Эссе На Тему Зоопарк

Эссе На Тему Зоопарк


Эссе На Тему Зоопарк

Опубликовано Акмаева Елена Олеговна
вкл 20.04.2014 - 13:34

Эссе на тему «Зоопарки: за и против»
ученицы 10 класса ГБОУ СОШ №629 г. Москвы
Эссе на тему «Зоопарки: за и против»
ученицы 10 класса ГБОУ СОШ №629 г. Москвы
Every city has one or more zoos. Yesterday I visited the Moscow Zoo and I was impressed very much. At the end of my visit I asked myself: «Do we really need zoos? ».
On the one hand, there are a lot of reasons to give a positive answer to this question. The first reason is that zoos are often used as places to preserve endangered species of animals. The conservation of animals is the most important function of a zoo. For example, the panda has been saved from extinction with help of zoos. The second reason is that children can obtain direct knowledge about animals by visiting zoos. They can see what a tiger is like, hear various sounds of birds. If there is no such a place, how can they make contact with animals?
On the other hand, a zoo is a terrible place. Firstly, very often mammals and birds exist in very bad conditions of living. For example, aviaries for elephants are too small or cages for eagles are too dirty. Secondly, it is immoral to earn money by showing wild animals in cages, because it contradicts to the laws of nature.
In conclusion, I should say that I believe that a zoo has some useful purposes: to preserve endangered species, to educate the public about wildlife. So, a zoo is a useful place for people but not always comfortable for animals.

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