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It was the first test kit available and should be your primary test for Ecstasy a. Besides testing for Ecstasy and Speed, this kit will detect a range of other substances. A chart showing color reactions, as well as a multi-use testing vial, are also included with the kit. Results may vary depending on sample impurities, adulterants, and other factors. There are many variables that can impact what the reaction looks like. Lighting, impurities, and unwanted substances in your sample may all play a role. No drug whether legal or illegal is completely safe, we recommend avoiding all recreational drug use. DXM used in cough suppressants turns from gray to black relatively gradually. Speed amphetamine turns from a reddish orange to a dark reddish brown. If your sample contains both Speed and MDMA, both substances will react at the same time, yielding possibly a reddish or muddy color. The testing vial that comes with the kit helps prevent your skin from contacting the reagent while testing. But, using a white ceramic plate can help you see the results more easily. See the Mecke test kit and the Mandelin test kit. Test Kit instructions Put a small sample into the testing vial. Your sample should be about this size: Place drops of the testing liquid from the dropper bottle onto the sample. DO NOT let the sample touch the bottle nozzle, or the reagent will get contaminated! Watch the color change over seconds. Other reactions take a longer time aspirin and sugar gradually change color over the course of a few minutes. Compare the sample color with the color chart provided. Tightly close the dropper bottle. If you accidentally switch caps, the testing liquid will get contaminated and ruined. Thoroughly wash the testing vial after each use. MDMA will turn dark purple within a couple of seconds, then black or very dark purple shortly after. Some bubbling fizzing may occur towards the beginning of the reaction. Reaction starts after 10 sec. A very slow reaction. Gray to black, may release small amounts of smoke right away.

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