EVEREST (EVER ID) - Elevating Humanity

EVEREST (EVER ID) - Elevating Humanity

Phil Anaba

Following the unforeseen development due to the blockchain technology on the planet today, the issue of distinguishing proof ought to be a relic of days gone by, so the requirement for a computerized ID process that is free of gadgets and can be gotten to carefully to be incorporated like this will occur thus, using numerous chances to be a piece of the worldwide economy.

All Thanks to EverID!!!

Character confirmation is an impediment to development in developing markets since it keeps individuals from getting to formal monetary administrations, for example, managing an account, protection, and loans.

At last, this fundamentally confines the number of individuals who can get to the economy, and subsequently hampers financial improvement at the institutional level.

At the point when the standard economy keeps on digitizing, it doesn't just turn out to be 'no financial balance' and 'unsubstantiated' who battle to join the monetary framework.

Advanced personalities that are sans gadget and all around open give chances to the entire world to join the worldwide economy.

Token ID and Personality Ecosystem

ID is a utility token that enables access to the Personality System and any trade of qualities in the economy.

Getting installments is in every case free in the framework, however, clients need to spare 1-100 IDs in their opposition on the off chance that they need to send installment.


EverID has constructed a decentralized computerized personality framework to store and affirm client character information, documentation and biometrics. The stage is accessible to all individuals from birth to death. It doesn't require a cell phone to join, is encoded to ensure the security of clients and is interoperable with different frameworks.

 EverID is a troublesome item with a current model, a profoundly experienced group, and is working with a vast Bretton Woods managing an account institution and UN Offices. It is building the greatest single open door for growing monetary consideration among developing markets and set up money related establishments.


EverID has made an all-inclusive advanced personality arrange that will raise the entire of mankind to the worldwide market, giving access to a powerful scope of administrations to enhance occupation and advance monetary improvement.

The character system will be an independent, non-supportable, decentralized system, possessed by nobody, working everlastingly and consolidating the standards of distinguishing proof for Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 6 into its product.

It gives people the devices to oversee and ensure their own particular character information through a decentralized personality stage and an esteem exchange arrangement in light of blockchain Technology.

Different kinds of biometric data for every character are recorded and put away in the personality organize. Inheritance personality records, including national character cards, driver's licenses, international IDs, voter's character cards, and so forth are recorded, and outsider declarations by cryptographically marking these affirmations of cases.

The EVERID Token

IDs are a utility token that enables access to the EverID to arrange and the applications and administrations based upon it. The 800 million issued ID tokens will be bought by banks, governments, NGOs, substantial associations, and clients (i.e. settlement senders) that need to get to EverID's system. Foundations are given different levels of access to the stage in view of what number of tokens they hold while clients won't be required to hold IDs so as to get esteem.

A gadget free computerized personality would enable right around 5 billion individuals to end up some portion of the worldwide economy, along these lines encouraging outside interest in developing markets. A general and comprehensive character will be the impetus for trillions of dollars worth of exchanges, esteem exchanges, and personality check costs.


A verifiable digital identity will enable emerging market economies to grow into a $40+ trillion opportunity.

Target: $20M

Pre-sale: August 2018


Total Token Supply - 800,000,000

Token for sale - 303.685.341

ICO price - $ 0.09

Accepted currency - BTC, ETH, USD

Hardcap - US $ 20,000,000

Pre-sale - August 13, 2018

Min / Max personal cap - $ 10,000 / $ 2,000,000

Сan do not participate - China, Korea, Pakistan


For more information, please visit the link below:

Author: Rexphyl

Website: https://everid.net

Whitepaper: https://everid.net/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/ever_id_whitepaper-1.pdf

Twitter: https://twitter.com/@_EverID_

Telegram: https://t.me/EverID

Ann Thread: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=4782378

Bitcointalk Profile: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1402376

MyEtherwallet: 0xfe3c843f46784a0443aeb2e745ea1cfe20d0ac46

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