Drunk Wife Shared Story

Drunk Wife Shared Story


Drunk Wife Shared Story


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Sep 13, 2017

It's a classic right? Is there ever a scenario when you should look at it differently?

I'm going to try and be as objective as I can. I have already kicked my wife out of the house, changed the locks and told her I want a divorce. We have a child together so unfortunately it's not as simple as kicking her out and never seeing her again. Some people in my life are saying I shouldn't throw in the towel so easily. Those people being my parents and friends, some of who were involved in this **** fest.

So this is me trying to be objective.

My wife is not a drinker. Prior to this she had never been drunk. The farthest she'd go would be a 1-2 drinks once every couple years. In the last 10 years she has probably consumed alcohol 5 times. When my friends and I get together I've encouraged her to drink, but it wasn't her thing. She said it was stupid to drink, to each their own. My wife was raised in a home without any alcohol ever, due to alcoholic family members.

I never worried about my wife cheating. Literally never. My wife is very quiet and reserved. She doesn't like being around other people. Even though we've been together for 7 years my friends feel like they barely know her. They have barely had conversations with her. She was allegedly raped about 10 years ago by a group of men and that makes her very reserved. She isnt even comfortable hugging my friends or having them touch her (hand on her arm, around her, etc.). She takes an anti-anxiety medication. She rarely goes out (just work, gym and shopping), doesn't talk to many people, doesn't hide her phone or computer, etc. There was not a single worry about her cheating.

3 weeks ago we were planning a weekend get-together/party at our cottage. 10 friends came up (9 men and ones wife) but I ended up being called into work. My wife and friends stayed, which was fine my wife had to stay because it's our cottage and the friends wanted to stay. They had all just driven 3-4 hours to get there. My wife expressed concern and anxiety about being there alone with 9 men, but tries to step out of her comfort zone and stayed. It was completely her choice to stay, I wasn't going to be there so it didn't effect me either way. My friends are great and I had no concerns, everyone who was there I have been close with for nearly two decades.

4 days ago my wife told me that she slept with a very close friend of mine - of 17 years. Her story, with some collaboration from friends, is:

On Friday she didn't drink at all. On Saturday she started drinking around 8PM, and everyone played card games, board games and drinking games. She drank a lot more than she is use to (8+ drinks), because my friends were encouraging her to drink and if she wasn't a bit tipsy she would be annoyed by their drunk behaviour. She has no tolerance as she isn't a drinker, she's small (100lb, 5'2") and she didn't eat much - her story. They were playing drinking games and she was sitting next to the guy, I'll call him Dan. It was crowded so they were touching each other and the drinking game had some sexual questions. They kept drinking and there was a bit of flirting but nothing that other friends (who were all varying degrees of tipsy to hammered) thought anything of. Around 2am they all wanted to watch a movie so they pulled out the pull out bed/couch in the living room. She laid down and at some point, she doesn't remember when, he sat beside her but on the opposite end. So she was on the left and he was on the right with a lot of space in between. Someone else (friends wife) wanted to sit on the pull out so my wife moved over and was laying right against Dan, and squished between him and the other wife. They were both falling asleep and leaning against each other, confirmed by another friend of mine. Everyone eventually went to their rooms and fell asleep, my other friend said my wife and Dan were still sleeping on the couch together when he went to bed. He thought it was odd because he knows how shy she is but didn't think much of it being tired and drunk.

My wife and Dan woke up (assumingly after everyone else went to bed) and then she stops giving me as many details. She was still in her bra and jeans. He said she was sexy. They kissed. Had sex for what she claims was less than a minute. They didn't use protection (at first she said they did). He pulled out. They fell asleep together and woke up together, naked. When I asked multiple times if she enjoyed it, I got tears and no verbal answer or a snappy no. For her no answer is what you don't want to hear. She's a **** liar.

She said that she was tempted to kiss him and once it started she didn't know what to do and went along with it. She said she was too nervous to tell him to stop, I will say that she never speaks her mind around other people. But looking back, there has been some things. She has told me that Dan is the friend of mine that she feels closest too and most comfortable around. For the last 7 years she has been comfortable being home alone with him, but no other friends of mine. It has only happened a few times but it's something to note. During a drinking game they played that night a question came up that said who is the most attractive person in the room, other than yourself and your partner. And she said Dan, noted from a friend of mine. She also had a question that involved taking off some articles of clothing, which she did (sweater and top, left in bra and jeans). There were others that my friend can't remember but remembers being surprised she was playing along. I don't care about that, if it was only that. Playing a game isn't a big deal to me, sticking another **** in her is.

She isn't calling it rape, and it wasn't. She chose to be there. She didn't stop it. She didn't tell me right away. They didn't use protection. Dan's in a serious relationship. She's married. She's attracted to him and flirted with him that night prior. And prior to this I'd say that he was a really good guy. He is aware of her past (rape), most of my friends are. It really effected her/me/us in the beginning of our relationship and my friends thought she was wierd as hell.

My wife and Dan are a perfect compliment to each other. Their personalities are exactly what the other needs. The perfect levels of everything to compliment each other. ie) they are both reserved but he will take the first step and she goes along with it. He isn't out there and in your face, which she doesn't like. He's very clingy in relationships and she likes that because she is too. He's adventurous in activities and she likes to go along with that. He's into the same shows, movies and music as she is, her and I do not get along that way. Thinking about it, I can see them really getting along.

She said she will tell me whatever I want to know, wont hide anything, won't ever talk to him again, wont see him again, wont drink again. But I don't trust her and just see her sucking my friends ****. I think she is telling me what I want to hear, on some things. We have been trying to get pregnant and even though it's unlikely she's get pregnant from that night, the possibility is there. She hasn't agreed to terminate, if a pregnancy does occur. Mine or his, she should. We are in no emotional shape to have another child right now and I sure as **** won't entertain saving the marriage if she got herself knocked up by someone else.

Word of mouth is she has been talking to Dan since she ****ed him and one friend (Dan's brother) saw them naked in bed together when he went to use the washroom. Everyone knows about it now. Both my wife and Dan are being exiled. Dan said they have only talked about me and the aftermath, and have not seen each other or done anything that could be considered continued cheating. He encourages me to get back with her. Any time I try to talk to her she mostly just cries and apologizes. She said she hasn't talked to Dan. Someone is lying. She is the only likely choice.

Here's where my mind is. I have doubts that this is the only time she has cheated with him. It's very out of character for her and I can't see her going from never talking to him or having contact with him to ****ing him. The number is different now, but prior to cheating she had been intimate with 2 men including myself. She had never had a ONS or hookup, allegedly. A person doesn't go from 0-10 just like that.

Our sex life isn't the best. After we had a child 4 years ago her limbo went down the toilet. She's okay with oral generally. Even if she is extremely turned on and we've had a lot of warm up, penetration hurts her every time without fail. No matter how relaxed she is it hurts her. She says it feels like a muscle stretching. She clenches her teeth and digs her fingers into me. Based on that, she would have had plenty of time to stop what they were doing. Dan most likely would have noticed her reaction and would have stopped, unless he already was use to it because this has been going on a lot longer.

One friend (Dan's brother) saw them naked on the couch and everyone else saw them cuddling on the couch after flirting. That is a lot of witnesses and a lot of mouthes to blab. Maybe that's why she has told the "truth" now.

Dan has been a close friend of mine for 17 years. Most of our group had been close since high school. A normal, sane person doesn't just decide to sleep with his friends wife on a whim. There has to be more buildup. His long term girlfriend conveniently wasn't there with no reason why.

Call me a ****, that's ok, but my mind goes further. She avoids being around my male friends. She avoids drinking. Perhaps the actual reason is because she made a drinking mistake in the past and doesn't trust herself. She claims to have been raped 10 years ago by a group of men. She said they were arrested and charged, I've seen no physical proof of that. We never talk about it. We did in the beginning of our relationship, but it hasn't come up in years.

My wife started going to the gym about a year ago. She's in great shape and is self confident, before she wasn't. She lost around 40 pounds, which has puts her at around 100 pounds. She use to go to a woman's only gym, because she felt more comfortable there. About 4 months ago she started going to a normal gym. He reason was its significantly closer (2 minutes compared to 35), cheaper, and better equipment. It just happened to be a transition that occurred when she had reached her body goal. Dan does not go to the gym, but she could be meeting someone else there.

Our marriage has been good. We get along, we don't fight, we don't have financial problems or scheduling conflicts. Our only real stressor lately is trying to get pregnant again but its not that bad and more of a not preventing a pregnancy and see what happens. Like I said, I didn't see this coming. Neither did my family or friends. Everyone is shocked.

The actions are very out of character for her. Which is why most people are saying to either let it go or try to work on it. But does the excuse "I was drunk, I wasn't thinking" really have any merit, whether they are heavy drinkers or extremely light drinkers? I still cannot see her going from 0 contact with him to ****ing him. Even if she did, she still cheated.

Don't even get me started on all the friendships that have been obliterated. ****ing my wife is unforgivable. Seeing someone **** my wife or act as she did without telling me is getting there. Numerous relationships blown up for what? It can't have been for a ONS.

But my wife is insistent that she had never prior cheated, on anyone, and hid nothing in the past. And I'm sitting her like a dumb ass trying to let my wife use the "I was drunk" excuse.

I have already kicked my wife out of the house, changed the locks and told her I want a divorce.

β€œWhen someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time.” - Maya Angelou
I call bs the ****ed and liked it

File and send her down the road then kick your friends ass
She is not a drinker and he is. Where I live he would be charged with rape. She was in no condition to consent. He probably knew what he was doing.

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To be honest that weekend was a disaster waiting to happen. 10 men, 2 women, lots of drink, games that involved flirty questions and taking clothes off??? Then you get called away which presumably you knew was a possibility??? Good grief.
In Him I live and move and have my being.
So sorry, this is a terrible situation but it absolutely shows how alcohol lowers inhibitions and things happen that ordinarily would not.
This is totally on her but you left your wife with a pack of nine men who love to drink and party, to my mind that is asking for trouble esp considering her past. Personally, I would be pissed if my H did that to me.
Your friends are not your friends, they should have put a stop to that **** immediately and they did not. She is not a drinker, obviously was egged on to drink more and ****ed up big time. I dont know whether this can be resolved, I would suggest continued separation and maybe MC, but it depends on whether you can face her, him and all your friends (who are not friends of your marriage at all).

If she was raped in the past by a group of men, then she will have hang ups and its surprising she would allow herself to be in a similar environment, (i.e. all men). She should go to IC.

Whether there is something going one between her and Dan from before, well your friends probably know, you may be the last one to know.
The life you have, is the life you create
wAlcohol did not 'cause' her to cheat, it helped her. No doubt.

Alcohol releases the constrained, reserved 'inner' person.

The fact that others saw them naked and cuddling shows intent and contempt to proper conduct.

Yes, it was a sin of opportunity. You being called away to work gave them the time and place.

Sorry, this was a brazen act, done in front of many of the other friends.

And I agree, they have been intimate before. Maybe not PIV, but oral and hugging and kissing.

If something makes sense, it likely has legs. Saying PIV hurts with you may have been a way so as to not cheat on POSOM.

To shame you in front of all your friends; this deserves divorce papers.

She has deeper feelings for POSOM than you. Her actions that night proved it. She considered his sexual needs over your' potential tortured heart.

She may have subconsciously sabotaged her marriage by doing this. A desperate call for marital reprieve; purposely sinking her marriage.
This....This is the nub of the stick that pokes me in the eye when the light of day energizes my optic nerve.... SunCMars .... The Allegory of the Cave--> On this, I did a '180' and stepped out. The Lion in Winter. Invictus ..By Will, Shall.
The Host, RD is back on Earth. As are all of the HeadMates. Red Dog was summoned to turn the tide and to win the war on Mirth. He killed every living antagonist on that planet. To include, those beings from the 5th Dimension and the Magi from our parallel Universe. He has now offended an equal ONE GOD.
Drop her. I'd be willing to bet that you susspisions about her and Dan are true. If it wasn't going to happen that night it would have likely happend eventually eve if it was only once.

You may have been able to sweep this under the rug if no onr else knew but everyone does and just seeing them will remind you of what happend

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Sep 13, 2017

Who gives a **** about her tale of woe?!? "Poor me, I let some dude **** me."

Less talk more action. Make an appointment with an attorney and file ASAP.

You're just having a weak moment, it will pass. Your buddy ****ed your wife!!

Good luck living that **** down if you take her back. Walk bro, don't be a chump.

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Sep 13, 2017

She is not a drinker and he is. Where I live he would be charged with rape. She was in no condition to consent. He probably knew what he was doing.

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I am not much of a drinker. 1 or 2 maybe a year.

The very few times I've been drunk I still knew what I was doing.

Drinking can amplify bad traits that are already there. It doesn't create new ones ime.

Poor boundaries is poor boundaries.

It may lower inhibitions but you still have control over yourself.

And your friend sucks and took advantage but it's still a 2 person event.

If she was black out drunk or passed out then it'd be different.
I'd dump all of those supposed "friends" pronto.

Then I'd call Saul.

Then I'd put her stuff in garbage bags and throw them on the lawn.

Then I'd take a good hard look at why you think it was OK to leave your wife with 9 men in a cottage when the alcohol was flowing!?
"All truths are easy to understand once they are discovered; the point is to discover them."
~ Galileo Galilei

Disclaimer: I do not respond to friend requests or PMs on any platform.

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Sep 13, 2017

To be honest that weekend was a disaster waiting to happen. 10 men, 2 women, lots of drink, games that involved flirty questions and taking clothes off??? Then you get called away which presumably you knew was a possibility??? Good grief.

Alcohol is just an excuse she knew what she was doing. Besides you got some lies upfront.

Trying to make a good cover story is all the verbiage is.

I have hopes that this is a weak moment and I will go back to knowing without a doubt that she is not someone I want to be married to. The people in my life who are telling me to give her a second chance are throwing me off.

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Sep 13, 2017

So sorry, this is a terrible situation but it absolutely shows how alcohol lowers inhibitions and things happen that ordinarily would not.
This is totally on her but you left your wife with a pack of nine men who love to drink and party, to my mind that is asking for trouble esp considering her past. Personally, I would be pissed if my H did that to me.
Your friends are not your friends, they should have put a stop to that **** immediately and they did not. She is not a drinker, obviously was egged on to drink more and ****ed up big time. I dont know whether this can be resolved, I would suggest continued separation and maybe MC, but it depends on whether you can face her, him and all your friends (who are not friends of your marriage at all).

If she was raped in the past by a group of men, then she will have hang ups and its surprising she would allow herself to be in a similar environment, (i.e. all men). She should go to IC.

Whether there is something going one between her and Dan from before, well your friends probably know, you may be the last one to know.

Those other people have no idea what she is putting you through. Ignore them. She ****ed your friend and waited 3 weeks to tell you. You can bet the farm there is more to this story than you know. File immediately and keep the 180 up with her. No discussions except about the kids. Divorce issues can be handled by the lawyers.

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Sep 13, 2017

This was stupid to post and waste so much time doing. My wife is a ***** and of course she doesn't deserve a second chance.
Sorry man. It's worse than the death of a c
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