Jennifer May

Liberty university college application (Chenango) all right they're about to run a marathon how do you guys feel they lie they lie so bad yeah Chris okay address we're here at the Bayshore marathon the race is underway we've got runners coming through right now this is the front group this is about runner number 20 DFAS they're probably running about six-minute miles right now I am posted up at mile marker 18 so he's got another 8.2 to go before the finish which is up at the high school all the way at the end of the bay this has got to be one of the prettiest marathons you could run all up and down the shore here in beautiful Traverse City Michigan I'm gonna have a little bit of lunch while I wait for the rest of the pack to come up and we're gonna do some time-lapse for it figured this was one of the best spots best views on the course to get runners along with the bay so we're gonna wait for Chris and LK to get back here we'll get some photos of them running hopefully they got another 8.2 in them after this mile Cazenovia College, Cazenovia.

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