Eat Her Pussy Right

Eat Her Pussy Right


Eat Her Pussy Right
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Home Oral Eating Pussy 10 Positions for Eating Pussy That Will Drive Her Wild
Rachel Foster is a freelance writer from San Diego who specializes in health and wellness. Follow her on Twitter @racheIfoster
These hot oral sex positions take eating pussy to new heights
Surprise your woman with these highly pleasurable positions for perfoming oral on her. Most are super easy to perform, but a few are for the more adverturous.
Sometimes it’s best to go back to basics. This one is simple, easy, and comfortable. It allows the lady to lay on her back, bend her knees, and spread her legs. The man can lay on his stomach and preform oral with ease.
Most of the time you want to tease her pussy before you eat it. This is comfortable position to kiss her inner thighs, or let her feel your breath.
Great sex position for those more submissive men out there. For this one the guy is crouched on the floor under his partner, while she can comfortably stand with one leg propped up.
It’s easy to do. Let her put a foot a couch or chair while you kneel and eat her out.
From this position you can easily lick her click and finger fuck a woman until she’s doe-eyed and her legs are shaking.
Don’t tell me you haven’t thought about sex acts while watching women assume yoga poses. The downward dog, in particular, is a position practically designed for eating her pussy. Or, if you prefer, eating ass .
While you lick her inner lips, use your thumbs to gently spread her outer labia or massage around her clit.
The classic pose where she sits on the edge of a bed or raised surface with her legs spread, and you kneel in front of her paying homage to her pussy.
Some women are confident enough to spread their legs wide and let you in; others aren’t. If you can’t get full access or her lips are getting in your way, put your hands to good use.
There’s a reason this is a classic: It’s so damned easy. You both have easy access to each other, and it requires no gymnastic ability — an all around winner.
Both of you have two hands free, so there’s no excuse for you to keep them to yourself. Let them explore every inch of each other.
While she’s sucking your cock, suck her clit into your mouth. While you hold her clit between your lips, flick the tip with your tongue. Start off slow and gradually build up speed.
For these type of cunnilingus, she straddles her partner with her pussy right over his face. It’s similar to “69” but she’s sitting upright.
This is the ideal position for her to grind. Keep your tongue straight and flat, use your hands on her thighs to guide her as she grinds herself against your mouth.
She is also within arms reach of his cock. If she so pleases, she can tease you while you’re giving her oral.
It looks difficult because it is. My partner complains of neck pain if we are in this position for extended amounts of time.
While it is extremely pleasurable because of how exposed and close she is to my face, it does stress her upper back.
This one is best used after edging her close to orgasm, then letting her finish in this position while blood rushes to her head.
Try this relaxed version of the classic 69, you might not realize just how good of an oral sex position it can be.
While laying on top of each other is all fun and nice, try spicing it up by doing it from a spooning position laying on your sides.
Talk about lazy bliss for the woman. She can simply curl up on her side and enjoy being pleasured. She can also use her upper thigh to adjust her partner’s head position accordingly to ensure he’s licking to her liking.
Have her kneel on the bed with the tops of her feet resting over the edge. Her upper body should be stretched forward comfortably on the bed.
Hold her butt and lick between the inner lips of her pussy and up and down over her clit. Since her vulva is upside-down, your nose is going to be pressed against her perineum.
It leaves so many different opportunities for you to stimulate her clit and anus. You can use a small vibrator to really ramp up the pleasure!
Any of these 10 positions will set you apart from the average guy, but do you want to go all the way and really drive your woman wild?
Well here’s an interesting offer that I found that will teach you the art of eating pussy and the science. It’s called Learn 2 Lick and it’s a complete multi-media course.
This legendary cunnilingus encyclopedia contains dozens of techniques for eating a girl out, explained in detail. Check it out and you’ll find a variety of sexy ideas, including how to get her into the right mindset, all of her secret erogenous zones, foreplay, positions, aftercare, and more.
If you want to really WOW!!! your woman with the kind of sex skills that will leave her addicted to you, then watch the video .

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7 Steps to Eat Her Pussy Out – For Max Pleasure
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Giving the woman you love the true sexual pleasure that she CRAVES is NOT easy…
But in this article (and in our training videos), I’ll show you exactly how you can make it not only EASY but effortless.
Do you want to give her an orgasm that runs up her spine and makes her toes curl just thinking about it?
Then read this article from start to finish.
The truth is, if you don’t know about these techniques then you risk losing your woman to a guy who does know them…
I’m going to show you how to eat a girl so that you almost guarantee she has an orgasm.
I’m going to show you how to use your tongue to make a woman addicted to you.
Eating pussy is an art form – and it’s something every guy should learn how to do if he wants to give his partner the ultimate gift.
Getting your woman in the right frame of mind is one of the most crucial aspects of being able to give her an orgasm.
Women are emotional creatures, and it’s literally impossible to give her an orgasm while she remains in a logical frame of mind (like when she’s just finished work or is stressed out).
This is why scientists always find it hard to study the female orgasm.
It is your duty and responsibility to get her relaxed, and turn her on so that she forgets about the stresses and worries of life. Foreplay is literally the art of taking a woman’s mind from a logical state to a physical/emotional state.
REMEMBER: When it comes to arousal, logic is the enemy .
No woman has ever had an orgasm whilst doing algebra. Yet guys often tell me the only times their girlfriends have had orgasms is during makeup sex after an argument when emotions are running wild.
Your only goal in foreplay is to help her get into this emotional state where she can let go.
Getting “turned on” is about turning on the emotional/physical side of her mind and body.
And unlike men, women take much longer to get in the mood. Maybe you can get an erection and get ready for sex within 10 seconds, for women it could take half an hour or more.
This is when the sexual energy and arousal build up.
Teasing and foreplay are where the power of the orgasm comes from. Imagine you have a huge bucket at the top of a ladder. The bucket holds water, but first, you need to fill up the bucket with water.
Your aim with the bucket is to make the biggest and most dramatic explosion possible when you finally decide to push the bucket of water off the ladder. You could just put a little bit of water in the bucket and then push it off. But the explosion of water wouldn’t be very big.
You could spend more time filling up the bucket and when you finally pushed the bucket off the ladder the explosion was huge.
The water is like female sexual energy. It needs time and foreplay to build up, but the longer you take to build up her energy, the bigger the orgasm explosion will be at the end. I’ve written a complete guide about how to make a woman wet right here.
One of the best ways to increase anticipation and excitement is to use props.
Because women can also be very self-conscious about sex, and especially about when they get their vagina licked out, a blindfold can be a great way to make her feel less self-conscious, and instead just enjoy the sensations.
Using a blindfold on her also has the extra effect of reducing one of her senses. When her sight is switched off her perception of touch will massively increase.
She will feel the sensations and stimulation from her pussy so much more.
It’s also slightly scary wearing a blindfold. You will have complete control over her (which women love) and her sense of excitement and anticipation will increase.
You can take her level of excitement and kink further by handcuffing her to the bed. You can either use prop handcuffs, for a more spontaneous feel, use your belt or a tie to tie her hands to the bed.
This, in combination with the blindfold and what I’m about to teach you, is the beginning of what will be one of the most exciting, powerful, sensual, and loving orgasms she will ever have.
No other guy will be able to compare to the orgasm you will give her if you follow these instructions carefully.
There are 5 different ways to stimulate her pussy with your mouth. Each technique has its own advantages and sensations, so you’ll want to use all methods at different stages of arousal.
You should also study her reactions to she which method she likes the most. Some women have very sensitive vaginas, they prefer the lighter methods.
Some women need a stronger sensation to have an orgasm, so you will need to start with methods 1 and 2 before going on to the rest.
Don’t go straight to her vagina. Start by kissing her body and then work your way down. Tease her. Make every single nerve in her body come alive with sexual tension.
Blowing on her pussy is a great form of arousal, foreplay, and teasing. The light, subtle sensation will begin to create sexual energy and tension (which gets released in an orgasm).
The blowing is very light, it teases and tickles her. It draws her attention and focus to the subtle sensations she feels in her pussy. This is exactly what you want. You want her in a state of hypersensitivity. Every never in her vagina will start tingling with sensations.
This is setting the stage for the other methods that will eventually tip her over the edge and into a body-trembling orgasm.
Licking is next. You can now start to use your tongue in light motions across her sensitive parts.
It’s important to make your movements light and unpredictable to start with. You still want to tease her. You still want her to be waiting in anticipation (as her sexual energy continues to build).
Keep her guessing about when and how you will lick her next.
As her level of sexual arousal continues to rise, now you can begin to really start licking her out (and most importantly her clit).
The up and down motion, softly across her clit is usually the best option.
You should vary your strokes. From slow and soft to fast and hard. Always look for her reactions so you can see or hear what she likes best.
Kissing her cooch is a great way to show how much you care about her. You shouldn’t kiss her vagina for too long though, but your kissing should be mixed in with the other methods.
Sucking is the next stage of pleasure and most women LOVE having their pussy sucked. Now you can start using your whole mouth to stimulate not just her clit, but the rest of her too.
As her arousal levels climb higher and higher she’ll soon be ready for orgasm but you should continue building more and more.
Increase the speed and intensity of the sucking.
Always remember to tease and go two steps forward, one step back. Suck on her female bits for a while, then step back and kiss, lick and blow before carrying on.
Motorboating is the final method that you’ll use. It is perhaps the most powerful. Here’s how to do it…
Rest your lips gently around her pussy. Have your lips so they are just lightly touching and then blow out so that your lips vibrate back and forth.
This is called motorboating and sends vibrations down through her pussy. These act like shockwaves that can trigger an orgasm to take place.
Many women claim this is one of their favorite sensations.
You can alter the speed, power, and frequency of the vibrations by holding your lips tighter, or blowing harder.
With the motorboating method, you’ll want to hold your lips over her clit and the opening to her vagina, although you can move it around and see where provides the best stimulation.
Humming is similar to motorboating but instead of actually letting your lips move, you simply rest your mouth against her vagina and hum softly.
This sends vibrations directly into her pussy that are extremely pleasurable.
For the best results, go back and forth between the methods. Mix it up and keep her guessing.
However, when you feel like she is very close to orgasm, then stick to the method that got her there and don’t change it too much.
This is a great little trick that can really drive a woman wild and can be a great way to learn exactly how your girlfriend or wife likes to have her pussy eaten.
As you continue to eat her out, take your thumb or index finger and slowly insert it into her mouth. Tell her that you want her to lick and suck on it exactly how she wants it on her female parts.
As she begins to lick and suck on your finger, copy that motion exactly onto her pussy. She will know what she likes and she will show you.
Copy her motions as she licks, sucks, massages and swirls your finger.
This is a neat trick to learn how your partner likes it. But don’t use it too often. Women like the man to take control, and they like to relax as you do the work.
Eating her out with your mouth is one thing, but now you need to add another sensation to the mix.
This will involve inserting a finger or two into her so that you can stimulate her g-spot at the same time as her clit.
As you can imagine, stimulating her g-spot and her clit at the same time will give her twice the amount of pleasure and the ‘simultaneous orgasm’ that will happen as a result is extremely powerful and intense for her.
Slipping a finger in her puss isn’t the only way you can give her even more pleasure.
You can massage her ass using your fingers – something a lot of women find intensely pleasurable and exciting – and it’s also possible to give them anal orgasms .
You will need to use lubrication for this though – it is absolutely essential.
I also recommend using a condom. Put your two fingers inside a condom and take a large dollop of lube onto the fingers.
As you continue to eat her out slowly tease her ass. As she relaxes, begin inserting your two fingers (with a condom on and plenty of lube) slowly into her ass.
Be gentle and slow and make sure she stays relaxed.
The sensation of having her clit stimulated by your tongue – plus the sensation of having her bum massaged with your finger up her bum will be unique, exciting, and extremely pleasurable.
Some women love this sensation so much, but since you only have two hands you may need to remove your fingers at some point.
In this case, you can use a butt plug to give her a similar sensation while you continue to use both your hands in other ways.
This brings me onto my next trick… 
Using a vibrator can be a sneaky trick to give her even more pleasure as the vibrations move through her body almost forcing her to have an orgasm.
However, as guys, most of us don’t have a vibrator, so this is what I recommend and have found to work amazingly well.
Most convenience stores sell condoms, but many now also sell lube and vibrating cock rings. Go and grab one of the Durex vibrating cock rings (and grab the lube as well).
You won’t be using the cock ring yourself (unless you want to) but the vibrator is the perfect, and discreet toy to rest on the top of your girl’s pussy.
Yes, that’s right, take the vibrating cock ring (Durex make a small, cheap, and disposable version which is perfect) and hold it with two fingers.
Place the vibrator gently onto the top of your girl’s pussy, just above the clit.
Do this very slowly at first. Tease her.
Women love a man who takes control and shows experience in the bedroom, so don’t worry about using a vibrator on her.
It will show that you are thoughtful and experienced and you know how to please her sexually.
With the vibrator pressed against the top of her vagina, begin eating her out again – follow the instructions before.
Move the vibrator closer to her clit, as you continue to eat her out.
The double sensation of the vibration plus the movement of your tongue on her clit will drive her absolutely wild.
Do this right and she will have orgasm after orgasm – she won’t be able to control herself.
Now, as you rest the vibrator on her clit, and you continue to massage her labia with your mouth, take your other hand.
Using the lube (and a condom if necessary) begin to tickle her bum.
Slowly and gently insert one or two fingers into her bum, as you continue to eat her out and with the vibrator held in place with your other hand.
This is the ultimate stimulation for a women. Some women even find the huge amounts of pleasure unbearable .
Her body will tremble and shake when you do this.
When you lick her out you should also have a feel for her state of arousal.
If you feel like she’s about to have an orgasm, slightly slow down the pace and bring her back from the edge of climax. Doing this a few times will allow her to get into a higher and higher state of arousal before she finally climaxes.
And when she finally does cum with your tongue on her clit it will be one
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