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Federal government websites often end in. The site is secure. This paper describes data on the motivations for selling ecstasy among young adults in the electronic dance music EDM club culture in Brazil. Individual interviews were conducted with 20 individuals recruited for their involvement in the EDM club scene. Mean age was This is one of the first studies of ecstasy sellers in Brazil. Results demonstrate the ease with which the participants transition from ecstasy user to seller. Given the potential health and social dangers associated with ecstasy use, public health campaigns to prevent ecstasy use and policy initiatives to limit the ecstasy supply are warranted. This type of nightlife environment is found in many major cities around the world and usually attracts young adults. Freedom from parental monitoring combined with lack of responsibilities such as marriage or parenthood Arnett ; Bachman et al. These drugs typically promote feelings of confidence, energy and euphoria that contribute to the ability of young adults to dance all night and experience intoxicating, euphoric, and disinhibiting effects Fritz ; Silcott ; Reynolds Ecstasy use has been linked to high-risk sexual behaviors as well as psychiatric symptoms, including memory problems, depression, anxiety and suicidal ideation McCardle et al. Ecstasy consumption and participation in the EDM culture among young adults has become a trend in Brazil Pechansky et al. The limited available data suggest that ecstasy consumption is largely restricted to single, heterosexual, well-educated young adults of middle or upper socioeconomic status Pechansky et al. The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime states that, although ecstasy consumption has stabilized in other parts of the world, it is increasing in Brazil. The buying and selling ecstasy has become a prominent feature of an illicit economy at nightclubs, raves, and similar venues Sanders The social picture of ecstasy use and distribution in Brazil appears similar to the United States where most ecstasy sellers are middle to upper class, educated and employed young adults who act as small scale suppliers for a core customer base of friends and acquaintances Jacinto et al. Sellers differ from dealers in that a seller is a person who may possess and use drugs but the sale of drugs is not their primary purpose. It has been suggested that many users also participate as sellers and vice versa Jacinto et al. Thus it is not uncommon for ecstasy sellers to reject identifying as a dealer Jacinto et al. The present qualitative study was guided by the research question: What are the motivations for selling ecstasy among young adults in the EDM culture in Porto Alegre, Brazil? Qualitative interviews were conducted with young adult ecstasy users as part of a exploratory study of EDM club-goers in the metropolitan area of Porto Alegre, Brazil, a city of 1. Exclusion criteria included current participation in alcohol or drug use treatment, cognitive impairment, or evident psychiatric disorders that might interfere with the conduct of the interview. Potential participants were recruited from raves and EDM events to determine eligibility, and were asked to provide contact information to the research team. Recruitment was conducted using a venue-based sampling approach. Potential participants were approached by project staff in these locations on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday evenings or late nights, as well as on Sunday afternoons in local parks where groups of participants would get together. Based on initial observations and key informant interviews, we determined that much of the drug-related activity and partying happens not only inside club venues, but also in the queues that form at the entrance. Many patrons spend substantial time outside the clubs meeting friends and acquaintances. The queues served as contact points for field staff to approach potential participants, since it would not be possible to collect data inside the clubs because of the noise and atmosphere. On data collection days, the interviewers would cover predetermined locations in pairs or small groups, and conduct screening interviews among interested individuals. Eligible and interested participants were invited to participate in the study. Subsequent participants were recruited by the initial participants based on a snowball sampling strategy. Further details of this technique with this specific sample can be found elsewhere Remy et al. Twenty young adults signed an informed consent form and completed in-depth interviews conducted between January and March The interviewer followed a semi-structured guide listing various topics to ensure that all areas of interest were covered. While particular attention was given to discussions related to the sale or distribution of ecstasy, the interview guide also focused on: 1 EDM culture; 2 recreational use of club drugs, including history of use, consumption patterns, and motivations for use; 3 perceived social and health consequences of ecstasy use; 4 mental health; and 5 sexual behaviors. The semi-structured interview method allowed for some flexibility so respondents were provided space to express themselves in their own terms and at their own pace Bernard The interviews were conversational in style with topics from the interview guide being discussed as they naturally occurred during the conversation, rather than maintaining a fixed format. All interviews were digitally audio-recorded and a data accounting log was used to track collected data. Interviews were transcribed by an independent transcriptionist and reviewed for accuracy by the Principal Investigator. A panel of experts discussed occasional inconsistencies. In this method, as researchers review the data collected, repeated ideas, concepts or elements become apparent, and are tagged with codes. Codes are defined as anchors that allow the key points of the data to be gathered. As more data are collected, and as data are re-reviewed, codes can be grouped into concepts — defined as a collections of codes of similar content that allows the data to be grouped - and then into categories. These categories may become the basis for new theory. Categories are defined as broad groups of similar concepts that are used to generate a theory. Upon transcription of each interview, the first two authors created preliminary codes using descriptive and in vivo schemes. In addition, memos were written after each participant was interviewed and after each interview was coded by the first author to reflect code choices, emergent themes and patterns, and conceptual models. Following the last interview, the first author coded the interviews a second time to ensure that coding was consistent throughout the dataset. Codes were reviewed and agreed upon by all authors. Following Denzin , triangulation consisted of: a using multiple analysts to review findings to ensure comprehensive interpretive analyses; b recruiting participants from multiple locations; and quantitatively assessing ecstasy use and associated behaviors see also Pechansky et al. The mean age of study participants was Most participants were heterosexual 13 , with smaller numbers self-identifying as homosexual 6 and bisexual 1. All participants had friends who also used ecstasy, described themselves as members of dance communities in which ecstasy use was commonplace, and often sold ecstasy to friends and acquaintances. Most of the sellers characterized their behavior as a service they provided a service to their friends. Participants described an easy transition from being only a user of ecstasy to becoming a user and a seller. Many participants described their experiences with ecstasy as including both using and selling the drug, without a clear distinction between being only a user or only a seller. In the words of one participant working as a DJ T. The thing was going on… easy money and a lot of money. In the beginning, I did not sell, just used. But after the third party I began to sell. It is very easy. I bought for a good price, in larger quantities and resold it to friends. Others described similar transitions. One college student P. For example, one male university student F. Though these participants were largely from middle to upper class homes, earning such large sums of money made the transition to selling hard to avoid, especially because participants did not consider ecstasy selling to be dangerous. This concept was discussed by a young male college student A. One of the most frequently mentioned motivations for selling and distributing ecstasy was to become popular with their peers. Several male participants described the desire to be recognized as famous and prominent figures in the EDM club scene and to have everyone know who they are. As one young male university student F. It is a world of glamour. Said one female college student T. He used eight tablets of ecstasy per night. My friends heard that he sold and everyone wanted it. I pointed him out to many people. He was getting a lot of money. He started selling drugs and doing it quietly, and suddenly he became the boss of all raves. One negative aspect associated with selling ecstasy was the high cost of continued participation in the EDM scene. My friends began selling to keep the rave style: clothing brands, big car, and a pumped-up body. Yet, he continues to sell ecstasy and maintain the lifestyle. A male participant T. I did not want to be out of this. This study investigated the motivations for selling ecstasy among young adults in Porto Alegre, Brazil. All respondents were regular participants in the EDM club scene and reported having many friends who also participated in the club scene. Three main themes emerged from the interviews: 1 participants described the easy transition from being an ecstasy user to an ecstasy seller; 2 this transition was often driven by the desire to achieve popularity and fame in the EDM club scene as well as, 3 the need to sell ecstasy to maintain the high cost of EDM club scene participation. This social picture was seen in the young adult participants in this study who were mostly educated, middle class, and heterosexual. Generally participants in the current sample described positive experiences with ecstasy. Of potential importance, ecstasy users reported the ease of making money by selling ecstasy, often involving little more than using the drug and participating in the EDM scene. The use of ecstasy facilitated the development of large social networks, to which the user was able to sell, consistent with other research which emphasized the influence of the social environment including ecstasy-using social contacts and attendance at dance music events as important predictors of using and selling ecstasy Smirnov et al. Moreover, drug selling inside dance music venues, especially club drugs such as ecstasy, has been described as an intrinsic aspect of the club scene Sanders Thus for participants in the EDM scene, the tendency to adhere to group culture as well as the inherent vulnerability in doing so, seems to encourage using and selling. These findings indicate that ecstasy sellers in the EDM club scene do not fit stereotypical images of Brazilian drug dealers, who are largely armed, drug traffickers working in urban slums Remy et al b. Instead, these findings are similar to prior studies in which drug sellers can be friends selling to friends or episodic users who sell to support their own habits Hammersley ; Tarter et al. As described by male participants, the sale of ecstasy is associated with popularity and fame in the EDM club scene. While females did not describe desiring these things for themselves, they did find popularity and fame to be attractive qualities in males. Male participants noted that benefits obtained by ecstasy selling, including social status, material possessions associated with increased popularity, and attractiveness to members of the opposite sex, are especially meaningful. Unfortunately, ecstasy use is associated with numerous adverse health and social effects McCardle et al. Public health prevention programs directed toward young adult ecstasy users are needed as they may help reduce consumption of this drug and limit the potential for health and social problems resulting from these behaviors. One possible approach is targeting peer social norms, both descriptive i. Similar approaches have met success in substance-using young adult populations in the United States Wilson et al. In addition, public policy initiatives that limit the supply of ecstasy and related substances may help, but the logistics required are complex since these drugs are widely available via the Internet. Given the sampling methods and specific eligibility criteria, findings may not be generalizable to ecstasy users and sellers in other locations. In addition, data presented are based on self-report. Recall bias, interviewer effects, and social desirability are potential limitations. However, trained interviewers and investigator expertise and knowledge of local EDM club culture likely mitigated these effects. Findings from this study represent the first study of ecstasy sellers in Brazil and demonstrate the ease with which the participants transition from user to seller. Reasons for this transition are related directly to EDM club scene participation. The social aspect of valuing the achievement of popularity and fame, as well as the economic aspect of maintaining a specific lifestyle appear to be the principle drivers of ecstasy selling among these participants. Given potential health and social dangers associated with ecstasy use, public health prevention campaigns to discourage ecstasy use and policy initiatives to limit the ecstasy supply are warranted. As a library, NLM provides access to scientific literature. J Psychoactive Drugs. Author manuscript; available in PMC Sep 5. Lysa Remy , Ph. D, a Mance Buttram , Ph. D, c Steven Kurtz , Ph. D, c Hilary Surratt , Ph. D, b and Flavio Pechansky , Ph. Find articles by Lysa Remy. Find articles by Mance Buttram. Find articles by Steven Kurtz. Find articles by Hilary Surratt. Find articles by Flavio Pechansky. PMC Copyright notice. Abstract This paper describes data on the motivations for selling ecstasy among young adults in the electronic dance music EDM club culture in Brazil. Keywords: Ecstasy users, Qualitative research, Club culture, Motivations. Methods Data collection Qualitative interviews were conducted with young adult ecstasy users as part of a exploratory study of EDM club-goers in the metropolitan area of Porto Alegre, Brazil, a city of 1. Results The mean age of study participants was Table 1. Open in a separate window. Transition from user to seller Participants described an easy transition from being only a user of ecstasy to becoming a user and a seller. Popularity and fame One of the most frequently mentioned motivations for selling and distributing ecstasy was to become popular with their peers. The cost of selling One negative aspect associated with selling ecstasy was the high cost of continued participation in the EDM scene. Discussion This study investigated the motivations for selling ecstasy among young adults in Porto Alegre, Brazil. References Arnett JJ Emerging adulthood. A theory of development from the late teens through the twenties. American Psychology 55 5 : — Journal of Psychoactive Drugs 38 1 : 13—8. The natural history of drug use from adolescence to the mid-thirties in a general population sample. American Journal of Public Health 85 1 : 41—7. Patterns of ecstasy use and associated harm: results of a Brazilian online survey. How many interviews are enough? An experiment with data saturation and variability. Field Methods 18 1 : 59— Meta-analysis is no substitute for theory. Addiction 2 : —8; discussion —2. Journal of Drug Issues 38 2 : — Drug and Alcohol Dependence 66 2 : — Criminal activity among young adults in the club scene. Law Enforcement Executive Forum 9 2 : 47— Former chronic methylenedioxymethamphetamine MDMA or ecstasy users report mild depressive symptoms. Journal of Psychopharmacology 15 3 : —6. Circuit party attendance, club drug use, and unsafe sex in gay men. Journal of Substance Abuse 13 1—2 , — Chronic MDMA ecstasy use, cognition and mood. Psychopharmacology 3—4 : —9. Psychopharmacology 1 , 77— J Drug Issues 1; 41 2 Changes in method for obtaining better outcomes in the recruitment of synthetic drug users. Addiction Research and Theory Published online: 18 Dec Correlates of unprotected sex in a sample of young club drug users. Clinics 68 11 : — The transsituational influence of social norms. Journal of personality and social psychology , 64 1 , Relationship between ecstasy use and depression: a study controlling for poly-drug use. Psychopharmacology 3—4 : —7. The Coding Manual for Qualitative Researchers. Los Angeles: Sage. Sales, P. Journal of Drug Issues 37 4 : — The diffusion of ecstasy through urban youth networks. Journal of Ethnicity in Substance Abuse 4 2 : 39— Drug and Alcohol Dependence 52 1 , 85— Club chaos: understanding the South Beach effect. Addiction 10 : — Multivariate comparison of male and female adolescent substance abusers with accompanying legal problems. Journal of Criminal Justice 39 3 : — Drugs and risk-taking in tourism. Annals of Tourism Research 33 2 : — Research review: The relationship between childhood violence exposure and juvenile antisocial behavior: a meta-analytic review. Copy Download.

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