Gabriele Rizzo (aka Shmykelsa)
  • Extras For AA is evil, it's making my Android Auto crashhhh, I have total black screen broooOOO!!!!!!11!!!!

As a general good practice, please remember that after every Android Auto update all the options built with Extras For AA MUST be re-built again. Please also note that an Android Auto update might break the theme. When an Android Auto update comes out, and you want to install it, be sure to go to Substratum and re-install each and every option. It's even better if you remove the old options. It can happen that Extras For AA might be broken after an Android Auto update. If that's the case, let me know if you have errors, and wait for an upcoming update. I usually get to new versions of AA as soon as the day after.


  • What should I download? Extras For AA or Extras For AA LEGACY?

Depends on your phone. Can your phone run Substratum lite? Install normal version. Is your phone not capable of running Substratum Lite or has it got Android 7.x? Download Extras For AA (LEGACY)

  • What is Icons For AA?

It's a theme part of Extras For AA collection and it contains options to just swap some icons in Android AUto. It includes icon packs for navbar, status bar (by @IconicIcons), exit icons, battery icons and in general all modifications that swap icons appeareance.

  • What is Animations For AA?

Animations For AA is another theme of the Extras For AA collection. It contains animations to change transitions in Android Auto.

  • Can I preview the options?

Sure, take a look here https://telegra.ph/Extras-For-AA-Previews-10-27 for Extras For AA and Icons For AA and here https://t.me/aaanimationspreviews for Animations

  • Overlays stays pink on Substratum Lite after a reboot. How can I fix it?

The workaround is to install less options. Don't choose too many options at the same time, because Substratum has a limit with characters. Pick just an option at a time, this way, if you have issues, you can also identify better what "overlay" is giving you problems. You can repeat the install process as many times as you want, even 100 times if you wish :)

Extras For AA

  • I changed the color to the navbar and now when I receive a notification I can see a black circle around the dot. How can I fix it?

Install the option "Fix notification dot" or install one of the "Bar icon packs"

  • Applying black icons to the bottom widget will result in a tiny rectangle around the icon. How can I fix it?

This has been fixed with Extras For AA 4.3

Other Extras

  • I see a lot of options, madness, one button, two buttons... What are those?

Those are options that modify the original navbar. They are meant to have more screen real estate, because they are so much smaller than the stock navbar. One button mode shrinks the bar to just the home button. Two buttons mode combine the home button with another button of the navbar. If you see +N it means it is combined with notifications icon. When you see +Q it means it is combined with the app that appears on the widget (music/navigation/phone). Three buttons mode combine everything. And when you read "madness" it will mean that the home button will be swapped with a clickable clock, that will always stay on the screen. "Moderate madness" it's the option to keep original navbar but with clock swapped.

All these options are compatible with navbar dimensions, navbar tint, gradient to bottom bar, bar icon packs and navbar icons tinting.

  • Why are there multiple options for Kinda Immersive Bar and Player UI Background?

Since Google introduced the new wallpaper changing system, a reference has to be made for each and every wallpaper. So if someone wants to have PlauerUI background with wallpaper at slot number 5 (Cordoba), the choice to be made is to select PlayerUI 5 Background.

  • What is a gradient? How to apply it?

It's an option to apply multicolor to elements. Only one gradient can be active and shown at a time, but you can apply to multiple things at once. Take a look at latest menu. You will have option "Gradient to...", and that way you can apply it to something

Custom navbar modes

  • Madness modes display the first 10 minutes with just one number. How can I fix this?

There's no fix at the moment. There's something wrong in the way Android Auto displays clock, and I can't do anything about it.

  • I picked two buttons/three buttons/madness mode, but the bar looks so long, even if it contains just two icons. How can I fix this?

This has been fixed with Extras For AA 4.6. If you want to stick to an older version, for whatever reason, this behaviour happens because you have chosen a dimension for navbar (e.g. Navbar 0.5x). Go to priorities tab in Substratum, press Android Auto, identify the overlay with the option to reduce NavBar, and put it at the very bottom (at the very top if you are on Extras For AA Legacy) and save.

  • I picked two buttons/three buttons/madness mode, but the bar looks very strange and I can't navigate Android Auto no more. How can I fix this?

Probably you have Extras For AA 4.6 or superior. Starting from that version, you have to pick a navbar dimension when using a custom bar, even if it's 1.0x

  • My car has widescreen how can I apply one button/two butttons/three buttons/madness mode?

You have to pick an option according to the driver seat. If your car has left hand drive, pick an option that is applied to the left, and vice versa. Also you should pick a dimension for Second Space in dimensions menu (even if it's 1.0x) and one for NavBar in case you want a mode with more than one button

  • Can the navbar be transparent?

No. Not at all. For this reason, it's also impossible to have a transparent One Button/Two Buttons/Three buttons mode.

Misc Coloring

  • I picked a color for navbar icons in "Misc coloring", my car doesn't have touchscreen and the circle to select things does not appear on navbar. How can I fix this?

I'm aware of this issue, and I don't have a fix at the moment. Please refrain from picking custom color for navbar icons if your car is controlled with a controller

  • I customized the color of icons on the navbar. The ring to select those icons is now an oval. How can I fix this?

I'm aware of this issue. I'm finding a fix, but it's very hard to diagnose what's wrong.

  • Why some colors have a number at the end?

That stands for the opacity. 80% will be a color with 80% opacity (or 20% transparency). 45% will be a color with 45% opacity (or 65% trasparency) etc. The less a color is opaque, the more you can see behind it.

  • I want to change the style of text of icons in the launcher but the option in "Misc coloring" does not apply. How can I fix this?

Please also build "Launcher Icons apply modifications"

  • What is heads up?

Heads up are notifications that appear and disappear on the upper side of rhe screen when a new message arrives

Dimensions menu

  • I want Status Bar 0.7x but text looks weird. How can I fix this?

Install "Fix StatusB Height" or one of the custom statusb modes

  • I want to reduce secondspace but it doesn't get smaller. How can I fix this?

Install the option "Widescreen - Fix Dimension"

  • I have chosen a widescreen mod but I don't get any SecondSpace, what can I do?

Choose one of the "SecondSpace" options into dimensions menu

  • What is secondspace?

It's the secondary screen that appears on cars with wide-screen

  • Does secondspace and widescreen modes make my car have widescreen?

No, those are meant to cars that come out with widescreen support. Extras For AA can change the look of things, not the behaviour of AA. If you want to force widescreen support, check out AA AIO TWEAKER.

  • Can I make Google Maps/Waze card smaller?


  • I've chosen a custom NavCard dimension and Color. Why don't I see them on Google Maps or Waze?

Because those options apply only on 3rd party navigators that use the library App for Cars (e.g. Amigo, Sygic, 2GIS...).

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