Dry Orgasm Aneros Porn

Dry Orgasm Aneros Porn


Greetings from LA! Beautiful and thank you. There’s something beautiful watching a man be vulnerable allowing us to seen into and be part of his eroticism. The location, the pose, your feet open, the muscles of your ass, thighs and arms flexing and hitting your man spot delivering waves of pleasure. I stroked a very nice orgasm to it and hope for more.
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Home > Blogs > Rlin > Dry orgasm
Jump to Other Entries By Rlin Dry orgasm Session with the great Progasm Ice Session with the great Progasm Ice First post-op Aneros session!
Posted by rlin on September 3rd, 2017. Session Length: 90-120 Models Used: progasm ice
Hello guys, Last night was pretty harsh with my progasm ice, it seems like it is becoming a little more violent. Was actually already in my mind all day working on my ride with my toy and had to prepare for already fixed what pornography looked on the computer. Finally as far as it was after I had taken a bath to relax and after I had inserted some lubricant and enjoy relaxing on my toy I am going with the progasm ice, but didn’t need to wait until the first contractions as long as there were and my legs and arms just started shaking. My whole body from my feet to my head felt really hot to the touch, a kind of tingling in hands and feet and my balls started to tickle and more and more together to squeeze and one after the other dry orgasm follow each other and had every time feeling like I really ready came but that was not so. And tingling in my body was getting worse, but it was a wonderful feeling what I had felt earlier was not so. And now I writing 12 hours later there is still a huge tingling in my balls where I still enjoy.
@rlin, I want to congratulate you on achieving your a dry orgasm or even a series of them! I suggest that you savor all this, especially your lingering tingling in your balls. Cheers!
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The ring of muscles surrounding the anus. There are two rings, the outer and the inner. The outer is under voluntary control. The inner is not (it is controlled by the autonomic nervous system but can be trained to relax therapeutically with biofeedback). To identify this muscle, squeeze your anus as though you are holding back gas. This is the muscle that primarily drives the motion of the Aneros.
In the context of the Aneros, these are areas in which erogenous nerves are near the surface of the skin where they are responsive to direct stimulation. One such potent acupressure point, also called the " sweet spot ". Located in the lower part of the perineum it is stimulated by the Aneros’ P-tab. A second acupressure point between the anus and tailbone is stimulated by the K-tab. (Another erogenous acupressure point can be found 1/4 to 1/3 of the way up the penis from the scrotum.)
(a.k.a. 'Aneros-less', 'A-less' or simply '-less') A session where you have any type of prostate orgasm(s) without an Aneros massager inserted.
A voluntary or involuntary contraction of the anal sphincter. These are the contractions that drive the motion of the Aneros. Successful use of the Aneros generally starts with the use of voluntary anal contractions, which may to lead to involuntary contractions in the moments leading up to and during orgasm . All of these serve to increase stimulation of the perineum, prostate, anus and rectum.
A non-ejaculatory orgasm centered in and around the muscles of the anus and rectum. This is analogous to a vaginal (as opposed to clitoral) orgasm in women.
A non-specific term that refers to any kind of anal stimulation for the purposes of sexual gratification. Such activity may take the form of masturbation, sexual foreplay with a partner or intercourse.
The muscle rings that form the boundaries of the anal canal. There are two sphincters, the outer and the inner. The outer is under voluntary control and generally associated with consciously controlled stimulation with the Aneros. The inner is not, it’s controlled by the autonomic nervous system (but can be trained to relax therapeutically with biofeedback). This is the muscle that primarily drives the motion of the Aneros in the moments directly leading up to and during orgasm.
(anal veteran) A person who is well experienced in anal play.
a line of patented male sex toys that are anal sphincter driven and anatomically designed to massage and stimulate the prostate for sexual pleasure. The Aneros was originally developed as a device for prostate massage, intended as an alternative means to treat prostate problems such as prostatitis and BPH. Users of the device for health reasons noticed palpable sexual benefits as well.
The period of time spent self-stimulating with the Aneros ranging from 1 to 4 hours (or more in some cases) dedicated to exploring the non-ejaculatory pathway.
An excited physical and mental state marked by physiological and emotional changes that normally occur in preparation for sexual activity. Physical changes may include; elevated heart rate and blood pressure, increased respiration, trembling, hot flashes and erections. Mental changes may include; strong sexual desire, giddiness, the persistence of erotic fantasies, etc.
Techniques other than direct penis stimulation that increase physical arousal. They include touching of secondary erogenous zones (nipples, anus, thighs, etc.), focused, deep breathing (valley breathing), KSMO, sustained contractions of pelvic floor muscles, mental focus and visualization. When used skillfully they lead to a cycle of increased arousal culminating in non-ejaculatory orgasm.
A term describing the movement of the Aneros as a result of continuous involuntary (tetanic) anal contractions, simulating the distinct and very pleasurable sensation of receptive sexual intercourse, sometimes to the point of non-ejaculatory orgasm.
The process of making the prostate more accustomed and responsive to physical stimulation and arousal.
Or BPH. A non-cancerous enlarging of the prostate common in middle aged and older men, often causing urinary symptoms. BPH is one of the prostate ailments that the Aneros was originally developed to help treat. (from the wiki )
An acronym for benign prostatic hyperplasia. A non-cancerous enlarging of the prostate common in middle aged and older men, often causing urinary symptoms. BPH is one of the prostate ailments that the Aneros was originally developed to help treat. See High Island Health.
Persistent energy in and around the anus, rectum, prostate, perineum, scrotum and testicles. Sometimes experienced spontaneously apart from an Aneros session. Often perceived as faint to mild muscle spasms.
Spastic involuntary contractions of the anal sphincter that are typically intermittent, fast and shallow. Such contractions may be accompanied by gentle P-waves.
A metaphor to describe an ongoing state of gentle, non-ejaculatory orgasms. Such orgasms avoid the usual muscular tension typically involved in high intensity arousal. Rather than vocalizing, thrusting, contracting or convulsing towards these orgasms, one keeps all muscles relaxed, letting pleasure flow freely as if breathing it in, allowing the orgasms to flow to oneself.
Non-ejaculatory orgasms coming successively, often without pause for up to a half an hour or more.
(chair + orgasm). A non-ejaculatory orgasm induced without the Aneros as occurs while seated in a desk chair. Chair orgasms are a sometimes-unexpected phenomenon observed by Aneros users who have recently become multi-orgasmic. They may be produced by deep breathing, vocalizing and/or mentally focusing on growing P-waves.
To cleanse or rinse out the rectum with a simple enema in preparation for an Aneros session.
Lubricating and sheathing the Aneros in a condom prior to insertion. Some users believe this method enhances mobility of the Aneros inside the anus and rectum, limits the migration of the lubricant and provides for a quicker cleanup after use.
Ongoing involuntary, semi-rhythmic, large muscle group contractions that have been experienced by some Aneros users. These may be localized or in some cases involve much of the body. Even though they occur as a result of ongoing arousal, they may or may not produce pleasure and are also known to accompany particularly intense orgasms. Individuals with a history or predisposition to having seizures may want to consult with their doctor prior to using the Aneros.
The muscle covering the testes that controls the raising and lowering of the scrotum. It works involuntarily in response to temperature (contracting when cold to bring the testicles closer to the body or relaxing when warm). During ejaculation the cremaster constricts, drawing the testicles close to the body.
Also called "testicle elevations." Exercises in which the cremaster muscle is brought under voluntary control and strengthened. Because the drawing up of the testicles is a prelude to ejaculatory orgasm, voluntarily doing so may induce a noticeable sense of arousal in and around the testicles. To perform these exercises, one must start by identifying the muscles. Place your finger and thumb gently around your scrotum above the testicles. Then try to draw up the testicles. Your fingers should detect a very slight movement. At first you will involve your abdominal muscles but with practice you can isolate the cremaster itself, and considerably increase your ability to voluntarily draw in your testicles.
Lubricating and sheathing the Aneros in a condom prior to insertion. Some users believe this method enhances mobility of the Aneros inside the anus and rectum, limits the migration of the lubricant and provides for a quicker cleanup after use.
do nothing technique is a concept that dispenses with active, conscious control during an Aneros session with regard to contractions, breathing, relaxing, or anything else, in favor of a more passive state of mind. This unstructured approach often encourages stimulation, sensation and arousal to occur more organically by letting the Aneros to do its own thing.
Breathing slowly and deeply from the abdomen. Deep breathing encourages a state of deep physical relaxation and allows one to concentrate on the sensuous feelings the body can produce. It also facilitates the building of arousal, whereas shallow breathing and holding one’s breath can frustrate arousal. To learn deep breathing, lie down in loose garments with one hand on your chest and one on your belly button. As you inhale, draw air in by making your abdomen expand (expanding your diaphragm) and exhale by letting it recede. Your chest hand should stay relatively stable while your belly hand should rise and fall with your breath. Also see valley breathing.
An Aneros session which doesn't produce the desired level of sexual satisfaction.
The practice of stimulating the penis to and maintaining it at the brink of ejaculation for a protracted time, with the goal of making the eventual orgasm more powerful. Doing this solo is considered good training for ejaculation control during intercourse. With respect to the hands-free orgasm, it’s described by Tao master Mantak Chia as the method for achieving the Taoist version of a prostate orgasm called “injaculation”. This involves masturbating right up to the point of no return (just prior to ejaculation) then quickly changing to an acupressure technique, using pressure against the perineum. Doing this correctly stops ejaculation while stimulating the prostate (externally) transitioning to a prostate orgasm.
A small amount of water introduced into the rectum by means of a bulb syringe or gravity bag with the purpose of rinsing the rectum prior to an Aneros session. (An optional preparatory step). Since the object of this cleansing is to clean the rectum (not the bowel) it’s essential that only a small amount (4-6ozs) of liquid be used.., just enough to loosen and transport any fecal matter that may be present. To avoid cramping, using water as close to body temperature as possible is strongly advised.
Extended Sexual Orgasm"©, the name of a book by Brauer and Brauer that was among the first to popularize scientifically based sexual techniques that significantly enhance arousal and orgasm.
To cleanse or rinse out the rectum with a simple enema in preparation for an Aneros session.
The tone of the muscles of your pelvic floor muscles. (See PC muscles).
(whole body orgasm) An orgasm that includes pleasure and muscular contraction throughout the body.
A reference to sensations that occur all over the body.
Chemically, a sugar alcohol and the active ingredient in many water-based personal lubricants. Glycerin is water-soluble and has a high degree of lubricity, yet it has been known to cause a purgative effect (producing the urge to move the bowels) with some individuals. Glycerin is also an ingredient in suppository laxatives.
The patented design of our massagers allows them to be used completely – hands-free. This is an advantage over other prostate massagers. It allows an Aneros massager to be used in any position the user wants. More importantly, it frees the user to focus solely on the sensations instead of making a conscious effort to manually manipulate the massager. This subtle freedom is important for bringing the mind and body together during a session, which by many experience users is considered a required technique to master in order to achieve a Super-O.
An ejaculatory orgasm that does not involve any direct or indirect stimulation of the penis, either from purposeful stroking, or incidental rubbing of bedding etc. An ejaculation that is produced by anal, rectal, nipple, prostate stimulation (as in the Aneros) and mental focus alone. Some skilled Aneros users have presented a method involving a scrotal stretch and while not a true hands free orgasm it achieves the end with relatively limited stimulation
The company that manufactures and distributes the Aneros. High Island Health has their own website, where several of the same massagers are sold for therapeutic purposes (to promote circulation and relieve congestion in the prostate).
Lubrication applied into the rectum in advance of inserting the Aneros. A typical quantity is 4-6 cc(ml) applied with a lube syringe (sold as a lubrication applicator / “lube shooter”) or Marksman™ pre-filled disposable applicators available on the Aneros site. (Caution: avoid the use of oil and silicone based lube in a syringe applicator as it will degrade the plunger gasket, resulting in it becoming stuck).
The contraction of a muscle or muscle group that occurs without voluntary control. Involuntary muscular contraction is an integral part of various vital processes in the human body. In a sexual context, it takes place in the form of ejaculation or orgasm, and also as spasms, jerks, twitches, shaking, quivering, fluttering, etc. The Aneros design takes advantage of the natural ability of the anal sphincter and other pelvic floor muscles to involuntarily contract in response to particular forms of sexual excitement. These (and other pelvic) contractions cause the Aneros to pivot forward and back, amplifying stimulation by providing simultaneous engagement of the prostate, anus and perineal acupressure spot.
An abbreviated form of involuntary contraction that specifically relates to the twitching of the anus as a result of arousal and/or muscle fatigue.
Pelvic floor muscle exercises that attempt to work particular subgroups of the pelvic floor independently from the others. The goal is to gain fine control over the interaction of those muscles in the context of involuntary contractions, in order to amplify pleasure. Examples include Kegels (PC), rectal, anal sphincter, and cremaster.
Aneros massagers can be enjoyed in many different ways – to enhance a strength and pleasure of penile orgasms during partnered or solo sex, or solely for the pleasures derived from prostate orgasms. The ultimate experience for the route is the Super-O. The practice and understanding of how an Aneros massager, the body, and mind play off of one another to eventually achieve a Super-O is now commonly referred to as the “Journey to the Super-O” by our community members. For some men, this learning period is short in duration. For others, it can take quite some time. There are some key milestones on this journey – they can be viewed
Aneros massagers can be enjoyed in many different ways – to enhance a strength and pleasure of penile orgasms during partnered or solo sex, or solely for the pleasures derived from prostate orgasms. The ultimate experience for the route is the Super-O. The practice and understanding of how an Aneros massager, the body, and mind play off of one another to eventually achieve a Super-O is now commonly referred to as the “Journey to the Super-O” by our community members. For some men, this learning period is short in duration. For others, it can take quite some time. There are some key milestones on this journey – they can be viewed
K-tab or "Kundalini" tab, extends posterior to the anus and rests below the tailbone between the buttocks, stimulating an acupressure spot (Kundalini spot) there. Named after the yoga concept that there is a serpent of power located at the base of the body's trunk.
Exercises first described by and named after Dr. Arnold Kegel in order to tone the PC (pubococcygeus) muscle, a subset in the anterior of the pelvic floor muscles. To identify the anterior PC muscle, start by making a contraction, as you would normally do to stop the flow of urine. It can also be demonstrated with an erection, by making the erection bob up and down. Be aware, if you make a strong or sudden contraction you will likely get an anal contraction at the same time. This is because the PC muscle begins around the anus and runs up to the urinary sphincter. Strong contractions will improve anal and PC muscle tone. However, slower, gentler contractions will produce a more isolated action of the anterior PC muscles, that when properly engaged can provide for a very subtle movement of the Aneros inside the rectum. A program of Kegel exercises can significantly improve many facets of male sexual response, including: strength of erection, number and intensity of ejaculatory contractions, ejaculatory force, sensations of arousal and pleasure, as well as intensity and control of the Aneros action. The anterior PC muscles are specifically involved in ejaculatory and prostate orgasms.
KSMO Is a shortened acronym for "The Key Sound Multiple Orgasm Trigger Protocol"™, a specific method of using vocalization to drive arousal amplification leading to multiple hands-free non-ejaculatory orgasms, in bo
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