Ellen Baker

Madras university question paper with answer key (Herkimer) an environment is created well we have a goal and we go for that goal you know we all have a point at which we stop we give up we all have a point where we back off doesn't matter how determined what ambitions we have how much we want to get there are times when we will back away from it and it might be that a girlfriend comes down and says come on I want you to go home it might be that you have to go to a party it might be that it raining outside you don't want to get wet it might be that it's very cold wet and windy it might be that you're heavily fatigued so we create an environment where the goal is to retard that point push it further down the line until it becomes that last stroke of a race whatever the conditions nothing stopped us from going on the water whatever the situation we will press on you you Skidmore College, Saratoga Springs.

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