Chris Eledge

Poster on university in diversity (Seneca) it was a particularly important game for two reasons it was the beginning of Kathleen that game it was a fifth game of the season and also for the for Costello boys that went to Gonzaga we grew up right across the street from Good Counsel we made a choice to hitchhike them say to go to the best school in the city of Los and I know I can feel it and you want tonight when you go out there and play them let them know every play that you want it more than they do and your reward will come to you and ask each of you to dedicate this game to a special person in your life someone who has loved you and cared for you supported you in the High Times and the low tones when you were in when you work say a special prayer to that person and ask that person whether they're living or have passed as for that person's strength and courage to carry you to victory tonight and it will be yours you so Robert you you Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion, Greenwich Village.

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