EVEREST - Unlocking Opportunity With Identity

EVEREST - Unlocking Opportunity With Identity



As progressive as it sounds, Blockchain really is a system to convey everybody to the most noteworthy level of responsibility. Not any more missed exchanges, human or machine blunders, or even a trade that was not finished with the assent of the gatherings included. Above whatever else, the most basic territory where Blockchain causes is to ensure the legitimacy of an exchange by recording it on a principle enroll as well as an associated dispersed arrangement of registers, which are all associated through a safe approval component.

The blockchain is a morally sound computerized record of monetary exchanges that can be customized to record not simply money related exchanges but rather for all intents and purposes everything of esteem. Blockchain innovation resembles the web in that it has a worked in power. By putting away squares of data that are indistinguishable over its system, the blockchain can't be controlled by any single substance and has no single purpose of disappointment. The web itself has turned out to be tough for just about 30 years. It's a reputation that looks good for blockchain innovation as it keeps on being produced.


Everest is a decentralized stage fusing an enormously versatile installment arrangement, EverChain, with a multi-money wallet, EverWallet, and a local biometric character framework, EverID. Everest conveys a total answer for another economy. 

"As it were, EverID is a decentralized stage for another economy, joining a hugely versatile installment arrangement with a multi-money wallet and advanced + biometric character." 

The Everest stage constructed a decentralized framework that is essentially comprised of three parts and this segment include: 

EVerID: This is an advanced biometric personality framework that stores and furthermore affirm the clients character information. EVerWallet This is a multi money computerized wallet with an implicit archive stockpiling. 

EVerChain: This is a blockchain based exchange system.The Everest stage is a stage constructed frame every individual appropriate from birth until death. It doesn't require a cell phone to join and it is scrambled to secure the clients protection. 

The stage is interoperable with different frameworks. Government ,foundation and association can inexpensively approve the clients character whenever at an extremely shabby cost. This stage is a troublesome item with a current model. 

The Everest stage joins EverID which fills in as a driven sel sovereign personality arrangement with EverWallet which is an exchange and record stockpiling arrangement that depends on blockchain innovation and the cryptographic underpinnings of the framework. 

Using advanced characters, computerized wallets, record administration, and biometrics, clients will have the capacity to carefully check their personality for open administrations and guarantee their social and financial rights. Gadget free personality confirmation: Peer-to-peer enlistment utilizing biometric information permits anybody, anyplace to select in the stage, without the requirement for a gadget. Consistent esteem exchange: By checking character with 100% precision EverID decreases spillage, misrepresentation, grinding, confirmation, and information get to costs. 

Everest has constructed a decentralized stage comprising of three parts: EverID, a computerized biometric character framework to store and affirm client personality information; EverWallet, a multi-money advanced wallet with inherent, report stockpiling, and EverChain, blockchain-based exchange frameworks. This stage is accessible for all people from birth to death. Does not require a cell phone to join, is encoded to secure client protection, and can be worked with different frameworks. 

They trust the Everest Project will succeed on the grounds that they have a group that is phenomenal, they are veterans in security, fintech, disseminated frameworks, and the worldwide advancement segment. what's more, our Team makes the Everest Platform not exclusively to be a supplement however they need to make something other than what's expected and one of a kind with the goal that the Everest Platform is number one on the planet and is suggested later on. 

The Everest stage was manufactured and tried by a portion of the biggest banks, governments, money related specialist co-ops, and NGOs on the planet. Three correlative and interconnected arrangements enable huge associations to gainfully achieve billions of individuals who don't have financial balances, decrease misrepresentation and spillage, and confirm that assets are sent to the ideal individuals, enabling clients to send assets from anyplace on the planet. 


Everest plans to give the way to the individuals who have no evidences of personality to have one, it does as such while acknowledging protection issues. EverID is consequently created to keep running on a decentralized stage. This will enable people the power and to control and deal with their information. While appropriate data will be recorded and put away in the ID organize, EverID can ensure that no snippet of data will be imparted to anybody without the person's assent in light of the fact that everything will be moved by brilliant contracts. 

Everest Use Cases 

Money Transfer 

100% approval of cash sent to biometrically checked clients. 


Simple, savvy route for banks to offer cash exchange administrations. 

Miniaturized scale fund 

Full answer for loan cash to the billions of individuals and SMEs. 

ID confirmation 

Confirm clients through biometrics, government IDs and outsider confirmations. 

Restorative records 

Oversee records facilitated in the cloud or gadget, track human services for all. 


Consolidate titles, GPS directions, and personalities to bank and secure land. 

Smaller scale protection 

Gather archives, biometrically sign contracts to serve billions of clients with or without gadgets. 

Everest is a troublesome item with a current model, a very experienced group, and is working with a huge Bretton Woods managing an account organization and UN Agencies. It is building the greatest single open door for growing budgetary incorporation among developing markets and built up monetary organizations. 

Everest joins EverID, a client driven self-sovereign character arrangement, with EverWallet, an esteem exchange and archive stockpiling arrangement, which depend on blockchain innovation and the cryptographic underpinnings of that framework. The center focal point of the Everest working organization is to make monetary and social esteem. 

How it functions? 

EverID makes a general advanced character arrange that can convey all humankind to the worldwide market, giving a scope of strong administrations to improve biological communities and advance monetary advancement. 

The character arrange is programming 6, a decentralized system, or, in other words standard of activity and ID of supportable improvement objectives. 

Gives instruments to oversee and secure their character information through esteem development arrangements dependent on circulated personality stages and square affix systems to people. 

The Ever ID Advantages 

Consistent esteem exchange 

By confirming personality with 100% precision EverID diminishes spillage, extortion, grating, check, and information get to costs. 

Gadget free character check 

Distributed enlistment utilizing biometric information permits anybody, anyplace to select in the stage, without the requirement for a gadget. 

Add up to money related incorporation 

Making worldwide access to existing money related administrations opens the $20 trillion-dollar economy of developing markets. 

Financial development 

Deviceless personality check will engage more than 4 billion individuals and make a $40 trillion financial chance. 

Singular strengthening 

EverID empower clients to be in all out control of their information and gives access to formal monetary frameworks. 

Institutional proficiency 

Lessened exchange and information stockpiling charges will permit institutional development in rising countries. 

The ID token 

IDs are an utility token that enable access to the EverID arrange and the applications and administrations based upon it. The 800 million issued ID tokens will be acquired by banks, governments, NGOs, vast associations, and clients (i.e. settlement senders) that need to get to EverID's system. Organizations are given fluctuating levels of access to the stage dependent on what number of tokens they hold while clients won't be required to hold IDs keeping in mind the end goal to get esteem. 

A gadget free advanced character would engage just about 5 billion individuals to end up some portion of the worldwide economy, consequently encouraging outer interest in developing markets. All inclusive and comprehensive character will be the impetus for trillions of dollars worth of exchanges, esteem exchanges, and personality confirmation costs.

Token Details

Total Token Supply – 800,000,000

Token for Sale – 303,685,341

Token Name: ID

Token price – $0.09

Accepted Currencies – BTC, ETH, USD

Hardcap – US$ 20,000,000

Pre-Sale – August 13, 2018

Min/Max Personal Cap – $10,000 /$2,000,000

Restricted countries – China, Korea, Pakistan

Value of identity

A verifiable digital identity will enable emerging market economies to grow into a $40+ trillion opportunity.

Target: $20M

Pre-sale: August 2018

Sales of EverID Tokens

There will be a maximum of 800,000,000 published Tokens.

38.0% Seed, Pre-sale and Bounty (0.875%)

37.5% Team Members, Founders, Board Members, and Counselors

24.5% Reserve for community and ecosystem development

Use of funds

Token Allocation



For more information, please visit:

WEBSITE : https://everid.net/

WHITEPAPER : https://everid.net/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/ever_id_whitepaper-1.pdf

ANN THREAD : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=4756978.0

TWITTER : https://twitter.com/@_EverID_

FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/Everestdotorg

TELEGRAM : https://t.me/EverID

MEDIUM : https://medium.com/@_EverID_

REDDIT : https://www.reddit.com/r/EverID/

LINKEDIN: https://www.linkedin.com/company/everestdotorg/

Author TheJohnMatch


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