你不可不知的電磁場和 5G 射頻 What you have to know about EMF and 5G Radio-frequency

你不可不知的電磁場和 5G 射頻 What you have to know about EMF and 5G Radio-frequency


馬來西亞的5G目標:2024年底達80%人口地區覆蓋率 Malaysia Aims To Have 5G Coverage In 80% Of Populated Areas By End 2024

Malaysia to have full 5G network coverage by 2024 — Tengku Zafrul
啟動第一階段,到 2021 年底在吉隆坡、布城和賽城實現 10% 的 5G覆蓋;到 2022 年底,人口密集地區覆蓋率達到 40%;到 2024 年底,人口密集地區覆蓋率達到 80%
Kick-start Phase 1 with 10% 5G coverage in Kuala Lumpur, Putrajaya and Cyberjaya by end-2021; 40% coverage in populated areas by end-2022; 80% coverage in populated areas by end-2024

1. 後疫情經濟——迅速采用數字化和自動化。馬來西亞愛立信將以110億令吉建造5G基礎設施。

2. 馬來西亞數字經濟藍圖或myDIGITAL:通過解決數字基礎設施和數字生態系統,加入全球性競爭。

3.前投資國家數字網絡 JENDELA項目:連接國際海底電纜網絡至2023年(10年計劃打造全國5G和雲網絡服務)。

4. myDIGITAL 加強數字生態系統的全循環:支持采用數字方式保護隱私和數據

1. A post-Covid-19 economy - a rapid adoption of digitalisation and automation.

Ericsson Malaysia - build 5G infrastructure at a RM11 billion.

2. Malaysian Digital Economy Blueprint, or myDIGITAL: to compete in the global arena by addressing both digital infrastructure and digital ecosystem

3. Former investment National Digital Network (JENDELA) project: connect to the international submarine cable network until 2023 (10-year plan - 5G nationwide and cloud services).

4. myDIGITAL strengthen the full circle of digital ecosystem: supporting digital adoption to privacy and data protection

Celcom準備在年底推出 5G Celcom Ready to Launch 5G by Year End, says CEO

Celcom Axiata Bhd準備在今年年底推出5G;關閉3G,為4G提供更多頻譜;5G 設備的數量仍將很低,普及率仍將持續上升;升級核心和傳輸網絡,將站點進行光纖化
Celcom Axiata Bhd is prepared to launch 5G end of this year; 3G shutdown to bring more spectrum into 4G; Number of (5G) devices will still be low and adoption will just be picking up; Upgrading our core and transmission networks, fiberising the sites



—— 整個電磁光譜的這一部分包括:無線電波、微波、X射線和伽馬射線。


—— 為了家庭電磁場安全的目的,主要討論人造電磁場。

EMR stands for ElectroMagnetic Radiation.

This part of the overall EM spectrum includes radio waves, microwaves, X-rays and gamma rays.

EMF stands for ElectroMagnetic Field. 

For the purposes of home EMF safety, we will predominantly be talking about man-made EMFs.


『電場』: 單位=伏特每米(V/m)。

『磁場』: 單位為高斯(G)或特斯拉(T)。

『頻率』: 單位為周期每秒(CPS)或赫茲(Hz)。

『赫茲』(Hz): 單位=一秒鐘內完成的周期或振動。

『電流』: 單位為安培(A)。

『交流』(AC): 單位為北美60hz,歐洲50hz等。

『直流電』: 只有一個方向,例如電池。


What does EMF stand for?

Electrical field:Unit = volts per meter (V/m).

Magnetic field:  Unit = gauss (G) or tesla (T).

Frequency:  Unit = cycles-per-second (CPS) or hertz (Hz).

Hertz (Hz):  Unit = cycles or vibrations completed in one second.

Current: Unit = amperes (A).

Alternating Current (AC):  Unit = AC at 60 Hz in North American;50 Hz in Europe and etc,.

Direct Current (DC):  one direction only, e.g. battery.

Wavelength: The length of one cycle of an electromagnetic wave. High frequencies - shorter wavelength; Lower frequency - longer wavelength. EM waves penetrate materials better up to light frequencies. Unit = km, m, cm, mm, etc.


一、交流電場由電壓在60赫茲 (歐洲為50赫茲) 內的非屏蔽電線、塑料交流電線和電氣設備產生的電場。電壓越高,電場越大

二、當電流通過導線、金屬、器具或地面時,就會產生交流磁場。常見的來源包括:電源線、家用電器、家庭布線、布線錯誤 (即中性點對中性點、中性點對地),以及金屬水管或家庭接地系統上的電流。

三、「RF / 射頻輻射」在技術上是脈衝調製的微波輻射。RF輻射可以從:Wi-Fi 路由器、無線設備、遊戲控製臺、手機發射塔、藍牙設備、智能設備、智能電表等發出。

四、諧波 (通常被稱為“髒電”):這些頻率不是標準的50hz / 60hz周期,是由:太陽能逆變器、調光開關、熒光燈、太陽能逆變器、變速電機、帶有開關模式電源 (SMPS) 的新電子系統和其他來源產生。這些「高頻電場」沿著家庭的布線系統傳導並輻射到生活環境中,在家庭中造成大量的「電磁幹擾」 (EMI)。

The four types of man-made EMFs are:

  1. AC Electric Fields created by voltage within 60 Hz (50 Hz in Europe) unshielded electrical wiring, plastic AC electrical cords, and electrical devices. The higher the voltage, the higher the electrical field.
  2. AC Magnetic Fields are present when there is electrical current running through a wire, metal, an appliance or the ground. Common sources include power lines, home appliances, home wiring, wiring errors (i.e. Neutral to Neutral, Neutral to Ground), and electrical current running on metal water pipes or the home’s grounding system.
  3. Radio-frequency radiation is technically pulse-modulated microwave radiation. RF radiation is emitted from Wi-Fi routers, wireless enabled devices, gaming consoles, cell towers, Bluetooth devices, smart gadgets, smart meters, and more.
  4. Harmonics (commonly referred to as “dirty electricity”): These are frequencies other than the standard 50 Hz/60 Hz cycle generated by things like solar inverters, dimmer switches, florescent lighting, solar inverters, variable speed motors, new electronic systems with switch mode power supplies (SMPS), and other sources. These higher-frequency electrical fields conduct along the home’s wiring system and radiate into the living environment, causing a great deal of electromagnetic interference (EMI) in the home.
Electronic gadget 電子產品

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The Healthier Home's YT Channel

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