Эссе На Тему Отношений С Родителями

Эссе На Тему Отношений С Родителями


Эссе На Тему Отношений С Родителями

Сочинение на тему какими должны быть отношение детей и родителей

Начни учиться еще быстрее с неограниченным доступом к ответам от экспертов

раскажыце пра стыличную ролю дзеепрыметніка​

Чым адрознiваюцца развiтыя сказы ад неразвiтых?ЛЮДИ ПОМОГИТЕ ЗАВТРА САМОСТАЯЛКА

READINGUNIT . Progress checkодные.I.Прочитайте текст и выполните задания 7-14.Read this information from our British correspondent, Susan White, who w

ritesfor our online magazine "Young Explorer". You can read her stories about differentinteresting places in the world. Her last trip was to Antarctica.Dear girls and boys,Here is the story I promised to write for you. Imagine a lot of snow, ice and coldall in one place. It's called Antarctica! And it is the coldest part of the world. It isalso the highest and the windiest place. There are a lot of icebergs in Antarctica.Do you know what icebergs are like? They are large and beautiful pieces of ice likemountains made from glass and snow.Scientists from different countries stay here for short periods of time. Usuallythey live at special stations.There are some unusual birds that live in Antarctica. They are called penguins.They are quite big birds and they can't fly at all. But they are excellent swimmers anddivers. While the penguins mums spend the winter time at sea, their dads take careof the eggs for nine weeks. During this time they don't eat or drink. For extra warmththese brave, strong birds live in big groups. Together they try to keep their childrenout of the cold air and wind.The blue whale lives in Antarctica too. It is the largest animal in the world.But I will write to you about the whales in my next story.Send your letters with your questions to our magazine. I will try to answer allof them.Susan WhiteCorrespondent for the online magazine "Young Explorer"seВ задании 7 выберите правильный ответ на вопрос (а-с).7 What is the text about?a) About an unusual land.b) About young polar explorers .c) About an online magazine.В заданиях 8-9 закончите предложения, выбрав один вариантиз трёх предложенных (а-с).8 Antarctica is the coldest and the ... place in the world.a) sunniestb) windiestc) wettest9 The correspondent is staying in Antarctica ...a) in a town hotel.b) at a scientific station.c) in an iceberg cave (neuena)​ пожалуйста английский прочитайте текст ответьте на вопросы) пожалуйста)))


сочинение на тему описание внешности человека​

Які ідеї давньої китайської філософії видаються вам актуальными​

помогите пожалуйста. очень надо!!!​

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