Эссе Part Time Job

Эссе Part Time Job


Эссе Part Time Job
All teenagers should have a part-time job (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)
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In our modern world making money is one of the most significant skills so some people believe all teenagers should have a part-time job while others do not agree.

In my opinion, it is a good idea that all youth should have a part-time job. To begin with, having a job is an opportunity to prepare for the future adulthood and to feel yourself independent. Besides, a part-time job brings some money so schoolchildren can afford to buy more things. Finally, working teenagers spend their free time usefully when a lot of young people just surf the Net and watch TV.

However, not all people share my point of view and there are few people who believe it is wrong when adolescents work because having a job can have a negative effect on a student’s academic performance. Moreover, they are convinced that a teen’s job may worsen relationships with family and friends.

Despite my respect for this opinion, I cannot agree with this. Firstly, a part-time job usually takes up only for 3-4 hours a day taking into account the existence of days off so students who work can find the time for their homework.
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Secondly, teens can work with their friends or relatives so it brings them together.

In conclusion I would like to say that a part-time job teaches young people how to become a responsible and successful person.
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К1 (решение коммуникативной задачи) – 3 балла

Слово teen является разговорным и должно быть заменено на teenager/adolescent/young person/youngster .

Текст выстроен логично и содержит все необходимые связующие элементы.

Значимых отклонений от лексических норм не отмечено.

1) while others do not agree – while others do not agree with them [Желательно поставить дополнение после глагола agree , чтобы конструкция выглядела более завершённой];

2) to feel yourself independent – to feel independent [Возвратное местоимение не требуется];

3) there are few people who believe it is wrong – there are a few people who believe it is wrong [Требуется артикль a перед словом few , поскольку автору нужно подчеркнуть, что имеется не мало придерживающихся противоположной точки зрения людей, а некоторое более или менее значительное их количество];

4) I cannot agree with this – I cannot agree with it [Логичнее заменить this на it , которое будет соответствовать словосочетанию this opinion из предыдущего контекста];

5) takes up only for 3-4 hours – takes up only 3-4 hours [Предлог for не требуется].

К5 (орфография и пунктуация) – 1 балл

1) one of the most significant skills so some people – one of the most significant skills , so some people [Нужна запятая];

2) teenagers should have a part-time job while others do not agree – teenagers should have a part-time job , while others do not agree [Нужна запятая];

3) a part-time job brings some money so schoolchildren can afford – a part-time job brings some money , so schoolchildren can afford [Нужна запятая];

4) share my point of view and there are few people – share my point of view , and there are a few people [Нужна запятая];

5) In conclusion I would like to say – In conclusion , I would like to say [Нужна запятая].
Наши эксперты могут проверить Ваше сочинение по критериям ЕГЭ ОТПРАВИТЬ НА ПРОВЕРКУ
Эксперты сайта Критика24.ру Учителя ведущих школ и действующие эксперты Министерства просвещения Российской Федерации.
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