceing in his role. I came to like Caleb as a character and will look on for his other work. Gwen was average and unremarkable. Marc was handsome and a darn good actor, his physical comedy timing is good, and his expressions and gestures exceptional. You could sense his hesitationa and frustration with Caleb. And you cannot exclude from the review that Caleb and Marc are nude in a scene, which is tasteful and not gratuitous. Eating Out is a farce. It is a comedy. It is to be enjoyed for what it is and not for what others mistake it might have been.
RBJ Am 24. November 2005 in den USA rezensiert
Can we agree that the ideal is that art imitates life and not life imitates art? Eating Out is an artistic imitation of a real segment of life. No matter how much one may despise these "stereotypes," they are indeed fashioned after real people. Every single character represents someone or something that I have known in my life. I'm not saying that I think positively of these types, but they do indeed exist as real people. Thus, Eating Out is successful since it imitates life, the goal of most art. What more does it need do? If some of these types have wounded you personally in love or otherwise, how can bashing this movie be any real revenge or satisfaction? This film is mediocre, but it does live up to its reputation and expectation. Whoever expected this to be Oscar caliber deserves to be disappointed. It always appeared as light-hearted comedy with a gay theme, which it is, and it doesn't need to be more than that. All the actors are cute or handsome. And, if the acting seemed fake and shallow, then the types the characters are modeled on are fake and shallow too. The direction is dead on for getting the superficiality correct. I live in Los Angeles and go to West Hollywood sometimes. But I've seen this same syndrome in Tampa Florida. There are so many people in the age of cellular phones as fashion and coffee shops as home-away-from-home who use manufactured facades (and who can blame them) that what was status quo behavior in the 60s, 70s, or even 80s just ain't happening now. Things change. The world is such a cold, scary, increasingly high-tech place that it is no wonder that people are increasingly automatic, mechanical, superficial, whatever, . . . Some of you reviewers should just look in the mirror to figure this one out. We'll all have to accept the fact that sophistication is the reward and consequence of technology, and its cost is simplicity, honesty, even real love. One sad observation about life today is that "gays" are too sanitized consequential to trying too hard to act straight, or to pass as straight. And what should be the hallmark of homosexual men-creativity, courage, style-I'm afraid may becoming more true of heterosexual men, who are not afraid of looking or acting gay. Thus the term Metrosexual was born. This concept may not last forever, but the fact that it even started is very significant. Hmmmm? Gays who I thought were so cute in that quaint "queeny" style are almost non-existent. I suppose that is not professional, when professionalism is worth selling your soul for. OK then. However, anyone actually ashamed of their sexual orientation shouldn't spew their resentment on those who may be proud. Think about all the closeted, bland, despicable homosexuals you may know, and the adverse affect they have on the gay community at large. Maybe some homosexuals must pass into corporate America to benefit all, but I'll always love and remember the "happy and gay" attitude gays had, in sharp contrast to self-loathing and excessive envy. Gwen (the blond babe) was cute and reminds me of the type of gay male who lived freely. I felt Oscar Wilde's votary had written her dialogue. I just laughed and laughed whenever she was on screen. I'd love to date her, and would consider any lengths to do so. Kyle (Jim Verraros) was dead on for the lonely, underrated gay male who is, in fact, a great catch, much like a diamond in the rough. Caleb (Scott Lunsford) was totally in character as the sensitive stud pretending to be gay to get Gwen. So many guys in my youth were just like him. They were both masculine and sensitive at the same time. In a stretch, you can imagine Bill Clinton as Caleb (he, he, he). Marc (Ryan Carnes), Gwen's roommate, didn't faze me one way or the other, although I understand what most reviewers see in him. Stay away from this film if you expect more than a light-hearted comedy that banks on frontal nudity and vulgarity. Try Johns, Orlando, Six-Degrees of Separation, or Gods and Monsters if you want gay-themed masterpieces. This movie gets three stars (not 4 or 5) from me simply for reminding us that being gay is supposed to be "different" from being straight and a whole lot more fun.
PattyT Am 19. Oktober 2016 in den USA rezensiert
I somehow stumbled upon this movie and, before I knew it, I was watching it mostly because it was soooooooo campy and the stereotypes were just so obvious. This is an older film (2005) so I can forgive a little of the stereotypical stuff, I suppose. Half into the movie, I somehow found myself enthralled with it. Not in a "This is an amazing movie!" kind of way but in a "This is nuts but works." kind of way. I have no idea who any of the actors are but they all did a good job with a crazy plot line. The story line is that a straight college guy living with his gay friend is persuaded to pretend he is gay to get a girl who happens to live with a gay guy and only is attracted to homosexual men. CRAZY, right? The crazier thing is that this is not really a comedy. It is a drama for the most part and is serious about three quarters of the time. Somehow, the acting made the movie bearable at least until near the end when things get a little crazy and downright dumb. Although the movie is dated and it lacks a lot, it does sort of bring to light some sexual questions and is actually ahead of its time in parts. Not to spoil the already thin plot, let's just say that the envelope was pushed in this movie. All I can say is the four main actors saved a hopeless plot and kept me watching until the end when I then wondered what in the world I had just seen. if you're not offended by male on male gay affection on screen (No sex but sexual situations and one quick frontal shot of two males), this is a movie that is way different than anything I can think of. I am one of those people who get very bored easily yet I hung in there and actually sort of got involved with the characters to an extent. It's different and dated but it's not as bad as I expected considering the title and the plot line.
Amazon Customer Am 8. Juni 2021 in den USA rezensiert
It was one of the funniest movie I have seen in a while. The plot is mediocre, the acting is commendable, but the humor is outstanding. I laughed many times throughout and don't regret pressing play...
Terran Am 4. November 2005 in den USA rezensiert
This film has the single worst commentary track I've ever heard, and that's it for the extras. Totally uninformative, and only enlightening if you want details on how the female lead of the film really sounds in bed. Actually, the female lead is the main problem with the film on-screen as well, though that's probably the fault of the screenplay. The hero of the film, a straight man desperate to have a new girlfriend, seems totally besotted with her for no discernible reason, except she's there. If he'd just wanted sex, there are easier ways to go about getting it. He's attractive, and so are the other two men in the film, straight guy's roommate, long time longing for him, and the straight girl's gay roommate. Both gay guys are busy lusting after the straight boy. And though the gay roommate is supposed to be a 5 out of 10, actually the actor is too attractive for the loser character he's supposed to be. The "darting" relationship between the two gay roommates as they run into each other is actually the most fun and enlightening relationship in the film, in a romance novel kind of way. Otherwise, there's a very peculiar phone sex scene that leaves all the characters troubled over it afterwards, and finally some totally gratuitous male FF nudity that is welcome without being lascivious. So the film is a mixed bag, positive on the male front, totally mystifying when it comes to the females. Quite deadpan funny parents for straight guy, as well.
B ME Am 12. Mai 2006 in den USA rezensiert
This movie was a delight. I almost didn't get it due to the negative reviews. Sure it won't win an Oscar but who cares? If you get hooked up on reality you wouldn't watch or buy most stuff! Yes there is some over-acting but have you seen Dante's Cove? Now that is over acting - or more likely NO acting! I think Eating Out is a light, sweet, love conquers all movie. It isn't hard core - it is a love story. Well two really - one hetero and one gay. Eating Out shows that the journey is as interesting as the destination - sometimes more so. The phone sex scene adds a whole new dimension to the concept - I don't care if it isn't 'reality', I liked it! My favourite favourite scene was the kissing scene at the end - beautiful gay kiss yummm. Often done badly - this looked natural. It's that LOVE story thing for me - can't get enough of a happy ending, and some unrequited love being requited:0) Then you get the bonus kiss and make out session in the Special Features...again yummm and a nice surprise. So if you want to be delighted and titilated then this is the movie - if not rent it on a rainy Sunday afternoon. You might get a nice surprise, I did! It makes me smile, who couldn't do with a smile?
NWDixieboy Am 2. März 2020 in den USA rezensiert
What makes this film for me are the women. They are so so funny. The opening scene is such a riot. This film would not have worked at all but all the main actors did a very fine job with their parts. The phone sex scene is one of the sexiest scenes in any LGBT theatrical movie. I have seen it several times and it is always so fun and delicious.
Kian2002 Am 8. September 2005 in den USA rezensiert
I did have some reservations about buying this product as it would be coming from the US and I live in Europe. So I expected it would be weeks before it arrived but happily it was there before the Amazon due date. The film itself I bought because I like the concept behind it, and to be honest the fact that Ryan Carnes would be getting his nob out in the film aswell. But to be frank I was really surprised by the acting, the quality of performance delivered by the actors on screen was excellent and did distract me from ogling Mr Carnes and his friend with the washboard stomach. The commentary supplied by the director and some of the cast was inciteful and gave a depth to the libretto. All in all this is an great of example of what can be achieved with reasonably priced actors and a talented writer and director. Highly recommended.

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