Drunk Salaryman

Drunk Salaryman


Drunk Salaryman

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A surreal warning, bar turns drunk Japanese people into adverts
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Published: 08:58 BST, 12 June 2014 | Updated: 12:37 BST, 12 June 2014
For most people, a quiet drink after work is a quick treat before they head home for their dinner - b ut for these Japanese businessmen the end-of-the-day pint has turned into a living nightmare.
They are the so-called 'salarymen' who Japanese customs dictate must never turn down the offer of a drink from their boss.
For some, their inability to say no to their superiors leads them into heavy intoxication and public drunkenness.
Japanese businessmen are regularly seen passed out on public transport following 'nomikai' drinking parties
This undressed man is one of a number now photographed on a popular website in the country
A collection of photos of the 'salarymen' passed out on public transport in Japan has now been brought together on website Izismile.
The pictures, which have had over 100,000 views since they were posted, show men on their way home from 'nomikai' social functions, which are designed to bring colleagues closer together.
The drinking parties are an important part of corporate culture in the Far Eastern country and workers are often paid a specific allowance to make sure they have no excuses for not attending.
Management consultant Shinsuke Suzuki recently told Japan Today : 'To a large extent, if you’re not an employee with a specialised technical skill, then there’s nothing to really distinguish you from the other workers.
Far from discouraging their husbands from drinking, wives are said to demand men go out to get promotion
Many commuters are no longer shocked by the sight of suited men sitting unconscious on station platforms
'So if you want to stand out and get promoted, attending drinking parties and building up an in-house network is much more effective than simply working your heart out at work.'
The view chimes with many in the country, with one website user writing below the pictures: 'In Japan, it's a culture.
'If you are married and you go home early, you wife will worry. Your wife will scold you; "Why you did not entertain your boss?"
'If you come home later, or even wasted, your wife will know that you have done whatever it takes on your job.'
A collection of photos of the men on a Japanese website has now become a hit, getting 100,000 views
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The typical white-collar worker at the bottom of the ladder. In America, they'd be called "office drones" or "wage slaves"; in Japan, they call them salarymen (or " sarariiman ").

The essential ingredients for the proper Salaryman include a charcoal grey (or funeral black) suit with proper necktie, a briefcase, glasses, and usually a receding hairline if they're not outright bald. After a night's revelries, a carton of carryout food becomes part of the setup. Add a sake bottle and tie the necktie around the head as a Hachimaki , and he becomes the "drunk salaryman" stereotype.

Salarymen are usually portrayed in ways similar to White Collar Workers in American programming; stuck in dull jobs with irritating employers and little chance of advancement. However, as a whole, they tend to be more optimistic. They also have an unfortunate tendency, encouraged by both the Japanese work ethic and their employers, toward both workaholism and alcoholism . Some all but ignore their family in pursuit of their job, going drinking with office-mates after (unpaid) overtime, going home to sleep for four hours, then getting up to do it all over again.

Prevalent in Cyberpunk , this class of character is referred to there as a "sararyman", playing off the difficulty some Japanese have pronouncing the English "L" . This was a reaction in the late 1980's to the notion that the Japanese were apparently taking over the world financially , and Westerners were suddenly encountering these mid-level types in daily life. Salarymen also have quite the niche market in Boys Love works.

As a protagonist, this is essentially the same character as the Ordinary High School Student — shining example of Japanese conformity ripe for a life changing transformation at the hands of an extraordinary event/individual/robot. The difference is that the salaryman's disproportionately extensive Backstory doesn't need to be crammed into elementary and middle school. That, plus high school kids don't constantly worry about getting fired. Using him in this way isn't exceptionally common, as these types of stories sell better with younger high school protagonists and supporting cast, even if the target audience is older .

Compare to Office Lady , the Distaff Counterpart (of sorts) to this trope. Contrast the Western equivalent, the Workaholic , whose life is even bleaker and his compromise with his work is tighter.

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Japan Today










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