Dunyoni faqat ilm bilan zabt etish mumkinligi bugungi kunda hech kimga sir emas. Ilmni chuqur egallashning yoʻli esa bitta – kitob oʻqishdir

Dunyoni faqat ilm bilan zabt etish mumkinligi bugungi kunda hech kimga sir emas. Ilmni chuqur egallashning yoʻli esa bitta – kitob oʻqishdir

Andijon shahridagi Prezident maktabi
Michael Malutshi

Hammamizga ma’lumki, maktabgacha ta'lim va umumiy o‘rta ta'lim muassasalarida bolalarga harflarni va o‘qishni o‘rgatish metodikasi mavjud. Ammo kitoblarni mutolaa qilishni o‘rgatish, unga mehr uyg‘otish metodikasi yo‘q. Shuni unutmaslik lozimki, agar bolada kitob o‘qishga ishtiyoq bo‘lmasa, uni majburlab singdirib bo‘lmaydi. Kitobga, uni o‘qishga bo‘lgan ishtiyoqni mohirona yo‘l va asta-sekinlik bilan uyg‘ota borish lozim.

Shu maqsadda Andijon shahridagi Prezident maktabida Matematika fani (xorijiy) o‘qituvchisi Michael Malutshi tomonidan o‘quvchilarda kitob mutolaasiga nisbatan mehr uyg‘otishning qiziqarli usuli sifatida “Book fair” loyihasi tashkil etildi. Loyihaning amalga oshirish jarayonlari ingliz tilida quyidagi matnda to‘liq yoritilgan.


Reading is important because it helps people understand the world around them better. It keeps people’s mind active and enhances their creative ability. This project is an activity when the whole school community gets together on the outdoor school premises to randomly exchange books. Every participant buys a book they will offer on the day to another randomly chosen member of the school community. The project creates an atmosphere of bonding between the members of the school community. The idea will be to make this event become a school annual event to celebrate the advantages of reading books.


1.    Encourage reading amongst students

2.    Improvement of vocabulary

3.    Development of communication skills

4.    Improvement of brain and memory function

5.    Improvement of knowledge of the world

6.    Stress reduction

7.    Improvement of focus and concentration


The Project costs nothing to the school. Participants just need to buy a book, at a reasonable price, they will offer to another randomly chosen member of the school community. 


The project is a result of collaboration between the initiator and the School Global Perspectives department.


After evaluation and eventual success, the project can be extended to other President Schools in order to help more students to benefit from the advantages of reading books.

Mazkur loyihani o‘z maktabingizda amalga oshiring va natijalarini biz bilan o‘rtoqlashing. Kitob mutolaasi barchamizning eng yaxshi odatlarimizdan biri bo‘lsin! Shuningdek kitobsevar do‘stlarimizga Mutolaa loyihasini tavsiya etamiz. Mutolaa platformasi bilan kitob o‘qish yana ham zavqli!

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