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Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. Want to Read saving…. Want to Read Currently Reading Read. Other editions. Enlarge cover. Error rating book. Refresh and try again. Open Preview See a Problem? История экстази и рейв-культуры by Matthew Collin. Details if other :. Thanks for telling us about the problem. Return to Book Page. Preview — Измененное состояние. Измененное состояние. История экстази и рейв-культуры by Matthew Collin ,. John Godfrey ,. Мэттью Коллин ,. Джон Годфри ,. Ирина Шебукова пер. Экстази-культура, то есть сочетание танцевальной музыки и наркотиков, была ключевым явлением в британской молодежной культуре почти целое десятилетие. Это был лучший формат на рынке развлечений, поскольку в нем использовались технологии — музыкальные, химические и компьютерные, — позволяющие изменять состояние сознания. История экстази-культуры представляет собой коллаж из Экстази-культура, то есть сочетание танцевальной музыки и наркотиков, была ключевым явлением в британской молодежной культуре почти целое десятилетие. История экстази-культуры представляет собой коллаж из фактов, мнений и личного опыта. Экстази-культура — часть развертывания, развития и совершенствования технологий наслаждения, облетевших континенты и культуры и создавших целый архипелаг пиратских утопий, измененных состояний Великобритании. Экстази-культура стала не просто ритуалом перехода из х в е, а феноменом, который и сейчас продолжает определять наше мировоззрение. Это повесть о том, как человеческое восприятие реальности достигло наивысшей точки, и о том, что случилось после. Get A Copy. Hardcover , pages. Published by Ультра. Культура first published More Details Original Title. Other Editions 7. Friend Reviews. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about Измененное состояние. История экстази и рейв-культуры , please sign up. Be the first to ask a question about Измененное состояние. История экстази и рейв-культуры. Lists with This Book. This book is not yet featured on Listopia. Add this book to your favorite list ». Community Reviews. Showing Average rating 4. Rating details. More filters. Sort order. Start your review of Измененное состояние. View all 3 comments. I missed out on most of this movement, although the bulk of it happened in the UK and various parts of Europe and other places like Goa of course. I remember the existence of raves and I think that my friends and I even tried to go to one or more, but somehow never quite pulled it off. The details are lost in time for me. All of the events covered in this book were mostly over by the time I was really starting to explore electronic music beyond ambient, synthpop and I missed out on most of this movement, although the bulk of it happened in the UK and various parts of Europe and other places like Goa of course. All of the events covered in this book were mostly over by the time I was really starting to explore electronic music beyond ambient, synthpop and industrial. As with most conflicts of this sort, I am struck by how much harm is caused by the criminalization of recreational behaviors, and why my personal approach to issues like this, specifically drug usage, is one of minimizing harm. As the British people enabled and encouraged the police and their politicians to enact ever harsher penalties, driven largely by conservative tabloids like The Sun, they literally kept making things worse by creating a criminal underground to supply the drugs. Of course that also meant the drugs became increasingly polluted with other ingredients which further exacerbated the harm. However, the author is careful to not lay the blame solely at the feet of external forces, but acknowledges that the idea that ecstasy was a completely safe drug, as many proclaimed, is also not accurate. Any drug has risks, and Collin is careful not to candy coat the reality. There is a lot of house, acid house, and other subgenres that I find spotty at best, with a lot of tracks that are too repetitive for my taste, but other tracks can be transcendent under the right circumstances. I find it interesting that one of the trajectories that was taken towards the end of this chapter of rave culture, i. Gabber and Happy Hardcore, I find distasteful for reasons not unlike the similar transition of Industrial into TerrorEBM or TerrorBanana as some of us DJs called it - the music became faster, more testosterone fueled, simpler, and dumber. Maybe I should create a list. This book, however, filled in many of the gaps, and was a thoroughly entertaining and enlightening read. The author gives a comprehensive account of the beginnings and it was great to hear the true story and what bliss these guys must have experienced. The book looks at London and Manchester in detail as well as exploring some of the less likelier destinations of UK club culture like Blackburn and later the countryside free party and rave movement. The study of the fracture of dance music into its various sub-genres and the movement of people that followed each branch provides much analysis and we see Warehouse parties, techno anarchists, drum and bass division and later the emergence of new genres like speed garage, grime and dubstep. The book focuses a lot on the role of narcotics in this new ascendant youth culture. The critical importance of ecstasy MDMA to the whole movement which eventually led to a massive increase and normalisation of drug culture across the country, with polydrug use becoming popular and clubbers and ravers exploring acid LSD , cocaine, heroin, ketamine, amphetamines and the various different types of cannabis. Governments were scared and there was a great deal of legislation set up to counter the whole movement. Enlightened masses were a danger to the establishment and the whole culture was seen as an alternative political situation. The long-running battles between promoters, DJs and the UK Police was interesting and it was noted by Police fighting the organisers of parties that these people ran their operations like military units and were very effective at getting their events into successful fruition. I think that it is important and inspiring to learn about the history of the greatest mass cultural movement, in my opinion, that emerged in the twentieth century. Overall, most of the details are present, but since the author covers so much ground he does run into a few gaps mostly in the re-telling of the US electronic music stories, due mostly to the lack of depth consistent with the story at hand, so not at all detracting. However, the beauty of the book is in the intertwined story-lines of the drug use and electronic music culture. I actually think I should re-read it soon, as I am beginning to forget the details that I was concerned with when I originally read it I bloody loved this book!!! The author has copious knowledge of and relates the experiences of everyone involved in acid house, from club promoters to ravers, to drug distri I bloody loved this book!!! The author has copious knowledge of and relates the experiences of everyone involved in acid house, from club promoters to ravers, to drug distributors. Every facet of the scene is expertly covered and viewed from multiple angles, including, of course, Ecstasy as the 'love drug', 'dance drug', 'Ibiza drug'. I was fascinated and learned a lot from reading this. I found it highly interesting, entertaining, and illuminating. Good read. After this, so pretty much everything after , he seems to dismiss. The book is also London and Manchester centric. Interesting book but with some massive gaps and some dodgy moral posturing about decline brought about by mass working class involvement. Затем слегка отпустило, и я почувствовал отчаянное желание поговорить — вынести наружу гомон переполнявших меня чувств. Мы перебросились парой слов, вряд ли это можно назвать беседой, но каждое слово было произнесено с такой интенсивностью смысла, что с этим не сравнилась бы ни одна самая содержательная беседа. Я узнал про все его ошибки, надежды, горе и радость, про все, через что он прошел, через что мы прошли вместе, через что прошли все мы, и я знал, что он чувствует то же самое. В этот моме Затем слегка отпустило, и я почувствовал отчаянное желание поговорить — вынести наружу гомон переполнявших меня чувств. В этот момент все вдруг разрешилось Все будет в полном порядке. Like the dreams of a generation of starry eyed ravers the promise of this book is better than the reality BUT the story is one that must be told and retold to keep that dream alive. And the energy is definitely infectious. So read it, enjoy it, feel envious for youth and nostalgic for the hazy euphoria and raw potential of those times. A little bit of togetherness is something we could all do with in so far. Detailed A really good read. Enjoyed it as the years were progressing into the times I could relate to. Even comming home age 13 to parents tripping and listening to Stu Allen on the radio. Reading this book let me know what was going on in the scene outside of my small teeneage world. Fantastic read decades on. Beautifully Written A great read with juicy insights and accurate portrayls of a licentious slice of modern history. A clear and well-researched insight into the growth, continued relevance, and 'fall' of the true underground in the UK starting with the Second Summer of Love, Collin makes this interesting history very entertaining. Great historical book as well as beautiful and griping writing. I much prefer the daft oral history of Once in a Lifetime. After years of reading fiction I decided to give an information book a chance. From Jack the Tab to Fatboy Slim this book details the history of drugs and the tunes they are associated with. For a beginner this is great. The best books of this kind also deal with the sociopolitical aspects of the scene, which is well documented here. Some of the behaviour by the police at this strange and exciting time in British culture in collusion with both the Conservatives and Labour was quite disgraceful. Mind you, the criminal underworld and the relentless commercialization of it all played a part in its demise as well. Everybody needs a history. Or something. I had to rate this a 5, if only because i am name-checked in the thanks. Matthew has done his research really well - he interviewed all the main protagonists, and got some reliable heresay on those who were eithe too far gone or dead I think this is a superb book - it actually is the story of ecstasy and acid house - long gone days, but fondly remembered! A definitive history of the E generation, the late 80s to early 90s ravers, from a British perspective. Probably the definitive account of the explosion of rave culture and its roots. Andrew Loof rated it it was amazing Jun 27, Lee rated it it was amazing Sep 21, Matthew rated it liked it Jul 21, Anthony rated it really liked it Jan 31, Trish rated it liked it Jul 29, Marlene Bendyna rated it it was amazing Mar 14, There are no discussion topics on this book yet. Be the first to start one ». Readers also enjoyed. About Matthew Collin. Matthew Collin. Books by Matthew Collin. Related Articles. Read more Trivia About Altered State: Th No trivia or quizzes yet. Add some now ». Quotes from Измененное состоя New sound. New life. Everything felt so right. A huge, glowing, magical YES. She told him, if he was interested, that everyone puts their arms around each other. Welcome back. Just a moment while we sign you in to your Goodreads account.

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