Dressing Tips To Help You Look Slimmer

Dressing Tips To Help You Look Slimmer

Tickled Pink Boutique

Stop kneading the bottle for the genie to mystically appear and make you look sylphlike for the big date tomorrow { It is not possible, though}, because at some point of time, we all have hoped for this, but unluckily, it does not happen. We all indeed love bodies similar to those of our favorite Bollywood actresses and runway models. But, it is pretty evident that it is easier said than done. 

But hey! Lend an ear. There is good news: What if you look slimmer without hitting the gym and following that hard aww diet? Sounds strange, I know, but it is true, and that is in the form of women's online clothing stores. The collection of women's clothing stores will not only make you look slim and hot, but you'll also look pretty amazing. 

Following are the tips and tricks of how to style the clothes from a women's clothing store so that you will look like Gigi Hadid. {a dream come true!} 

On cloud nine? Yes! Coz it is the time to look super bold and stunning

Bootcut is a bae 

Boot cut jeans or flare jeans are love this season, and here is why you should invest in a pair STAT. The wider cuff of the denim makes legs look as long as summer days and takes some pounds off your frame! 

Throw these boot-cut jeans on a white tee for a coffee date, swap it for a dressy top, add some dainty heels, and ta-dah, you look lovely. In a way, women's jeans are always adorable and chic.  

Stripes, stripes all around

Vertical lines are the most admiring and finest print to make you look pounds lighter; they will never let you down. Vertical striped patterns or even vertical lines created by scarves will always help you look leaner and taller.

Style this hot and charming striped dress with high heels and carry a quirky sling bag and a voila-looking bombshell. 

It is all about the length, girl!

The length of your dress is very much essential. Always choose the dresses that reach below the knee, just like this dress from online boutique stores. This dress has the ideal length because this dress finishes at the slimmest part of your leg and has a cinched waist which ultimately makes you look slimmer.

Tickled pink dresses never fail to amaze and always grab attention quickly. Meanwhile, maxi dresses make your legs look thinner and in great shape. In other words, we can say that the longer the length, the better it will look.  

Wear your hair upside and off your face 

Pull your beautiful and voluminous locks into a ponytail, up and off your face. Then, lightly tease the crown to bring out your bone structure and make your face appear thinner naturally. 

Dress in one color or hue

Women's tops and bottoms in the same color create successive vertical lines, making you look thinner and taller. When you dress in 2 contrasting colors, the eye is automatically drawn to where the colors meet, often the waistline.

Dressing in one single color is the super easiest way to lengthen your body, making it look longer, thinner, and taller in one panoramic look.

Invest in longline outerwear

Anything around waist length inclines to add extra volume to your frame by drawing attention to your hips and belly. Whether it is a cardigan from boutiques stores online or a blazer or a coat, pick one that ends at your hips or below to nail dressing to look slimmer. 

Style the jewelry strategically

Long necklaces help add length to a short neck and bring attention away from the hips and waist.

Layered chains take heed to the face, not the waist and bangles; shimmery cuffs and cocktail rings draw attention to the wrists in lieu of the upper arms. Of course, perfect attires are also essential with the ideal jewelry, so read The six dress styles to dress to impress.

Correct posture

And last but not least, everything will fall flat if you do not have the proper posture. It makes a huge difference to your silhouette, so pay very close attention to it.

Summing it up

Looking thinner and appealing is all we want, and now it is not difficult because you have an online boutique stores just by your side. So it is time to rock the stage with the fire you have within.

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