Drink Whores

Drink Whores


Drink Whores

A gallery of girls we love to party with


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#1 god look at the fuckin turd cutter on that bitch


#3 , looks like she is now ready to put out. #7 looks like an invitation. #8 is already in a perfect position. As is #10 . #11 , looks like she has already been had.

"passed out drunk chicks" implies more then one.... "A gallery of girls we love to party with" implies more then one.....

Uploading issues, it only posted one of the seventeen

Fucking gallery only posted one pic

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Drink Whores are the women who go to bars or clubs with the sole intention of getting free drinks . They flirt incessant ly and relentless ly and with the subtle implication of more to come , yet with skill and without the obviousness of their tactics becoming apparent. The poor men who become entrapped in their feminine wiles and flirtatious ways , which appear to them as genuine interest , buy them a drink, perhaps even two or three. All they receive in exchange is a few emphatic and firm grips on their biceps , usually accompanied with an impressed comment on their apparent strength. They may even get a dance or two if the environment in conducive to it. Then, just as he thinks he's in for the night , she excuses herself to the ladies room , only to be seen ten minutes later repeating the same gesticulations , facial expressions and body language with the next poor sap entrapped in the black widow 's web of drunken deceit. Men beware!
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October 14, 2022 by: Aaron Williams Twitter

October 11, 2022 by: Carolyn Droke Twitter

October 4, 2022 by: Carolyn Droke Twitter
Over the winter break, you may recall that NBC made the decision to bring back “Fear Factor” for a limited run because the world had apparently gone long enough without seeing Joe Rogan on television (despite modest ratings, NBC nevertheless did not renew “Fear Factor” because there’s only so much Joe Rogan the world can contain). You may also recall that, during “Fear Factor’s” brief run, there was a challenge that NBC — after seconds and seconds of intense soul searching — decided not to run. It involved contestants drinking donkey semen. Donkey spunk. Equine splooge. Then they chased it with urine because, obviously.
Thank GOD the television executives over in Denmark apparently have no such souls to search, as they felt no compunction about airing it. Speaking of soulless, TMZ has the video. The women who won the challenge are surprisingly adept at drinking what Rogan calls simply, “protein and cells.” It is easier when there’s no pubic hair with which to contend.
Here’s the video evidence. Drink it in, folks.

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You wouldn’t think that a shot of what looks like your typical Bailey’s drink is actually called Screaming Orgasm. You wouldn’t be caught dead uttering that name out loud. In fact, you’d rather stick to a bottle of beer than say something that just sounds like it came out of a porn movie. Why not watch “Bumpin’ Donuts” or “Shaving Ryan’s Private” while you’re at it?
Yep – these sexual drinks are dirty indeed. So the next time you’re out with your boss, be mindful of what you order. You wouldn’t want him to hear you say, “I’d like some Sex on the Beach.” Well, you could always dare to say it, but don’t expect to get any respect when you report to work the next day. Seriously, you would probably get less respect than Rodney Dangerfield. And with a bad case of hangover to boot!
But if you’re out with your pals for a drunken bachelor party, whip out your knowledge of the world’s dirtiest drinks! The drinks on this list certainly put the word “cock” in “cocktail.” It ain’t a pretty sight, but it’s certainly a hoot!
This is certainly one cocktail your grandmother wouldn’t even dream about ordering. Sure, she’s a big fan of Shirley Temple, but this little girl we’re talking about is more like Madonna. Dirty, deadly, and treacherous. But she’s loads of fun! While the old fuddy-duddies won’t appreciate your humor, your Uncle Olaf might just take you to his next party and introduce you to his buds as his heir apparent. That’s because you’re the only one who seems to have inherited his filthy sense of humor.
Giddy-up, Cowboy, ‘cause it’s time to re-live the scenes from Brokeback Mountain – or at least fool your friends into thinking you are. If you find yourself stuck in a room full of men you can’t stand, whip this drink out and start serving it to the guests. This is a good way to have yourself kicked out of the party. Then, grab your car keys and order something so manly it makes you forget the stunt you just pulled.
This drink needs no elaborate introduction. Take a look at the ingredients you’ll spontaneously combust with the amount of alcohol it contains. Warning: A glass of water on standby is a must!
If there’s one drink that makes you forget all your worries, it’s this. A name so fitting for a drink that’s set to make you forget where half the night went. Wake up the next day and wonder where your wallet was. Then, spend the next week or so banging your head on the wall and punishing yourself for sheer stupidity. Hey, you gotta have those moments at least once in your life!
Want to know what it feels like to be an ostrich? This drink will show you exactly how. You’ll wake up the next day with half your head buried in the sand while you’re covered in what seems to be your dinner the night before.
As fun as this drink may sound, the name may be prophetic. Don’t expect to get laid tonight when you’ve had one too many glasses.
You may not be as lucky as Leonardo DiCaprio or Adam Levine. You can’t seem to land that Victoria Secret Angel you’ve fantasized about. So what? You’ve got the next best thing in this drink! At least you’re not being a sore loser about it. Right? (*wink *wink)
It may be red, but we’re not exactly sure how this drink got its name. The inventor must have gotten his poor ol’ heart trampled on by a redheaded slut. At least, that’s what we think. While there’s no proof to our claim, it’s the most suitable explanation we can think of.
Who would’ve thought that an innocent drink could one day become so dirty? Try ordering this in a bar. If that pretty girl behind the counter gives you this mix, she’s a keeper because she’s got one fine sense of humor. If she doesn’t, well, always have a flask of vodka with you and move along. Find another willing victim. There’s surely a girl out there who’s willing to “Mountain Dew You!”
Say what? This drink doesn’t make sense. Sure, it’s green, but why in the world would you ever want to have sex with an alligator? Well, a few glasses of this and you just might!
If you don’t know what hell feels like, feel how the drink burns a path down your throat. If that doesn’t do you in, wait until the next day. You’re gonna burn your ass in the toilet. Try to live through the experience. All you get from this drink are bragging rights, but that may be reward enough for many of you. Just try to live through the next 24 hours.
This is the beverage of choice for every alcoholic on his way to AA. This could very well be his last drink. What the heck, he’ll have it all. It’s deadly, fun, and infinitely strong. Your liver enzymes will be moaning for the next few months, but on the bright side, you’ve killed just about all the bacteria in your body.
Can’t get your hands on the real Viagra? Well, this one might just do the trick for you. You could very well get laid tonight and have sex until the wee hours of the morning. The best part? You don’t need a doctor’s prescription for something that might just be as effective. So, ride her like a bull and see how long you can last!
You think that the inventor of this drink just wanted to come up with a really dirty name that gets people laughing? We think that this was what happened when he drank what he mixed. We all know what happens when you mix drinks. Whether you’re a man or a woman, young or old, you’ll be that drunken whore who gets all the stares.
Is the man who invented this drink still walking among us or is he in hiding?
The name may sound simple. After all, it’s not even close to the dirtiest cocktail name you’ve seen on the list. But be wary! This sexual drink is best served when you’re at home with friends. You wouldn’t want to hear yourself saying, “Hey, bartender, I’d like some ass please.” You’ll obviously sound like a jerk.
Now that you’ve got the list to end all lists, throw a party and serve the dirtiest drinks to some of your dirtiest friends. Each glass should have a warning written on it: I’m not responsible for you at the end of the night!
Let us know what you think of these in the comments below!
Mmmm looking fresh and tasty .. Just for a Monday evening ..
Looking for cocktails and the alcohol that goes into them
The Bend Over Shirley is one to try with your buds, also it would work perfectly with one of these cocktail dispensers made by these guys : http://www.thebeergiraffe.com/en/what-is-a-beer-tower/
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