ECU Remapping - Custom Remaps versus Library Maps

ECU Remapping - Custom Remaps versus Library Maps

You know how remapping the ECU can improve your car's performance: more power and torque, smoother management, better fuel economy. Now all you have to do is find somebody to do the job. You'll likely realize that a few companies advertise custom or bespoke maps and other companies discuss using library paths. It's extremely essential to be aware of the difference between both varieties of remapping. Bespoke remapping can be expensive, however, it has significant advantages which ensure it is really worth the cost.

Bespoke or habit remapping begins with the file that is in your car's ECU at this time. The technician downloads the original ECU map out of the car after which changes elements of it to increase engine efficiency. The files for several unique procedures are tuned with high priced software. The technician needs to know the ideal solution to recalibrate each setting -- in other words, he's got to learn what he's doing.

Along with the maps that restrain fuel combustion, the ECU also contains data pertinent to your vehicle like immobiliser info, software updates, bug fixes from producer, and so on. Because of bmw remap , only the files which have to be changed are relieved throughout the remapping -- additional vital data about the vehicle is left undamaged. Afterward the map has been flashed back to the ECU, overwriting the present file. A backup of the original ECU document is retained by the supplier, only in case. Bespoke remapping is tailored to your particular vehicle, which ensures the best possible results.

Remapping with a library record is very different. The technician will not use the initial ECU file in your car. The library file is replicated back into the motor vehicle's ECU, overwriting everything -- including some other vehicle-specific information which may have been on the file.

Now, this group of library files includes a shady past. It is made up of all ECU files which some one gathered from anonymous sources, copied to a CD, also sold for a few pounds over the Internet. Most, if not most, of these ECU files were stolen by professional remappers. As a result, you really don't understand anything concerning the character of the files or how they may affect your engine.

Remapping the ECU using a library record is a mistake that could have dire consequences. The library document probably won't contain the immobiliser software that keeps your automobile secure. It wont possess recent software upgrades or crucial bug fixes. And let us not forget that a service provider using library records probably cuts corners in other ways, using inexpensive gear and nominal tech training.

What happens once you replace a vehicle's unique ECU map with a library document? Certainly the engine might output more energy following the remap, however there isn't any guarantee that the progress will probably be what you expected. Your engine may suddenly develop glitches and don't operate as it should. The ECU could freeze up and become inaccessible so you can not even resolve the damage. With no standard security features, your vehicle might be stolen more easily.

Now that you understand why habit maps are much superior than library maps, how do you find someone to do the job? First of all, ensure that the provider does offer bespoke remapping that's performed by qualified technicians. It's not hard to tell if you are dealing with a professional or a poseur. Only ask the technician a few questions about how the remapping is done, what sort of files he uses, which engine settings have been changed, and so on. A licensed and knowledgeable individual will probably soon be perfectly competent to explain the finer points of this remapping process for your requirements. Of course if a person cites library files or attempts to convince one the library files are just as fantastic as custom files, then cross them off the list.

There is nothing wrong with shopping around to compare prices, however don't make price the deciding factor. This really is a high-tech industry and technology costs money. If you find something provider with very reduced rates, ask yourself . In all probability , they have been using library files and inexpensive applications for remapping.

You should also guarantee your self concerning the company's after-sales support. Could there be a trial period after the remapping? Can they keep a copy of the original map incase you ever want to change back? Is it true that the workmanship have a warranty? Ensure you're Contented with the answers to those questions

Remapping that the ECU is an effective way to boost engine performance, but if it isn't done properly you truly do put your car in danger. There's no wonder that bespoke or custom remapping will be a better option than remapping together with library files. You're going to receive the most useful results, and equally significant, you are going to secure your expensive vehicle from damage.

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