Экстази хайнекен

Экстази хайнекен

Экстази хайнекен

Экстази хайнекен

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ВНИМАНИЕ!!! В Телеграмм переходить только по ссылке, в поиске много фейков!

Replying to Thread Return to Board. Leave these fields empty spam trap: You can leave this blank to post anonymously, or you can create a Tripcode by using the float Name Password. Supported file types are: Images greater than x pixels will be thumbnailed. No personal contact info is to be posted under any circumstances. If you find any issues, you may report them in this thread. Green heineken pill by Samuel Dasslehall - Thu, 06 Nov Shitting Chammerman - Fri, 07 Nov Nicholas Murdfoot - Fri, 07 Nov Martin Doblingfoot - Fri, 07 Nov Barnaby Dullerman - Sat, 08 Nov Eugene Haffingfield - Sat, 03 Jan John Sogglestone - Sat, 03 Jan George Nicklecocke - Sat, 03 Jan Molly Chandlefodging - Sat, 03 Jan Nathaniel Habblehood - Sat, 03 Jan Betsy Foffingpudge - Sat, 03 Jan Hedda Besslewurk - Sat, 03 Jan Psyentist - Sat, 03 Jan Hugh Blackridge - Sat, 03 Jan Alice Wobberworth - Sun, 11 Jan Lillian Blockleshit - Mon, 12 Jan Liljohnnybigpockets - Mon, 12 Jan Whitey Cruckleshit - Wed, 14 Jan Henry Pumblelat - Thu, 15 Jan Katz - Fri, 16 Jan Sophie Dazzlepatch - Sun, 09 Aug Augustus Trotdock - Sat, 12 Mar Shitting Blaffinghall - Tue, 14 Jun Eugene Wanderfoot - Thu, 16 Jun Matilda Napperhood - Thu, 16 Jun Callum - Sun, 08 Oct Ebenezer Sockleham - Mon, 09 Oct Frederick Turveylock - Sat, 03 Feb High doses are a waste when you have a tolerance. Everyone should dose high their first time even if the only time. People who missed out will flame me, as usual. Even if it was my first time. Cuz if you took half once 20 min marker comes in, you start feelin wavy and good as a MFer youre gonna wanna take the other half, but personally i would want that Hard roll straight up from the bat not redosing. I would start with half a pill. All drug salts have conversion factor to freebase. From a pharmacological viewpoint, not so much. Why would they refer to the freebase which Does anyone know which is the first batch? The first batch is rumored to contain more MDMA. Previous title holder where the grey skulls with about mg MDMA hcl. Usual Dutch pill cycle nowadays, start with a high dose batch, then work your way down once it has an established reputation and people are willing to pay extra for the press. When they first dropped, they were dosed right around mg per pill. Recent reports have shown that pills are closer to to mg each. All of this of course is due to greed from various dutch pressers as the popularity skyrocketed. I laid down in bed as I was floored, and lost all perception of where I was and time. A 4 second looped audio track was playing that was on a TV channel that went off air, literally 4 notes and it kinda put me in this trance. I literally felt like star in space and I kept telling myself that. I was rolling in pure euphoria and I may have cried as the cool sheets wrapped around my skin as I was in underwear. Literally every note of song pushed me into some kind of emotional orgasm, probably one of the best experiences of my life. Extreme euphoria, lasted hours. Encouraging you to not be scared and go into the experience with a positive mind. Seriously though it can be beautiful and nasty shit. Yes, if you take retardedly high amounts like that, it will. I remember walking streets for about 4 hours and having this massive adrenaline rush. It did not work at all, now im at home and it kicked in wtf. Rule Violation Illegal Content.

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