EXPO Restructuration Phase Announcement

EXPO Restructuration Phase Announcement


To Infinity... And beyond!

It's been almost a year since we started our venture to eliminate the barriers to innovation and enrich people's digital life. Without doubts, it was an exceptional year for us: we've successfully launched a number of products, such as Mobile Wallet, Messenger and TG Wallet + Exchange; EXPO Pay managed to tap into the world of big finance and partner up with 5 crypto exchanges; also, we've carried out numerous events and educational webinars!

All of this would not be possible without contribution from our worldwide community with over 20000 users from 23 countries. Your active engagement is what drove us through and even the COVID-19 pandemic couldn't stop our development. Therefore, we want to sincerely express our gratitude to all EXPO users and share our plans on EXPO's future.

It's not a stretch to say that 2020 was a historical year for crypto sphere. Unprecedented market cap growth — up 750%! —, new ATH price reached by BTC and ETH, the emergence of NFT's, Coinbase IPO — all of these and other events are main drivers of extended interest from regulators.

Our analytic research shows a clear tendency towards intensified market regulation which results in new rules and limitations for crypto companies. Evidence of this can be found among the most recent news:

  • Developed by Pavel Durov's team, TON network and Gram token was banned by the SEC in the late 2019. In addition to that, financial penalty was applied on Durov's company, Telegram.
  • December 2020, SEC charged 2 lawsuits against Ripple and banned XRP token in USA.
  • January 2021, Russian government passed a bill to legitimize cryptocurrencies, which prohibits the use of cryptocurrencies as a payment method for citizens.
  • Just a couple months later, Turkey has announced a full ban on any crypto or digital currencies, which resulted in several crypto exchanges going out of business.
  • Right now, Indian government is preparing a bill to effectively ban use of all digital currencies and criminalize mining enthusiasts.

To successfully comply with new and future regulations, our main task at the moment is to establish a fully transparent operations flow and secure our legal position in the public market. Over the course of past months our legal department conducted a fundamental research on the regulatory framework of the crypto market and consulted extensively with experts from the global crypto community — all these efforts were made in order to deliver our users a perfect solution.

And today, we're thrilled to announce the start of Restructuration Phase at EXPO! These upcoming changes will enable our company's growth in the regulated market environment and will become a marker of our transition to a whole new level of operational transparency and performance.

The term "Restructuration" implies a complete revision of internal organizational policies, as well as development and implementation of new system architecture, in order to enable company's financial transparency.

This phase consists of several stages:

Financial Report Audit

Company's financial reports for the fiscal year of 2020 will be transferred to a reputable auditing firm in order to validate company's value and ensure compliance with US GAAP.

Forming a Board of Directors

By listing on public exchanges, we become bound to the principles of corporate governance and we must strictly adhere to those. By forming a board of directors, the vision of our company will always be enforced through a collective decision that is formed with investors in mind. Board of Directors will include such positions:

  1. Chief Executive Officer
  2. Chief Technical Officer
  3. Chief Financial Officer
  4. Chief Marketing Officer
  5. Independent Advisor

During the next couple weeks, we'll announce the list of our Board Members who will officially represent company's interests on the world arena.

EXST Launch (EXPO Shares Token)

EXST is the new incarnation of EXPO Shares and the next step in our smart-contract's evolutionary process, developed to give users more power upon their owned Shares. During the restructuration phase, Shares smart-contract together with all existing data will be migrated to the Ethereum network public blockchain. This will allow us to reach maximum operational transparency and will provide an ability to conduct a security audit.

EXPT Utility Token Launch

Internal EXPT token is the cornerstone of the EXPO ecosystem and a fundamental part of company's marketing program. Deep integration within our products and continuous functionality updates enables high market demand and ensures token's stability in the future. EXPT will become platform's main internal currency, utilized in almost every possible way:

  1. EXPT will be distributed via Airdrop program to EXPO Mobile Wallet and EXPO Pay users.
  2. EXPO Plan referral payouts will be done with EXPT.
  3. EXPT will be used for EXST dividend payouts.
  4. EXPT will be used as a reward for completing the KYC procedure.
  5. Registering partners on EXPO Messenger will be rewarded with EXPT.
  6. EXPT will be used for rewards from referral operation's in EXPO TG Wallet + Exchange.

EXPO Ecosystem Security Ensured

  1. Shares smart-contract audit.
  2. EXPT token audit.
  3. EXPO Mobile Wallet security audit.
  4. EXPO Messenger security audit.
  5. KYC procedure for EXPO Platform.
    For completing KYC, you and your referrals will be rewarded with EXPT via Airdrop.

Functionality updates:

  1. TRC20 network implementation and new payment methods.
  2. EXPO Platform Hub update.

This truly is a momentous moment for us as it marks our transfer into a more regulated and transparent framework. All our constant efforts are streamlined at completing this phase before July 28, 2021: R&D dept. is working on token's and smart-contract's development, while us and the legal dept. are actively engaged in the legal and organizational field, as well as creating new real-world scenarios for EXPO token.

In the nearest days, we'll be giving you more details on the tokenomics and smart-contract's migration process. We are deeply grateful for your support and patience!

Stay tuned and let's get to the moon together!

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