Easy Bondage Ties

Easy Bondage Ties


Easy Bondage Ties
Home / How To / The Best Leg Tie Around
If you've benefited from or enjoyed what you've read, then please check out Rope Bondage The Smart Way , which answers every conceivable question for the beginner, shares my favorite ties and how to use them to best advantage. There are also tips on making uber sexy fun times happen, and real life examples and case studies of rope bondage fuelled awesomeness.

Rope Bondage The Smart Way was distilled down from about six years of learning, practicing, and testing, and contains my go-to practices for my own use of rope bondage in BDSM; with both written instructions and LOTS of annotated pictures to make learning it all easy.

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Exploring rope bondage and healthy kinky relationships
This leg tie is amazing in its adaptability.
What I really like about it is how simple it is; it starts off from a simple tie already shown early in this blog ( The First Tie You Should Learn) , incorporates the useful techniques shown in Three Ways To Improve The Look Of Your Bondage, and can be adapted for a multitude of different uses, and can be made more comfortable if need be very easily.
Everything regarding restricting legs. General restriction, forcing someone to kneel, connective tying, sexual bondage (because it provides good access), even suspension with some reinforcement on the bands and stems.
… I can’t actually think of any, off the top of my head. It’s a reasonably safe tie, because all the major blood vessels and vulnerable bits are on the insides of the legs, away from the rope.
3. Continue spiraling the rope up the leg after the first wrap; at least three more is the norm. Make sure your wraps don’t go too high; you don’t want your rope slipping off over the knee.
4. Moving to the inside of the leg, slant your top wrap down so that it intersects with the middle wrap. Be careful to maintain your tension the whole time – you want your wraps to stay where they are.
5. At this stage, I like to use a Munter Hitch to create that intersection, and lock off my tension. Refer to Three Ways To Improve The Look Of Your Bondage for more detail on that.
6. Create a line of hitches going down
7. And after the last one, move your rope between thigh and ankle back to the base of the other side.
(Note: you don’t have to use Munter Hitches , simple twists of rope around the wraps will do, but it is more secure, and doesn’t it look freaking awesome if you use hitches instead?)
8. Now that you’ve moved back to the other side, wrap your rope around the bottom wrap again to form a cinch, and to lock the tension and the tie in place.
9. Now move back up the bands, hitching as you go ( these hitches are a little wonky because I didn’t do the middle one in the same direction as the top; still functional, but I totally broke the aesthetic. Let that be a lesson to you. )
10. Once at the top, create a Cow Hitch to lock off the tension ( Again, refer to Three Ways To Improve The Look of Your Bondage ) then feel free to use the rest of your rope however you like. I like to reinforce my stems by spiraling down the stem again, however other people like making additional wraps or doing all kinds of other things.
Now, I could have put a bit more time and effort into making this a bit more symmetrical and pretty, but it was a hot afternoon, and there was a lot to do. So I didn’t bother. You get the principles of it.
The tie doesn’t have to be done exactly this way; you can do ties of similar function while alternating the number of wraps, where they’re placed, etc. The important steps are:
Here’s an example of a very similar tie, made more comfortable by bunching the wraps together so the tension is more evenly distributed across the front of the shin.
Pro-Tip ; adding additional evenly tensioned wraps will almost always result in a tie being more comfortable.
So here you go! This is very much my favourite kind of leg tie; you can use double column ties to do similar things, but personally I find this a lot more fun, and so do the people that I tie.
If you found this post useful, and you’d like to receive updates when new information and tie tutorials are added to the site, then please subscribe in the field in the top right corner of the sidebar.
These photos were taken by CBT42 , an erotic photographer that I feel privileged to know. 
This tie is called a Futomomo for those trying to find it online.
I’m a kinky guy who once upon a time was challenged by his girlfriend to tie her up… and at the time, didn’t have a clue how.
That was six years ago.
A lot has changed since then… to the point where I’m now documenting, sharing information, and showing other people how to do all the things I couldn’t do back then.
I even wrote a book, designed to help everyone who comes here get past all the problems and difficult bits quickly, easily, and a lot more smoothly than I did.
Learning rope bondage in isolation is really, REALLY hard…
So I want to make it easier. For me, and for everyone else!
Try the “Start Here” page first; it makes it easier to find the good stuff!

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There’s something undeniably arousing about being tied up or tying a partner up in the bedroom. Not only does it change the power structure, facilitating elements of domination and submission, but it also evokes powerful emotions. There’s an immense amount of vulnerability and trust required when sexually bound. These reasons (among others) help to explain why so many people fantasize about BDSM (remember, the B stands for “bondage”). In fact, a 93% of men and 96% of women have fantasized about some aspect of BDSM before.
So what are the best ways to use bondage during sex? If you’re someone who’s curious about bondage sex positions, you might have come across Shibari , a contemporary form of rope bondage that originated in Japan. (Sometimes, it’s also called Kinbaku or Japanese bondage.)
“Shibari is not inherently sexual,” explains Sydona , a Shibari artist and instructor; some people use it as a form of meditation or as a tool to feel intimate with a partner. However, Shibari can be sexual if you so choose. You can tie your partner up, and the two of you can go at it for hours in various positions. This piece is focused on all the fun, kinky sex you can have when either you or your partner is bound.
But before we continue, safety first! If you’ve never attempted Shibari, consider taking a course or one-on-one class with a professional , because tying someone up can be incredibly dangerous both physically and emotionally. And there are certain things you should never do—like use rope across the neck. This can lead to asphyxiation.
“The number one rule for tying safely is to ALWAYS have safety shears within reaching distance,” Sydona says. “The second is to be able to communicate to your partner well, both as both a top [person doing the tying] and bottom [person being tied]. Being able to communicate explicitly and coherently before, during, and after a session is what keeps it as safe and enjoyable as possible.”
With that said, here are 13 bondage sex positions you can try out with your partner. (You’ll notice the first two “positions” are actually two different types of standard Shibari ties that will allow you to complete every other position on the list.) In addition to speaking with Sydona, we also talked to world-renown, Shibari expert Midori . She's a sexologist, educator, and author of Seductive Art of Japanese Bondage . (Midori offers Shibari classes , if you want to learn more advanced knots than the ones offered on this list.)
All you really need to be able to bring bondage to the bedroom is a simple handcuff-style tie, Syonda says. "This is called a 'double column' tie—two loops around two 'columns' (usually two limbs) that doesn’t collapse or self tighten."
"In any tie, but particularly with ties involving the wrists, it’s important to make sure you have plenty of wiggle room between the skin and the rope, and that the tie can’t tighten down on itself," she says. "A tie that does this is both uncomfortable and unsafe and can potentially cause loss of circulation or nerve damage."
To actually complete the double column tie, place your "wrists a couple of inches apart, and then wrap around both wrists," Midori says. "Cross at the middle and wrap around the space between the wrists and then tie two overhand knots." (I know this can be a little confusing without a depiction, so check out this 2-minute tutorial on how to to do a double column tie.) Once you've mastered the double-column wrist tie, you can get creative with it!
"This is a Shibari classic with vast variations," Midori says. "For a super simple way to start, use one or two long ropes, perhaps 25 to 30 feet. Then tie their wrists together behind their back. Use the remaining rope and wrap that around the arms and body. First below the breasts or pecs, then over it. If you connect the check ropes between the arm and torso, you’ll be able to snug it down tightly."
You can play in numerous positions with this one. "It's great for full frontal access to nipples and genitals," Midori says. "It's super hot for face-down anal, too."
"Position your partner on their knees with their behind in the air and chest flat on the bed, floor, couch, etc.," Sydona says. "Pull their arms back and tie their wrists together behind their thighs to their ankles. If this is too tough on their neck, put a pillow under their chest."
While the image here is depicting oral stimulation, you can also do anal and vaginal penetration in this position.
"Bend their legs and tie the thigh and ankle together with an easy release two column tie; then repeat for the other leg," Midori says. It's optional to tie the wrists to the thighs, Midori adds. (That's what's depicted in the image.)
This position allows for "sexy vulnerability" and "access to all the bits" making it great for both giving and receiving oral pleasure. It's also really smooth to transition into bound doggy from this position.
In this position, the bottom's ankles are tied to a pole—make sure to use something that won't give anyone splinters—a PVC pipe could work here or even a long Swiffer handle. The bottom's wrists are tied together.
Midori notes that you feel "delightfully exposed" in this position, and it's "fantastic for bound penetration from behind."
Have your partner lie on their stomach for the hogtie. "Tie their ankles together and their wrists behind their back, then tie those to each other," Sydona says.
"While this isn’t a great position for penetration, it’s great for oral and sets the mood for a BDSM-type session. Don’t forget that this position can be very strenuous on your partner’s back and shoulders, so make sure you have a quick exit plan and check in often."
Lay on one side, and "Tie wrists together with a basic wrist tie. Tie the left ankle to the right thigh, using the same tie as the wrists. Then tie the left thigh to the left upper arm bicep. Make sure it’s not too tight," Midori says. "The body looks amazing in this position and it's hot for spooning sex from behind."
Have your partner sit in a chair and tie their ankles to each chair leg and their wrists behind their back. "This position is great for oral, using toys, or for a good ol’ fashioned interrogation role play," Sydona says. "Pro tip: make sure the back of the chair is against a wall or something stable, so you don’t accidentally push your partner over backward in the heat of the moment."
"Have your partner straddle a chair so their booty is just barely off the edge of the seat and rest their chest on the seat's back," Sydona says. "Tie their ankles to the legs of the chair and their wrists behind their back. This position is great for anal play."
(Note: For this position to work, you need to use a chair without arms. You also want to lean the chair against a wall or bed; you don't want the chair toppling over!)
"Have your partner lie flat on their back on a bed and tie their wrists and ankles to each corner," Sydona says. "For extra spice add a blindfold, and go to town. If you or your partner are new to bedroom bondage this is a great starting position. It's simple to tie, not particularly strenuous, and you can even buy user-friendly under-the-bed restraints if rope isn’t your style."
"Again have your partner lie flat on their back on the bed. Tie each ankle to each corner at the top of the bed, lifting their leg as high as is comfortable for them," Sydona says. "If this is too difficult, tie their thighs instead of their ankles, so they can bend their knees. This position is great for, well, everything."
"With your lover on their back, place a pole under their ankle, just above their heels," Midori says. "Tie each wrist and ankles to the pole, and [make sure to] tie loose enough for wriggle room and to prevent loss of circulation."
This position grants full access penetration to all the orifices, Midori adds.
The Group Project is a rope bondage position for when three people are involved . "Have your partners stand face-to-face with their arms around each other. Tie both partners’ wrists in a classic handcuff tie behind the back of the other," Sydona says.
"From here, you can take a voyeuristic role and watch an inevitable steamy makeout session, or alternate teasing each partner while the other watches at a very close range."

What are Level / Difficulty / Importance?

The Core Rope Curriculum is divided into 8 levels, which provide a rough scale for how much experience
a person should have before attempting a certain tie. All suspension techniques are in Level 3 and above.
Depending on how intensively you are practicing, a level represents between 4 months and 1 year of study.

The level of each tie has been determined by Topologist based on its complexity, risk factors, and
relationship to other techniques in the curriculum.

This is an automated count of how many prerequisite techniques a particular tie has; it's a very loose indicator
of how long it would take to learn that one technique starting from scratch.

This is an automated count of how many techniques require a particular tie as a prerequisite; it provides
an approximate indicator of which techniques act as the most fundamental building blocks for more advanced ties.

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Claire Lampen
Claire is a freelance writer covering sex and gender.

Sabrina Talbert
Sabrina is an editorial assistant for Women’s Health.

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Do you own a scarf? Then you’re ready.
If you're looking for a surefire way to spice things up in the bedroom, your mind might jump to handcuffs. But I'll do you one better: Try using rope.
ICYDK, if you're looking to dip a toe into kink , bondage is a great place to start. Most of the tools you need to fulfill your BDSM fantasies are lying around your house already. But, before you grab the nearest bandana and strap your partner to a kitchen chair, there are a few things you should know.
Establishing how to approach rope bondage might be an intimidating process if you've never tried it. Before you and your partner get into it, many experts suggest it’s a good idea to agree on your desired roles and boundaries. For example, figure out whether you'd rather be the dominant partner who takes on more leadership and control, or would you rather be the submissive one, who prefers to give up that control to their partner.
You should also talk to your partner about what you do/don't want done to you, how much pressure you’re into, and what safe word will signal when one of you has had enough.
If this isn’t your first time incorporating BDSM into your partnership, then this process might be second nature to you. But ei
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