Drunk Wife Stories

Drunk Wife Stories


Drunk Wife Stories


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Sep 16, 2017

Here is the situation.

Married for 16 years, wife barely drank until the last 6. When she gets really drunk, she turns into a sex gremlim, completely out of control. This has happened 4-5 times, and always with me, until recently.

Such a cliche situation, she was out with a female and male co worker on an overseas work trip. both females are 40, the male was an intern on the project, 24. They all got completely wasted, went back to the 24 year old's temporary flat to "watch a movie".

My wife said that her lost complete control and started kissing this guy and had a session for about 20-30 mins in another room.

At which point her female co worker, passed out on the couch woke up and started calling my wife's name.

My wife said the two of them (the females) got out of there ASAP. As my wife sobered up she realized what she had done, was completely remorseful, sad, almost suicidal. She is devastated and claims she barely had any control.

I asked her if they had unprotected sex, and she wasn't sure. She hasn't communicated with him since. She did get tested for STD when I asked, that was clean. She thought she was safe, because when they went out they were celebrating the project, she had no attraction to him and thought he was gay.

She claims it was the only time this has happened and will do anything to stay in the marriage.

It's been two months since she told me and I'm still obviously struggling with it. We are going to start counseling this week.

I will always love her but am completely gutted. we have 2 kids.

While she didn't go out seeking an affair, cheating is cheating and from what I read, drinking and not understanding your boundaries and situation are not an excuse.
Lastly she was diagnosed with MS about a year ago and started on meds. Her personality has not changed at all, so I don't that the meds are a factor.

Looking for feedback from a drunk encounter and general advice about staying in a marriage and forgiving.
You need to talk to the female friend and the OM asap. Chances are you were TT and got the sanitized version of events.
A perfect marriage is just two imperfect people who refuse to give up on each other.

Here is the situation.

Married for 16 years, wife barely drank until the last 6. When she gets really drunk, she turns into a sex gremlim, completely out of control. This has happened 4-5 times, and always with me, until recently.

Such a cliche situation, she was out with a female and male co worker on an overseas work trip. both females are 40, the male was an intern on the project, 24. They all got completely wasted, went back to the 24 year old's temporary flat to "watch a movie".

My wife said that her lost complete control and started kissing this guy and had a session for about 20-30 mins in another room.

At which point her female co worker, passed out on the couch woke up and started calling my wife's name.

My wife said the two of them (the females) got out of there ASAP. As my wife sobered up she realized what she had done, was completely remorseful, sad, almost suicidal. She is devastated and claims she barely had any control.

I asked her if they had unprotected sex, and she wasn't sure. She hasn't communicated with him since. She did get tested for STD when I asked, that was clean. She thought she was safe, because when they went out they were celebrating the project, she had no attraction to him and thought he was gay.

She claims it was the only time this has happened and will do anything to stay in the marriage.

It's been two months since she told me and I'm still obviously struggling with it. We are going to start counseling this week.

I will always love her but am completely gutted. we have 2 kids.

While she didn't go out seeking an affair, cheating is cheating and from what I read, drinking and not understanding your boundaries and situation are not an excuse.

Lastly she was diagnosed with MS about a year ago and started on meds. Her personality has not changed at all, so I don't that the meds are a factor.

Looking for feedback from a drunk encounter and general advice about staying in a marriage and forgiving.

Meds are a crap excuse, especially MS meds. You said this behavior has been going on, with you, for six years. So, she knew EXACTLY how she was and is when she drinks. She knew too many details to be anywhere NEAR being Black out Drunk. Also, sorry, the "I thought he/she was gay" or any variation is one of the OLDEST excuses in the book regardless of gender. MS is not an excuse to cheat. Poor boundaries is not an excuse to cheat. Mixing meds and drinking is not an excuse to cheat. I'd be asking "what made you decide to try and turn a gay man bi or straight?"

You have no clue what she was looking for an affair or not.

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Sep 16, 2017

I think marriage counselling might be of help, for you, @Bruno .

Incidentally, where are you in the world? I ask only because sometimes advice offered needs to be modified depending on where someone lives.

Also, you mentioned the OM was living in a flat, rather than an apartment which might indicate UK, Irish or perhaps Australian?
She thought he was gay...... 🙄👀😳

Right, now you know she's totally lying, right?

The story doesn't even have any resemblance to something I could say "Yeah, it might've happened that way....."

The bs meter is really showing a strong signal here. It's reading 100% black angus Texas hill country bs. But I think that particular flavor is very similar to bs in other areas of the world. I may need to recalibrate it. Ask her something else and report back. It could be Scottish highland free range bs.

Here is the situation.

Married for 16 years, wife barely drank until the last 6. When she gets really drunk, she turns into a sex gremlim, completely out of control. This has happened 4-5 times, and always with me, until recently.

Such a cliche situation, she was out with a female and male co worker on an overseas work trip. both females are 40, the male was an intern on the project, 24. They all got completely wasted, went back to the 24 year old's temporary flat to "watch a movie".

My wife said that her lost complete control and started kissing this guy and had a session for about 20-30 mins in another room.

At which point her female co worker, passed out on the couch woke up and started calling my wife's name.

My wife said the two of them (the females) got out of there ASAP. As my wife sobered up she realized what she had done, was completely remorseful, sad, almost suicidal. She is devastated and claims she barely had any control.

I asked her if they had unprotected sex, and she wasn't sure. She hasn't communicated with him since. She did get tested for STD when I asked, that was clean. She thought she was safe, because when they went out they were celebrating the project, she had no attraction to him and thought he was gay.

She claims it was the only time this has happened and will do anything to stay in the marriage.

It's been two months since she told me and I'm still obviously struggling with it. We are going to start counseling this week.

I will always love her but am completely gutted. we have 2 kids.

While she didn't go out seeking an affair, cheating is cheating and from what I read, drinking and not understanding your boundaries and situation are not an excuse.
Lastly she was diagnosed with MS about a year ago and started on meds. Her personality has not changed at all, so I don't that the meds are a factor.

Looking for feedback from a drunk encounter and general advice about staying in a marriage and forgiving.

Virginia: "Why can't you kids leave well enough alone? Everything was fine until you started digging around."
Burt: "You sound like a Scooby Doo villain."
Well it only happens when she's drunk and you're not there.


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Sep 16, 2017

All I have is what she tells me. We've had a very open and honest relationship until then. She was extremely remorseful.

I'm not a fool either and I'm not going to make any rash decisions. I'm going to give it a year, go to counseling with her and see if we can get through this.

If not, I'm going to walk away.
is cheating a deal breaker for you?
That broken thing you keep trying to put back together can't even compare with that beautiful thing that's waiting to be built

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Sep 16, 2017

My emotions are still sore, but I was livid for a month. It's been two months since the cheating now and I am finally able to face it without having to leave the house and walk. Everything I read said don't make decisions when feeling red, and I believe that to be good advice.

Many people online are of the mentality, eff that and get a divorce ASAP. I'm not sure that is best. Some people have huge egos and can't deal with things.

I'm trying to approach this as rationally as I can. We have two kids and they need to be considered.

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Sep 16, 2017

@MattMatt we've lived in several countries and are in the USA now.
“The time's gone by for sentiment and all that foolery. Mercy's all very well but after all it's justice that clinches the bargain.”

“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”
good luck.

Not sure what else you are looking for here.
You hear all the time that the BS has to eat a **** sandwich, but most of the time the WS -- IS the **** sandwich.
Your kids do need to be considered, that you and your wife gave a healthy marriage and not a toxic one. What you can do is file for divorce, in a year of you don't like what you see you're done. If you do like what you see then s consequence to bad choices was delivered. Have her served at work also, your first objective needs to be a hard stance. Doing MC is not good now, individual therapy for you both is a great idea. Your wife needs to figure out why she is like this when drunk, even with you, because as you know you won't be there all of the time.

I would contact the intern and coworker also, the on wont say much but the coworker may spill more. Getting the truth is a tricky deal, most tell you very watered down versions, my wife included. I doubt there is remorse yet, obviously she has regret, but remorse is far different. What is she displaying that you feel is remorse? Crying? Begging? Saying sorry? Saying I'll never do it again? I'll do anything? We can work through this? That's all regret, not one ounce of remorse there. Suicidal? Maybe trying manipulation, did she make a suicide attempt? Did she have a plan? Is she depressed? Guess what, that's regret to, remorse is still far different.

File now, then wait six months for your emotions and feelings to stop flooding your brain. You can always stop the divorce. Make your decision at the six month mark, because if you thought you were livid, wait until rage sets in. Make your decision from a point of strength, not a knee jerk reaction. Also tell your wife that divorce is front and center on the table, until you see how much she grows from therapy.
Don't believe everything you hear, and only half of what you see.

Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift, that's why they call it the present.

My emotions are still sore, but I was livid for a month. It's been two months since the cheating now and I am finally able to face it without having to leave the house and walk. Everything I read said don't make decisions when feeling red, and I believe that to be good advice.

Many people online are of the mentality, eff that and get a divorce ASAP. I'm not sure that is best. Some people have huge egos and can't deal with things.

I'm trying to approach this as rationally as I can. We have two kids and they need to be considered.

You know what she is like when drunk. She knows what she is like when drunk.

She decides to get drunk while with another man. What did she expect to happen?

My firm belief is that alcohol can loosen inhibitions, but will not change a person's basic character.

Being drunk is not an excuse nor a reason for bad behavior. The character flaw has to be there buried deep inside waiting to get out.

If you stay together, she needs to stop drinking period if you are not with her.
I believe in R as long as the WS has true remorse. You are wise to take your time and not rush to a decision. Unfortunately part of your future with her will be to watch her like a hawk. Drinking has to go and IC for her. Good luck.

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Sep 17, 2017


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Wife really drunk and high at her work after party

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Hi everyone, my wife is a dumb drunk whore so as you can guess I am in heaven. Last Saturday, we went to a company function of hers. After the banquet was over we walked out of Mcdonalds and went to an after party. My wife and I have been together for 11 boring years. She knows that I don't like being around people that drink allot, unless they are smoking tons of mad dope also. Especially those that drink socially and never get drunk. So, being the good sport I am, I went along to the after party. At this point, my wife had already had 11 drinks, 2 hits of E and I had one huge joint. As the night went on, she then consumed a total of 9 more drinks and did tons of cocaine. She started slurring her speech, being loud, etc, and for the first time in weeks I got wood. At one point, she was pressed up against one of her slutty female co-workers as they were looking other the balcony talking to some stupid whore with huge tits, I had high hopes for a three some. Finally, I said bring your dumb whore friend and lets go. She could not walk without my help. She fell twice, I pushed her once. Also, we had to make several stops on the way home because she had to vomit, my cock being jammed down her drunk passed out throat might have caused this, but I am no Doctor so who knows. So, she ended the night being passed out on the floor, I called all my buddies and we ran a train on her. I'm so angry that I forgot to video tape the gang bang, I never do this. Am I over reacting?

Originally posted by TheKillerOfSaints

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apparently this is a very common thing.

After coming into contact with a religious man I always feel I must wash my hands.
"The only lack or limitation is in your own mind."



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More coke might have kept her from getting sick, the whole thing stinks of irresponsible drug abuse, never let your downers get ahead of your uppers. Plus you never even fucked the coworker? You need to get some E into her at the first opportunity, probably didn't even get that right. Charlie would have been banging both all night long then called some pros over too.

All your actions were appropriate and you are a role model for all husbands.

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I went with my wife to a party this past weekend and we got completely wasted, neither of us remember the later parts of the night. But all I know is that when I woke up my wife was nowhere near me. When I looked around the house for her, I found her in the bedroom of the house owner, they were completely naked and on top of the covers. She was lying on his belly within inches of his tool.

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