Эссе Learning Foreign Languages

Эссе Learning Foreign Languages


Эссе Learning Foreign Languages
Essay: «Learning a foreign language is an important life skill» (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)
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Some people believe that foreign languages are really important in every day life. At the same time others hold the idea that knowing foreign languages is useless.

It seems to me that learning foreign language it is an important life skill. Especially if this foreign language is an international language. First of all, foreign languages help us to communicate with people all around the world. Secondly, knowing a foreign language makes it easy to travel to different countries - we can communicate with native people. Furthermore, if you know any foreign language you will be able to read original books, original movies which can help to understand the world around us better.

Nevertheless, there are people who have an opposite opinion.
Наши эксперты могут проверить Ваше сочинение по критериям ЕГЭ ОТПРАВИТЬ НА ПРОВЕРКУ
Эксперты сайта Критика24.ру Учителя ведущих школ и действующие эксперты Министерства просвещения Российской Федерации.
There people are sure that foreign languages are not that important in people`s lives. They believe that not everyone should know a foreign language as there is a special job - an interpreter. According to these people, interpreters should translate books, movies, people`s speech and etc. Besides, these people think that learning foreign languages is not a necessary skill because they won’t use it anywhere so it’s useless skill for them.

However, I cannot agree with this opinion completely, because foreign languages are an important part of people`s lives. There are different situations in the world and knowledge of any foreign language can help not only a person who knows this language but other people too.

As a conclusion, it is important to emphasize that learning a foreign language is an important life skill indeed. Foreign languages can help people in so many differ ways that is why it is important to learn at least the basics of other languages.
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