Easy Skin Care Routine For Healthy Skin

Easy Skin Care Routine For Healthy Skin

Dr Niketa Sonavane, Dermatologist, Mumbai.

With the beauty aisles practically overflowing with ostensibly "must-haves," figuring out a skincare routine is more difficult than ever. Beauty and skin shopping is often more confusing than helpful due to crowded shelves and too-good-to-be-true claims. I mean, how many necessities does one person really require?

We all know that caring for your skin is important for both overall health and reducing the signs of ageing, but with so many new products and wild beauty trends popping up everywhere, finding a simple skincare routine, let alone sticking to it, appears nearly impossible.

Even if you're determined to keep your skincare routine as simple as possible, there are a few ground rules to follow.

Use a gentle cleanser on a daily basis.

Your skin takes a beating from the moment you wake up to the moment you go to sleep. The skin is damaged and ages as a result of exposure to harmful UV rays, pollution, and routine activity.

Before going to bed, wash your face. You must remove the day's grime from your face in order for your skin to repair itself and prepare for the next day while you sleep.

Wear sunscreen at all times.

UV rays harm skin all year, not just in the summer. You've heard it a million times, but it's still true: SPF is essential for your skincare routine. You must use an actual sunscreen product, not a moisturiser with SPF or a foundation with SPF.

Because the sun causes 90% of skin ageing, SPF between SPF 30 and SPF 50 is the best anti-aging treatment product money can buy. It must be worn every day, regardless of the season or whether you are going to be inside. Remember that UVA rays, which cause skin ageing, can pass through windows.

A plethora of skincare products can be overwhelming, but remember that the basics are the most important when it comes to good skin, such as a strong sunscreen with a minimum SPF of 30. If you think the SPF 15 in your foundation is enough, you're delusory.

Moisturize your skin twice a day.

Throughout the day, your skin loses hydration, which keeps it plump and youthful. Moisturizer should be applied twice a day, once in the morning and once at night. This routine ensures that you're cleaning your skin, hydrating it, and, most importantly, protecting it by assisting in the movement of your skin cells' life cycle for healthier skin.

Exfoliate on a regular basis, not every day.

Over time, leftover gunk and grime can accumulate on your skin. Exfoliating removes dead skin cells, which can cause irritation, dullness, and acne. While you shouldn't exfoliate every day, you should incorporate it into your skincare routine a few times per week.

Once you're comfortable with your basic skin care routine, I recommend using a chemical exfoliant a few times per week to speed up the removal of superficial dead skin cells, allowing the active ingredients in your skincare products to penetrate better and ultimately leading to healthier, smoother-looking skin.

Incorporate an anti-aging product.

The first three steps are critical for establishing and maintaining healthy skin. Include an anti-aging treatment product in even the most basic skincare routine to help prevent wear and tear caused by environmental aggressors.

Retinol, a less potent, over-the-counter version of a retinoid, is a key ingredient because it is one of the few ingredients that can penetrate deep into your dermis and stimulate collagen production directly at the source. It has been scientifically proven over time to help with texture, fine lines, wrinkles, and even pore size.

Don't overthink things.

Skincare is supposed to be enjoyable, so don't let all the beauty jargon stress you out. The fundamentals of good skincare remain constant. Plus, once you've gotten used to your current routine, you can always try something new.

What's a good place to start? Find a face wash that you enjoy and use it every night. This simple step is the most important because it assists you in developing an evening self-care ritual that will allow you to do more for your skin when you're ready.

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