ELAD NETWORK: Combining Blockchain, Real Estate & Artificial Intelligence For A Smarter Way To Invest:

ELAD NETWORK: Combining Blockchain, Real Estate & Artificial Intelligence For A Smarter Way To Invest:

Francis Odinigwe




ELAD Network is a real estate platform that combines Blockchain, Smart Contracts and Artificial Intelligence technology to revolutionaries the way we buy, sell, exchange & invest in property all over the globe. We are working in collaboration with several government organizations to achieve this mutual goal. ELAD Network believes that everyone should have access to investment opportunities, and we will utilize real estate in a manner that gives them full control of their assets. Our vision is that Blockchain technology will be the driving force behind the smart cities of the world, giving transparent information and access to services and exchange of data.

ELAD Network (Equity Ledger Assets Decentralized) is a decentralized platform that will transform investment strategies and the real estate market as we know it. Using blockchain technology, smart contracts, artificial Intelligence and innovation, the equity ladder of ELAD Network will create a cryptocurrency and real estate portfolio to combine the liquidity of the world’s biggest asset class with the velocity of the newest. A variety of real estate transactions will be traded through the ELAD Network platform, from traditional buying and selling to crowdfunding multi-million dollar investments. ELAD Network will bring together P2P (peer-to-peer) exchange and investment in one place, opening doors, cutting costs and lowering barriers for all.



ELAD tokens can be used to participate in the exchange of real estate, or capital and returns earned on property. Simply apply your ELAD tokens to your real estate of choice and trade it for EQ coins to receive profits from one of the top cryptocurrencies. The platform will offer a wide range of opportunities, which will include investments for fractional ownership, crowdfunding, p2p sales and lettings, buy to sell projects, new builds and real estate advertising. The platform plans to offer global exposure to sellers and landlords of real estate, as well as vetted developers and companies that will be able to submit plans for future ventures to secure crowdfunding. By advertising for sales (local agents), lettings short (like Airbnb) and long (like Zoopla) creates access to pre-market opportunities and a rental client stream, simultaneously creating a demand for ELAD tokens, this will increase profitability and investment opportunities, cut costs and close the inefficient time wasting.



ELAD Network sits the Ethereum Blockchain to provide a faster more efficient transaction speed thus creating a platform where property can be transacted globally in days as opposed to months. Because the Blockchain is worldwide it allows fractional ownership investment for anyone no matter their location.

• Cross Border Payments

• Quick, Efficient Property Transactions

• Real-time traceability of funds.


a. Own a tradable digital token that can be used as a currency & a representation of a share in property. Little to no transaction fees on real estate.

b. Using a blockchain is cryptographically secure – the ledger is distributed across all nodes in the system making.

c. Be entered into a prize draw to win a house in the UK. Terms & conditions apply.


Rising prices are preventing many prospective buyers from purchasing their ideal home or investing in real estate as the market outgrows their wages and affects savings.


Fractional ownership allows property purchases of small sizes, making it affordable to start a property portfolio, or diversify an ongoing one. Fractional ownership puts your money into the property market allowing it to grow with the market. We plan to work with the U.K. government and local authorities to support shared ownership schemes and provide a streamlined service with lower fees and possible guaranteed rents.



a. Peer To Peer:

You can sell your blocks (shares) through our online auction feature or directly through Peer 2 Peer exchange with any of our members meaning your returns on a highly sought property are worth as much as anyone is willing to pay for it!

b. Safe & Secure:

Asset ownership is stored immutably and decentralized on the Ethereum Blockchain. This means that your transactions are transparent and secure.

c. Control:

Your Private Key gives full control of your assets and payments on the ELAD Network platform.

d. Payment:

Payment is made by Smart Contract or paid directly into your bank account in FIAT cash.

e. Track:

Track your payments and investments through our online platform or mobile app, get alerts via email on your winning bids or sales from our online digital agent.

f. Digital Agent:

An Artificial Intelligence agent will provide 24hr support with exceptional customer service, creating a platform that anyone can use at anytime, anywhere in the world!


 High Speed And Low Costs: Smart contracts autonomously perform funding collect and release payments

 Fair Deals Only: Open-source smart contract ensures fair and transparent deals between merchants and affiliates

 Protection From Hacking: On a decentralized platform, all user accounts are independent limiting the threat landscape.

 Cost Effective: Scale economy through decentralization leading to significant decrease in transaction fees

 No More Middle Men: ELAD Network and our affiliates take care of the maintenance, legal, conveyancing and contract exchange process.

 Easy Entry and Fair Competition: Open an ELAD Network account find a property and purchase or invest in shares.

 Global P2p Auction Facility: Auction your property shares to ELAD Network members regardless of their location.

 Transparency: Property transaction are stored immutably and securely on the Blockchain promoting transparency.


ELAD Tech LTD will utilize government backed legal structures to protect investors and secure investments. We will abide by all applicable laws, legislation and regulations of every geographical site in which we operate and invest. PLEASE NOTE: This infrastructure is designed to create a template for other promising geographical cryptocurrency hot spots backed by governments. This also means we may use our liquidity to facilitate faster transaction processing than traditional online business accounts, which is crucial for the instant payments needed for smart contracts. ELAD Tech Ltd business accounts will be used for purchases, payments and rental income. The ELAD Network platform will use a two-type authentication to protect investors, and the ELAD DAPP may require multi-signature for investment access. Our site will run on a monitored cloud instance with automatic data replication across geographical territories (data protection allowing) along with virtual layers to protect our hardware and keep threats and costs down.







For More Information About The Project, Please Kindly Visit The Links Below:

Website: https://www.elad.network/

Whitepaper: https://s3.eu-west-2.amazonaws.com/elad-public/ELAD+Network+White+Paper.pdf

Ann Thread: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5168570

Facebook: https://web.facebook.com/ELAD.Network/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/elad_network

Telegram: https://t.me/elad_network

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/elad_network/

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCR7ND1pm3A1TeTYEB4QxWUA

Medium: https://medium.com/@elad_network

Github: https://github.com/ELADnetwork

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/eladnetwork/


Bitcointalk Username: Dtotti78

Bitcointalk Profile: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2343031

My Eth Wallet Address: 0xc5a639f58cb8deffff8513e2ad5f28f46d678b74

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