ESLinsider review on Youtube
Ian LeahyThis is a review of ESLinsider's Youtube channel. These are undisputed facts about ESLinsider in the public eye and not fake reviews written by some troll competitor hiding behind fake id's. Here you'll find popular video views and comments from ESLinsider's channel.
ESLinsider is a site built around my experience teaching English in Asia. You'll find in-depth content on teaching and living in Japan, Korea, Taiwan and China, how-to videos and courses.
I'll start off sharing the 5 most popular videos on that channel and then a few other videos that I consider valuable too.
#1. Teaching English to kids in 5 fun steps - 300,000+ views
Teaching English in 5 fun steps follows a basic lesson plan format that you can use in your classes. Each part of the lesson is broken down into 5 steps and it shows you how you can use this model for other classes.
It's a good fundamental video.
A few comments...
The whole goal of ESLinsider was to make learning how to teach easier because it wasn't for me! The TEFL/TESOL courses I took were way too theoretical and just not practical enough. Perhaps that's a problem with education... You need to learn lots of tools, not theory, jargon, etc.
That's the great thing about teaching young kids - they won't judge you. Adults on the other hand are a little different.
Larger classes are more difficult so your teaching has to be really on point. But this same format can work with a few small changes.
#2. Warm-Up Activities - "Teacher Says" - 204,000+ views
Teacher says is a fun warm-up or listening activity for teaching young children. It's used in the video above too
Some comments...
As a side note one of ESLinsider's first videos was published on a different channel and had over 175,000 views and it's similar to the following one.
#3. How to teach English w/ games and activities - 167,000+ views
If you ask me a good lesson incorporates a lot of fun games and activities. This is especially important when teaching children. Your lessons need to be fun, however they also need to be organized and you need some structure because it is possible that they have fun, but they don't learn. So you need to teach them properly.
One of my biggest challenges teaching abroad was classroom management. I think two of the greatest strengths of ESLinsider's courses are the visual instruction with videos and the section on classroom management.
The TESOL course I took before starting in Taiwan lacked any real concrete system for managing kids. I learned a lot from the other native teachers in the various schools I taught in.
#4. Icebreakers & Warm-Up Activities - "Line Up" - 154,000+ views
Here's another popular icebreaker.
I just showed you 5 how-to videos on ESLinsider that you will find on Youtube here.
You'll also find them on where they are all organized by categories, age and skill level. All videos include simple bullet point instructions under the video.
Additionally you will find categories for: Misc. activities, Teaching tips, Phonics, Classroom management, and more interviews here.
#5. Why the obsession with Asian women - 111,000+ views
Here's something different.
On ESLinsider I not only have over 100 how-to videos like above, but I also blog about my experience teaching and living in Asia. This video received more comments than any other video.
It is also the most polarizing video on my channel with a 62.7% like rate which means like 37% of those people who clicked those buttons clicked the dislike button.
Pink carousel's comment is an example of neoteny. East Asians tend to be the more neotenous race which makes them look more youthful and most men are attracted to neotenous females.
Helene's comment is directed towards some western females view on the attraction to Asian women. It was a bitter western females comment that inspired this video.
One point I made in the video was similar to this. Eastern Asian culture tends to value family more and the individual less. Unlike the USA it's less self-orientated.
The concept of beauty in Asia is quite different from the west. And like Mike P I would also say it's not a fetish. Perhaps it is for some, but if you really think it is a fetish then most people have a fetish for their own race. Most people around the world marry someone that looks like them (someone of the same race).
I mentioned that in a follow up video.
And unfortunately this video inspired some hate too. And I always wondered who these people were like: racists, sjw's, etc. Here's one..
I sometimes get hateful comments on this video and then go to reply and see that they deleted their own comments. And if they are hating it's often done with an anonymous account like JoeJoe did.
Well, there is science out there that explains why many men are attracted to Asian females and no, you don't have to be I was just sharing my thoughts.
So those were the top 5 videos on ESLinsider's channel and now I will skip around to some other videos that I think are valuable.
#6. Advice from 26 teachers in Asia about teaching abroad
I interviewed around 26 teachers in Taiwan, China, Korea and Japan. At the time I was living in Busan, Korea but I also traveled and interviewed teachers in Shanghai, Hangzhou, Xiamen, Fukuoka, Tokyo and Taichung. They share their challenges, give advice and more.
"Desk warming" is often referred to teaching in a public school in Korea. Teachers work from about 8-4pm, teach around 20 hours and spend a lot of time doing prep or desk warming as some say.
In Korea I taught in both public schools and hagwons and wrote a post on ESLinsider that you can search for called "Public school vs. Hagwon in Korea"
#6. What's ESLinsider like?
If you are considering taking a course and you are planning on teaching mostly children in Asia then try ESLinsider's TEKA! I don't think you will find a more focused and specialized course where you will actually learn.
I've taken 2 other TEFL/TESOL courses and didn't find them to be very practical or worth it. You need to learn a lot of tools and learning online is not easy. You need visuals and feedback helps too.
#7. Reviews on ESLinsider's courses
Here's a video where I select some of what I consider to be some of the best reviews left on ESLinsider's courses.
Speaking of courses, such as TEFL courses, something to know is ESLinsider provides access to over a 100 how-to videos for free that were shot in the classrooms of East Asia.
Do other TEFL courses provide free access to this kind of content?
Not usually. There are a few that I am aware of that provide some, but not many. When it comes to TEFL courses most content is behind a paywall.
And many online courses won't have any how-to videos.
Out of curiosity I took one of those cheap (and popular) Groupon courses and it didn't contain any how-to videos, just boring black and white text which mostly goes in one ear and out the other.
So what's the big deal about videos?
The easiest way to learn how to teach is to watch other teachers.
If you don't have access to watching other experienced teachers teach then how-to videos shot in real classrooms can be a BIG help.
The foundation of ESLinsider's course is built with how-to videos which you can access Youtube and on ESLinsider, however the course (TEKA) threads all of the best videos together, provides additional videos, content and feedback.
You can read more reviews on ESLinsider here.