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Экстази hq green 210mg

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Chat or rant, adult content, spam, insulting other members, show more. Harm to minors, violence or threats, harassment or privacy invasion, impersonation or misrepresentation, fraud or phishing, show more. Green monkey ecstasy pill? Me and my friend bought a green monkey for 15 dollars. My friend took it the same day we bought it and he said it felt amazing and was rolling for like 7 hours. I saved mine for july 4th, couple of days later, well july 4th comes and my and my friend smoked some weed at like 2 pm then i get picked up from his place I saved mine for july 4th, couple of days later, well july 4th comes and my and my friend smoked some weed at like 2 pm then i get picked up from his place at around like 7. When i got home i still felt a lil buzz from the weed but it wasnt high anymore. I took the green monkey around 7: I ate some food after taking it and drank water. After about 45 mins I started to feel light headed and when i got up from sitting I was stumbling so i sat on the couch and got on the computer. I started to feel really good and time seem like it was going by real quick. And then the feeling started to die off and then I felt normal again. The feeling only lasted about 2 hours and i was sitting the entire time. I was pissed because i paid 15 for the pill and didnt get the same feeling my friend got. Does anyone know the reason my trip was bad and his was good and we had the same pill? Was it because i smoked weed earlier? Are you sure you want to delete this answer? Ecstasy pills are cut with so much filler so that the dealer can make as much money off them as he can. For the best answers, search on this site https: They might be ecstasy, as well. Kolonopins if I remember right come in a capsule form, ecstasy comes in a pill form. You should have eaten prior to taking it so the food can start to digest before the pill does. Also, drink water but not too much. Sip it because it can make you puke. How to treat asthma? Related Questions Has anybody ever heard of pills called green monkeys? How good are olympian ecstasy pills? Have you ever tried these ecstasy pills? Know anything about them? Answer Questions Can use m-end Pe liquid to high? Ingredients Brompheniramine Maleate 1. What are importance of CBD? Overwhelming ache in heart hit me and my friend at the same time outya no where and no reason? Why does the medical symbol have a snake? How to hide medical marijuana from parents? How to treat anal pain? Would medical marijuana helped someone like Gabrielle Giffords? Is accupuncture a little overrated?

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