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Метилфенидат (риталин) - страшный наркотик


Этилфенидат — одно из новых психоактивных веществ НПАВ , по своим свойствам является аналогом метилфенидата. Этилфенидат разработан в лабораториях для замещения кокаина. Обычно он доступен в виде соли, порошка, таблеток, смесей для курения или в виде газа. Порошки и таблетки могут отличаться по консистенции и цвету, иметь различные размеры и форму. Обычно расфасовывается в привлекательную яркую упаковку с фирменной маркировкой. Характерное для этилфенидата воздействие и связанные с его употреблением риски для здоровья трудно оценить по причине недостаточности соответствующих исследований и литературы. При употреблении этилфенидата отмечаются различные возможные эффекты, например, эйфорию, прилив энергии, снижение усталости и потребности во сне, снижение аппетита, возрастание психической нестабильности, повышение уверенности в себе и обострение внимания, повышенное либидо, а также дрожь, повышенную потливость, усиление мышечного напряжения, учащенное дыхание, усиление рефлексов, повышенную температура и перегрев гипертермия. Для психостимуляторов, в т. От этилфенидата легко можно впасть в зависимость, поскольку непреодолимое желание получить следующую дозу может возникнуть уже после первого эпизода употребления. При употреблении этилфенидата возможна передозировка, ее опасность особенно велика, если употреблять вещество вместе с алкоголем. Результаты исследований показали, что воздействие этилфенидата на сердце приводило к летальному исходу. Gibbons S; Clin Toxicol Phila. J Clin Psychopharmacol. An analysis of current evidence. Forensic Sci Int. Как наркотики воздействуют на наш организм. Как наркотики действуют на мозг. Search for:. Этилфенидат втягивают через нос или проглатывают, а также курят или вдыхают подобно крэку. Симптомы абстинентного синдрома: боли в ногах, затруднения при ходьбе мышечные боли усталость лихорадка металлический привкус во рту легкие спазмы в животе головная боль зубная боль, боли в челюсти раздражительность Признаки отравления и передозировка При употреблении этилфенидата возможна передозировка, ее опасность особенно велика, если употреблять вещество вместе с алкоголем. Как наркотики воздействуют на наш организм Как наркотики действуют на мозг.

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Methylphenidate may improve ADHD symptoms including poor focus, impulsivity and hyperactive behavior. Methylphenidate is the generic or general name of the medication that is then sold under a number of brand names such as Ritalin and Daytrana. Methylphenidate has not been studied in children under the age of 6 by the FDA so it is not FDA-approved for pre-school children. Methylphenidate is considered the most effective first-line treatment for ADHD symptoms in children. In , researchers from the UK systematically compared double-blind, randomized, controlled trials designed to contrast the effectiveness and tolerability of the following medications for ADHD in children, adolescents, and adults: amphetamines including lisdexamfetamine , atomoxetine, bupropion, clonidine, guanfacine, methylphenidate, and modafinil. Before starting or refilling a methylphenidate prescription, read the medication guide included with your pills, as it may be updated with new information. If you have questions, ask your doctor or pharmacist before you begin taking the medication. Not everyone gets benefit from or tolerates methylphenidate. The optimal dosage varies patient by patient. It is not determined by age, weight, or height, but rather by how a person absorbs and then metabolizes the medication, and the condition treated. Your doctor may adjust your daily dosage until you or your child experiences the best response — that is, the lowest dosage at which you experience the greatest improvement in symptoms without side effects. During treatment, your doctor may periodically ask you to stop taking your methylphenidate so that he or she can monitor ADHD symptoms; check vital statistics including blood, heart, and blood pressure; or evaluate height and weight. If any problems are found, your doctor may recommend modifying treatment or switching to another molecule such as amphetamine. Very rarely some patients report developing a tolerance to methylphenidate after long-term use. If you notice that your dosage is no longer controlling your symptoms, talk to your doctor to plan a course of action. As with all medications, follow your methylphenidate prescription instructions exactly. If patients experience upset stomach as a side effect, this medication can be taken with food. Taking methylphenidate late in the day can disrupt sleep. The most common side effects of methylphenidate are as follows:Decreased of appetite with possible weight loss, jitteriness, irritability, difficulty falling asleep, stomach discomfort, heart racing, and constipation. The transdermal patch form of methylphenidate can cause skin irritation, and permanent skin discoloration where the patch is applied. At one time there was a concern that methylphenidate caused a slowing of growth for which the child then compensated in a later time. If side effects are bothersome, or do not go away, talk to your doctor. Most people taking this medication do not experience any of these side effects. Report to your doctor any heart-related problems or a family history of heart and blood pressure problems prior to starting methylphenidate. Patients with structural cardiac abnormalities and other serious heart problems have experienced sudden death, stroke, heart attack, and increased blood pressure while taking methylphenidate. Stimulants can increase blood pressure and heart rate. Physicians should monitor these vital signs closely during treatment. Call your doctor immediately if you or your child experiences warning signs such as severe chest pain, excessive shortness of breath without cause, or fainting while taking methylphenidate. Also disclose to your physician all mental health issues including any family history of suicide, bipolar illness, tics, or depression. It can cause psychotic or manic symptoms in children and teenagers. Call your doctor immediately if you or your child experiences new or worsening mental health symptoms including hallucinations or sudden suspicions. Report to your doctor any new blood-flow problems, pain, skin color changes, or sensitivities to temperature while taking methylphenidate. Stimulants like methylphenidate have a high potential for abuse and addiction, especially among people who do not have ADHD. All of the first line i. People with a history of drug abuse should use caution when trying this medication. Taking the medication exactly as prescribed can reduce potential for abuse. The above is not a complete list of potential side effects. If you notice any health changes not listed above, discuss them with your doctor or pharmacist. Store methylphenidate in a secure place out of the reach of children, and at room temperature. Do not share your methylphenidate prescription with anyone, even another person with ADHD. Sharing prescription medication is illegal, and can cause harm. You should use caution while taking methylphenidate if you have a history of heart or circulation problems. Animal studies indicate a potential risk of fetal harm but no harm has been found in human beings. Methylphenidate is passed through breastmilk but the effects of ADHD medications in breast milk have never been studied. Before taking methylphenidate, discuss all other active prescription medications with your doctor. Share a list of all vitamin or herbal supplements, and prescription and non-prescription medications you take with the pharmacist when you fill your prescription, and let all doctors and physicians know you are taking methylphenidate before having any surgery or laboratory tests. Methylphenidate can have a dangerous interaction with certain anesthetics. The above is not a complete list of all possible drug interactions. Comparative efficacy and tolerability of medications for attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder in children, adolescents, and adults: a systematic review and network meta-analysis. Lancet Psychiatry. I started on a 4 hour dose of 10 mg. Within six months I upped my dosage to 20 mg and noticed a very good improvement with focus and concentration, as well as a marked decrease in anxiety. I then switched to 20 mg Ritalin LA to help me get through the day better. And when I learned I could take two doses a day, I found my life improved even more. Now I take the first dose the minute I wake up, and then an alarm on my phone goes off at pm to remind me to take my second dose. I have no trouble sleeping, no side effects and no problems on my current dosage. Dehydration and poor nutrition need to be looked after while taking these meds. Takes about 11 hours I find until it wears off enough to sleep and eat properly. My son has been taking a combination of Methylphenidate ER 20mg capsules and a Methylphenidate 5mg tablet for the past 2 years. First we tried several different strengths of Vyvanse and he was a zombie. The 20mg ER in the morning and the 5mg in the evening are exactly what he needs. I would love to figure out a way to post a topic on here but cant figure it out. Any how I started taking ritalin back in when it was the real deal made by Sandoz. I took it from age 15 until the age 23 and started taking it again at age A lot has change in that time. Closest thing to the real deal Sandoz for me has been KVK believe it or not. I tried the activas and did not care for it, For a couple of years I would chase down the KVK ritalin to different pharmacies each month, but that has become ridiculous. For a while I was getting by using good RX but now most pharmacies tell me they cannot accept good rx because ritalin is a schedule 2 controlled substance, that never made much sense to me. Anyhow recently I have given in to big Pharma and decided to go ahead and get the Mallinckrodt brand ritalin. The reviews I have read in the past have always seemed to rub me the wrong way. KVK brand ritalin pills look like the old Sandoz brand and have similar characteristics in regard to how the pill dissolves and its over all effect on my brain. Read on to get the truth and educate yourself about the disorder! I say…. But what if you did, then…. My mother was a sensible woman. Ill give the Mallinckrodt brand a try in the next few days but for any reason it does not feel right then I will just stop using it. If anyone knows of a way to post in the forums please pass it along to me for I might have some good input on the matter of ritalin since I have been taking it for so long. You must be logged in to post a comment. By William Dodson, M. Methylphenidate can also be used to treat narcolepsy. Methylphenidate Dosage The optimal dosage varies patient by patient. Methylphenidate is available in several formulations: Short-Acting Tablet : Brand Name: Ritalin Taken two to three times daily, 30 to 45 minutes before a meal. Available in 5mg, 10mg, and 20mg dosages. Tablets should be swallowed whole with water or other liquids. Tablets should never by crushed or chewed. Available in 20mg dosage, effective for 8 hours. The first dose is typically taken first thing in the morning; it should be taken at the same time each day for the best results. If your child is unable to swallow the capsule, it can be opened and sprinkled over a spoonful of applesauce. Taken this way, the mixture should be swallowed whole without chewing, followed by a drink of water or other liquid. Capsules should never by crushed or chewed. Capsules are available in 10mg, 20mg, 30mg, 40mg, 50mg, and 60mg dosages. This technology keeps the medication from activating for the first 10 to 12 hours — meaning that, when taken in the evening before bedtime, the effects are felt when a child wakes up. The medication is then released into the body in steady amounts throughout the day. Chewable Tablet : Brand Name: Methylin Taken two to three times daily, 30 to 45 minutes before a meal. Chew each tablet well, and swallow with at least a full glass of water or another liquid. Tablets not taken with enough liquid can swell and become a choking risk. Available in 2. Dosage does not typically exceed 60 mg per day. Chew each tablet well, and swallow with a full glass of water or another liquid. Available in 20mg, 30mg, and 40mg tablets. The liquid should be measured with the included device and swallowed entirely with water or another liquid. Shake the bottle well for at least 10 seconds, and then measure with the included device. The time-release formulation is designed to maintain a steady level of medication in your body throughout the day. Extended-Release Osmotic Tablet : Brand name: Concerta Taken orally, with or without food, once daily — usually first thing in the morning. It should be taken at the same time each day for best results. If your child is unable to swallow the pill, your doctor may recommend another medication. Tablets should never be cut, crushed, or chewed because this would destroy the time release mechanism. The tablet is designed to release the medication without dissolving. The empty capsule passes through the digestive tract and out of the body without being digested. Capsules are available in 18mg, 27mg, 36mg, and 54mg dosages. Dosage should not exceed 54mg daily for children and adolescents, and 72mg daily for adults. Most generics are of poor quality. Single isomer extended release capsule: Brand name: Focalin XR. Generic name: dexmethylphenidate ER. Although all other methylphenidate formulations contain both the right and left-handed mirror image molecules of methylphenidate, only the right-handed version has benefits for ADHD. The left-handed version increases side effects. This formulation is just the beneficial right-handed version of the methylphenidate molecule and there is strong evidence that it has more efficacy and a lower level of side effects than other formulations. It is also more expensive and, therefore, commonly does not have as good insurance coverage. Capsules are available in 5mg increments from 5 mg up to 40 mg per capsule. Transdermal Patch : Brand Name: Daytrana Apply the patch to the hip two hours before you need the medication to take effect. There are four dosage strengths available, designated as 10 mg, 15 mg, 20 mg, and 30 mg. These nominal dosages strengths are just estimates since the efficiency of skin absorption varies greatly from person to person. In clinical practice your doctor may suggest that you keep the patch on for longer periods of time. The patch was originally designed for up to 18 hours of wear time. This formulation may cause skin irritation red, mildly painful areas of skin where the patch was applied so the spot where the patch is applied should be changed each day. Methylphenidate Side Effects As with all medications, follow your methylphenidate prescription instructions exactly. Other serious but rare side effects include priapism and eyesight changes or blurred vision. What Precautions Are Associated with Methylphenidate? Chewable tablets can contain phenylalanine, and can be harmful to people with phenylketonuria. Log in to Reply. Hope this helps If anyone knows of a way to post in the forums please pass it along to me for I might have some good input on the matter of ritalin since I have been taking it for so long. Mention what medical condition you were using the medication or treatment to address. Mention the brand, dose, and period of time that you used the medication or treatment. Please share your positive and negative experiences with the medication or treatment in detail. Note effectiveness, ease of use, side effects; and compare it with other treatments you have used. Do not include any personal information or links in your review. Add Your Review Cancel reply You must be logged in to post a comment.


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