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Экстази Иордания

Экстази Иордания

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Экстази Иордания

A blazing tale of breathless passion, seductive desire, and deep love from sensational, bestselling author Nicole Jordan. Having watched her mother languish away for a lost love, Raven Kendrick vows never to surrender her heart. But when her life erupts in scandal, she is forced to accept a marriage proposal from the wickedly sensuous owner of Londons most notorious gaming hell. Though fiercely drawn to her enigmatic rescuer, Raven battles to resist her husband, whose sensuous caresses promise ecstasy beyond her wildest fantasies. To save the reputation of an innocent girl nearly ruined by his brother, Kell Lasseter sacrifices his freedom to wed the dazzling debutante. Long scorned for his Irish blood and dark past, Kell cannot deny that this enchanting spitfire is unlike other society misses. Torn between loyalty to his brother and his growing feelings for his rebellious bride, Kell must somehow free Ravens reluctant heart before they can know the ecstasy of true love. From the Paperback edition. Жанр: Документальная литература. В книге автор представляет независимый и разносторонний взгляд на жизнь и достижения самого ярког Жанр: Психология , Теория успеха , Средний и малый бизнес , Карьера и работа. Цитата 'Один из самых важных уроков, которые я получил в своей жизни, звучит так: если вы хотит Жанр: История. Учебник написан с учетом последних исследований исторической науки и современного научного подхода к Жанр: Рассказы и повести. Предположим, вы сделали что-то очень плохое, но поняли это слишком поздно, когда уже ничего нельзя Серия: Мастер клинков 3. Жанр: Разное. Распопов Дмитрий Викторович. Дорогие друзья по чтению. Это настоящее явление в литературе, которое не любишь, а восхищаешься всем естеством, оно не нравится, а приводит в неописуемый восторг. При помощи ускользающих намеков, предположений, неоконченных фраз, чувствуется стремление подвести читателя к финалу, чтобы он был естественным, желанным. Помимо увлекательного, захватывающего и интересного повествования, в сюжете также сохраняется логичность и последовательность событий. Зачаровывает внутренний конфликт героя, он стал настоящим борцом и главная победа для него - победа над собой. Созданные образы открывают целые вселенные невероятно сложные, внутри которых свои законы, идеалы, трагедии. Просматривается актуальная во все времена идея превосходства добра над злом, света над тьмой с очевидной победой первого и поражением второго. Произведение пронизано тонким юмором, и этот юмор, будучи одной из форм, способствует лучшему пониманию и восприятию происходящего. Данная история - это своеобразная загадка, поставленная читателю, и обычной логикой ее не разгадать, до самой последней страницы. Написано настолько увлекательно и живо, что все картины и протагонисты запоминаются на долго и даже спустя довольно долгое время, моментально вспоминаются. Грамотно и реалистично изображенная окружающая среда, своей живописностью и многообразностью, погружает, увлекает и будоражит воображение. Жанр: Военная проза , Проза для детей. Рассказы этой книги знакомят читателя с юными героями-ленинградцами, погибшими во время Великой От Козлов В. У Болотного царя были враги, были проблемы, была непоседливая, любопытная дочь. Казалось бы, неуже Огинская Купава 'Квэлиер'. Рецепт счастья от автора. Сходите в лес и заблудитесь. Если получится, провалитесь в яму. Самое гл Снежинская Елена. Жанр: Любовно-фантастические романы. Девушка по имени Клер — повар от Бога. Она работает в семейном кафе, где подают блюда по старинным Я не хотела становиться хранительницей, меня заставили. Теперь мой сосед — сссобака, лучшая подр Книга посвящена современным технологиям постобработки цифровых фотографий, начиная от элементарны За окном 1 Раджаб, год. Вот уже целый час бушует песчаная буря, темно и серо, кажется, что у Ecstasy Jordan Nicole EN. Мне нравится 0 Наградить 0. О книге. Читать онлайн В библиотеку. Аннотация A blazing tale of breathless passion, seductive desire, and deep love from sensational, bestselling author Nicole Jordan. Отзывы Загрузить еще. Ваше имя. Ваш комментарий. Читаю Хочу прочесть В архив. Аннотация: В книге автор представляет независимый и разносторонний взгляд на жизнь и достижения самого ярког Илон Маск. Tesla, SpaceX и дорога в будущее Вэнс Эшли. Аннотация: Цитата 'Один из самых важных уроков, которые я получил в своей жизни, звучит так: если вы хотит Мощные инструменты развития личности Кови Стивен Р. Аннотация: Учебник написан с учетом последних исследований исторической науки и современного научного подхода к Между нами горы Мартин Чарльз. Аннотация: Предположим, вы сделали что-то очень плохое, но поняли это слишком поздно, когда уже ничего нельзя Прежде чем я упаду Оливер Лорен. Серия: Мастер клинков 3 Жанр: Разное. Мастер клинков. Клинок выкован Распопов Дмитрий Викторович. Аннотация: Рассказы этой книги знакомят читателя с юными героями-ленинградцами, погибшими во время Великой От Орлята Рассказы о пионерах-героях Козлов В. Томин Ю. Котовщикова А. Туричин И. Ходза Н. Никольский Б. Шейкин А. Николин Евг. Раевский Б. Голубева А. Кршижановская Е. Набатов Г. Принцев Ю. Аннотация: У Болотного царя были враги, были проблемы, была непоседливая, любопытная дочь. Жена Болотного царя Огинская Купава 'Квэлиер'. Аннотация: Рецепт счастья от автора. Мама для дракона Снежинская Елена. Аннотация: Девушка по имени Клер — повар от Бога. Любовная косточка Лакомка Ната. Аннотация: Я не хотела становиться хранительницей, меня заставили. Памятью проклятые Огинская Купава 'Квэлиер'. Аннотация: Книга посвящена современным технологиям постобработки цифровых фотографий, начиная от элементарны Фотопейзаж и компьютер Кощеев Виктор. Аннотация: За окном 1 Раджаб, год. Войти через:. Тема - Выберите тему обращения - Письмо администратору Жалоба правообладателя.

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He rose naked from the surf, his wet, sleekly muscled body glistening in the Caribbean sun. Framed against the brilliant turquoise sea, he looked like some pagan god. Yet he was no god. He was the pirate who had stolen her virtue and then her heart. Heat and vitality and danger throbbed from him as he stood spread-legged on the crystalline white beach, commander of all he surveyed. His engorged male flesh clearly proclaimed his arousal and made her breath falter. As if he heard her soft gasp, his dark gaze riveted on her. She could never see his face, only his dark eyes that were intense and burning. He came to her then, purpose defined in every lithe stride. The sand was warm at her back as he bore her down, his hungry mouth hot as it claimed hers. His kiss was ravaging, not in force but in effect; his touch dangerously, wildly sensual as his hands roamed over her at will. He drank of her mouth, then shifted his caresses lower, gentle and ruthless at once. Pressing her head back, he kissed the arch of her throat, her collarbone, her naked breasts… His lips felt hotter than the sun on her bare skin, the blistering heat searing her flesh. He captured a nipple and suckled hard, shooting arrows of pleasure downward to her moist, feminine center. She whimpered and parted her legs for him, sighing as he nestled his swollen sex against her softness, the throbbing ache between her thighs soothed and aroused at once. Understanding her urgent need, he slid himself relentlessly within her, his huge shaft filling her, making her want to weep with ecstasy. But then he went still, denying her the release she craved. The hot darkness of his gaze pinned her as surely as his pulsing masculine flesh impaled her. His intense gaze burned into hers. He cannot make you feel what I do. He cannot make your blood run hot as I can. She turned her head aside, knowing all he said was true. She felt a sense of desperation at the thought of her impending marriage. She wanted to forget…and yet her pirate would not allow her. His hand clenched in her hair, his teeth bared in savage insistence. You are mine, do you heed me? And I am yours. You created me. He withdrew his slick shaft and sank forcefully into her again, thrusting completely home. My touch, my taste, my hard flesh driving deep inside you, making you cry out with need. The fierce intimacy of his body locked into hers and he began to move again, taking her, claiming her. Instead she lifted her hips to meet his deep thrusts, answering him with all the vigor in her trembling form. Climax exploded through her in intense, rigid shudders again and again and again before at last he found his own release. Eventually he collapsed upon her, his gasping breath mingling with hers, their fierce hunger momentarily sated. She lay back, replete, as silken waves came to lap at her, cooling her overheated skin and the blaze of passion between them…. Slowly Raven Kendrick roused from fantasy to awareness, recognizing her bedchamber. The chill light of early morning filtered through the damask curtains as she lay in bed, her body still throbbing with her powerful climax and the memory of her pirate. He was a wild, sweet fire in her blood…and he was merely illusion. With a sigh of unfulfilled longing, Raven rolled over and drew a pillow to her still-tingling breasts. He was all she would ever have of true passion. Her lover existed only in her imagination, although sometimes he seemed as real to her as any flesh and blood man. He had no identity, no past other than the one she had attributed to him. Her eyes closed on the memory of their most recent interlude. She could imagine, though. Indeed, she knew things no virgin should ever know. Penned by an anonymous Frenchwoman, the journal was a true, tragic tale of love and filled with exquisite details of carnal desire. Raven frowned defiantly. Perhaps she was wicked to foster such vivid illusions of her pirate, but in her fantasies she could be as unconventional and free as she chose. She could satisfy the deep restlessness inside her, indulge her forbidden hunger without the dire consequences of social ruin. Most vitally, she could give herself completely to a lover without fear of losing her heart and soul, the way her mother once had. Involuntarily Raven clenched her fists as the familiar dread pulsed through her. She would never give her heart to a real man. By day she had pored over her precious journal, memorizing each poignant line. Reaching into the bedside table drawer, Raven withdrew the jewel-encrusted book, her eyes blurring as she remembered. It had grieved her endlessly to see her mother waste her life away, wishing even on her deathbed for a man she could never have. The loss of her mother had left Raven achingly bereft yet filled with determination. She would never make the same mistake her mother had made, falling victim to a hopeless love. No man would ever own her soul. She alone controlled the shape of her destiny. She might have resolved to marry, but love would form no part of the equation. A rap on her bedchamber door brought Raven out of her dark reverie. Quickly returning the journal to the drawer, she bid admission, and her personal maid entered, carrying a tray. She sat up slowly in bed and allowed Nan to set the tray on her lap, even though she suddenly had no appetite. The maid poured her a cup of chocolate, talking all the while. I am a bit in awe myself. Turning to the hearth, the maid built up the dwindling fire to ward off the November chill, then bobbed a curtsy. When the servant had left the room, Raven dutifully picked up her fork but set it down again as her stomach recoiled. In a few short hours she would wed the man she had chosen, a prominent nobleman who commanded the respect of the highest echelons of the ton. She had eagerly anticipated this day for months-so why did she now feel as if she were somehow going to her execution? Bridal nerves. Her anxiety could be attributed merely to that. Every bride had misgivings on her wedding day. She shook her head, determined to quell the knots in her stomach. As a duchess, she would be accepted by the cream of society…the society her mother had been denied after being banished to the West Indies more than twenty years ago by an irate father. Raven raised her cup of chocolate to her lips, trying to ignore her qualms. But as his wife, she would no longer be compelled to fight the despairing feelings of aloneness that had haunted her for much of her life. She was fortunate to have attracted Halford, considering the disadvantages she faced. Since then, Raven had grown to realize how very much acceptance meant to her, how deeply she cherished the feeling of belonging. To her relief and gratitude, her first Season had been a triumph. She was sought after by countless admirers and received a half dozen estimable proposals of marriage, along with several unsuitable ones. But with a hidden scandal in her past, she could give the ton no reason to challenge her entree into its select ranks, no matter how much she might like to thumb her nose in their faces. Not if she wanted to become one of them. Her unconventionality was a definite drawback, Raven was keenly aware. But once in England, she had striven to restrain her natural high spirits, repressing any sign of passion in favor of conformity, enduring the stifling rules of proper conduct because she was fiercely determined to be accepted. One of her few concessions to restlessness was her early morning gallops in the park. And when she craved passion, she turned to her fantasies and her imaginary pirate lover. Though he was only an illusion-one that sometimes left her aching with an unfulfilled longing-she was certain her pirate could satisfy her deepest hungers far more profoundly than her real-life duke ever could or would. Raven shivered, suddenly feeling the chill of the winter morning. Sternly repressing her apprehension, she set aside her tray and rose from the bed. Were this any other day, she would be riding at this very moment, but she had a wedding to prepare for. She had just drawn on a woolen wrapper when another knock sounded on her door. To her vast surprise, her great-aunt entered. Catherine, Lady Dalrymple, was an imposing figure-tall and elegant with handsome features and silver hair that lent her a majestic air. Never once in all the months of living with her great-aunt had she been visited like this. Nor did her elderly relative normally rise this early. Aunt Catherine managed a stiff smile. I merely brought you a wedding gift. I suspect Elizabeth would wish you to have them. Raven felt her heart wrench at the mention of her mother. Opening the box with curiosity, she gasped to find a stunning strand of pearls and a pair of pearl-drop earrings, not large but with a lustrous sheen that suggested great value. Raven gave her great-aunt a questioning glance, wondering what had caused this show of generosity. Lady Dalrymple usually treated her with a frosty reserve bordering on dislike. But now that your nuptials actually are at hand, I think you are entitled to have these. But I presumed you would wish to wear them at your wedding. I would like very much to wear them. Without speaking, Aunt Catherine turned to take her leave, but then turned back, arching one elegant eyebrow. I never imagined you would make such an advantageous marriage. You had so many suitors… I feared you might choose someone unacceptable just to spite us. She had indeed had numerous suitors, Raven reflected. In fact, one suitor in particular had hounded her relentlessly even after her betrothal to Halford was announced, nearly embroiling her in scandal. Thankfully her aunt knew nothing of that near disaster. Блог редактора. I have no choice. I swore a solemn promise. Yes…only you. She lay back, replete, as silken waves came to lap at her, cooling her overheated skin and the blaze of passion between them… Slowly Raven Kendrick roused from fantasy to awareness, recognizing her bedchamber. Yet it was a scandalous tome for any young lady of virtue to possess. Her wedding day at last was here. She would at last belong somewhere. В начало книги. Jordan Nicole - Ecstasy - скачать книгу.

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