

ECTA is The principle overall blockchain-predicated employability tradition for architects involves KYC checked people who offer distinctive capacities to asking for substances in a straightforward and zero-chance path for a productive consummate of categorical endeavors. The center of the tradition is a matchmaking engine powered by man-made cognizance, which, in light of a consistent all around data examination gets some answers concerning the capacities and endowments of individuals around the globe. It by then proposes to asking for substances the aptitudes/benisons which may ameliorate their cerebration and contribute toward a productive affirmation.

Problems With

Time Loss

Traditional online search engines.

Fake Profiles

LinkedIn and freelance platforms.

Undiscovered Talents

Low-middle income countries.


By taking the best from each and making one simple product on a higher level.

Human Resources



Sosial Network

Freelance Platform

Decentralized ECTA platform developers believe they will be able to create a unique ecosystem that opens up global opportunities for workers and employers. The new platform is a unique symbiosis of several directions at the same time.

Human Resources. Here is a collection of data from many talented workers who want to be part of a big company.

Artificial intelligence. In this case, the program will process all information, systematize it, create a worker’s catalog to simplify the search process for employers. It’s very convenient and allows you to annoy people from additional time costs.

Blockchain. Unique modern technology opens up new aspects in different segments. Blockchain provides the ability to protect platform users under fraudulent schemes reliably.

Social network. This is where most of the information from employers and employees who are trying to get a job posted today. Artificial intelligence will allow you to gather all the necessary data and choose the most useful offers. In addition, the platform will allow to communicate directly with the built-in chat.

Platform Opportunities. Now you do not need to spend time looking for specialists who can perform tasks as quickly and efficiently as possible. In this case, entrepreneurs will be able to quickly find the most useful for themselves, taking into account the details of the task. Freelancers are also interested in this kind of cooperation, they get the opportunity to get regular customers and increase their income significantly. In some situations, casual workers affect the employees of large companies.

The mission of the ECTA

convention is to expand time and installment productivity, build up bona fide connections, and find facilities from low-center wage nations by utilizing on its special specialized arrangement energized by AI calculations of a formerly made savvy arrangements and all that in the cooperative energy with Ethereum predicated savvy contract to make the item multifarious.

The Goal of ECTA

The essential objective of the convention for this situation is to enhance a general frenzied circumstance in the 4 th mechanical upheaval inside indispensable territories, for example, “learning by doing” ordinant dictation, information sharing, notoriety susceptibility, outlandish developing broker charges, and venture straightforwardness while partaking in

• The amendment of AI, IoT, and blockchain ventures

• Striving to dispatch a fitting ICO crusade or some other startup venture

• Aiming to integrate to dynamic phrenic conceptions utilizing ECTA data about undertakings and engineers and as a startup adherent of make more secure notional theorization culls (ECTA Due Diligence)


In the going with case we have demonstrated the noetic conception how aptitudinal progenitors over the globe collaborate with the gregarious events probed for after safy by virtue of utilization of our AI figurings, fungible ECTA PAY tokens and nonfungible ECTA SKILLS tokens (non-transferable). moreover the underneath purposes of intrigue give an included a segment of our answers which must be recorded.

Advantages OF OUR USERS

All stage customers who hold ECTA PAY tokens will have the faculty to avail their potential comprehensive while sorting out with parties who share correlative characteristics, vision, and scopes of capacities. On account of the AI feature which gives “virtual avail” to the stage, everyone preserves paramount time, will kill vital costs, deal just with affirmed gregarious occasions, get paid with no peril, and will be compensated for the system balanced exercises.


Synergy Protocol

Synergy Protocol AI, IoT, and blockchain developers list types of skills they dispose under their profile along with their pricing/value in ECTA PAY tokens (ERC20). They also list the necessary timeline and availability for hiring by entities seeking such skill providers. Individuals or companies describe their own project(s) idea within the platform and activate matchmaking process which, powered by Artificial Intelligence, analyses project idea attributes and recommends developer hires based on their skill sets which could bring additional value for the project’s realization.

Payment Protocol

Payment Protocol Idea holders acknowledge the profile of recommended developers who have the required skill set and initiate the bidding process whereby both parties reach a price consensus for the service ordered. Immediately upon the agreement completion, both parties transfer the agreed amount of ECTA PAY tokens (ERC20) to the escrow account. This account is governed by Ethereum based smart contract which acts as the ultimate performance protection for both sides.

Once the developer provides the ordered service within the agreed timeframe,he/she mines ECTA non-fungible/non-transferable SKILLS tokens (ERC721) for the job’s quality confirmation which forms his/her overall rating within the platform and enhances conformity for hiring by future clients. In such cases where there are no complaints from the idea holder, the smart contract automatically dispatches ECTA PAY tokens (ERC20) from escrow to the developer’s account as payment for his/her services which they cash in on exchanges as compensation for their work.

Reputation Protocol

Reputation Protocol However, if the idea holder finds provisioning of the skills from AI, IoT, and blockchain developers inaccurate according to the description and timeline of the ordered service, he/she can initiate arbitration process by dispatching the necessary amount of ECTA (ERC20) PAY tokens to the arbitration pool.

The process is then conducted by a pool of arbiters holding ECTA (ERC20) PAY tokens. Based on their votes, a final decision is made about who is “right” and who is “wrong”. In cases where the results of the voting from the pool of arbiters show that the idea holder is not right, this means that the hired developer has done his/her job. Then, the smart contract releases the agreed payment for the services along with the share of tokens used for initiation of the arbitration process.

Likewise, if the hired developer did not deliver the agreed services, then the smart contract returns the payment to the idea holder along with the share of tokens used for initiation of the arbitration process.


AI This section tries to explain to the reader the possible usages and challenges

of successful AI and Machine Learning implementation in the ECTA project scope.



SUPPLY 1,000,000,000

FOR ICO 500,000,000 (50%)




1  ECTA $ 0.02







Q1 – Q2 2017

Concept upgrade

Team building

Market feedback

Q3 – Q4 2017

Legal setup

Whitepaper preparation & writting

Meetings with educational entities

2018 – 2019

Team expansion

Alfa version

EU Universities adoption campaign

2019 – 2020

ENA (ECTA Network Ambassadors)

ECTA Challenge Pool

ECTA Foundation and international partnerships

2020 +

Mainstream for global employability

Covering all 5 continents

1% of global market share


Recently, the government of Slovenia has announced that it aims to position the country as the leading destination of blockchain technology in the European Union (EU). Additionally, many successful Slovenian companies in this field are already ranked among the world’s leading developers of digital investment platforms, so there is a positive climate to position Slovenia as the most recognized blockchain destination in the European Union, which will have established all the necessary infrastructure for development and the implementation of blockchain projects.

Following this trend, we decided to create ECTA (Efficient Collaboration Team Autonomous) as an independent and innovative project upgrading the ongoing AI tools in synergy with the blockchain-based technologies. Aside from developing the platform, it will take a part in organizing digital thematic workshops, hackathons, summer and winter camps, and other forms of networking.

We are more than certain that the time has come for the digital revolution to begin exerting influence in all spheres of our lives and cause a large deficit of blockchain, IoT, and AI specialists required for further decentralization and collective trust management using advanced mechanisms.

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