Dressing Room Dick Flash

Dressing Room Dick Flash


Dressing Room Dick Flash
I was going to a wedding so that involved buying a suit.I went to a local department store with wife and picked out the shirt,pants, jacket and socks. I went into the dressing room to change.I noticed that the lock on the door was not working but my wife was sitting outside so I did not worry about it.
(not that I would anyway) I sat down took off my sneakers, socks,tee shirt and then shorts. I had just started putting on my shirt facing the door when it flew open.The employee opened the door thinking since it was not locked it was empty. I just stood there.her eyes went straight to my ctotch then my face. I am so sorry, she said.Its ok. I told her.After I was all done my wife and I were walking around the store and we ran into the girl that same girl.She just gave me a big smile and said hello.I told her hias we walked on. My wife asked me what all that was about and just said, nothing dear.
That happened to me when I was in high school. I was nude except for a shirt. The clerk (a little old lady) opened the door to hand me another pair of slacks in my size. The doors opened on to the mens area.

She said sorry. I know she knew I was in there, I guess she thought I wore shorts.
There's a dept. store in NYC that has a communal men's dressing room. It's fun to go in there and strip down with no undies on and see if you get any looks. Mirrors everywhere you can look without really looking. Given some store's desire to have people wear underwear when trying pants, shorts, etc. gives me an opportunity to put on even more of a show. I go in with the clothes to try on, strip down, and THEN get a pair of underwear out of my backpack, put them on and try on the clothes. Then, get naked again, put the underwear away and then get dressed. It's a good time.
Hey Eric I think it is so cool that you take hygene into count when you are trying clothes. I think it is considerate of you to consider other people's needs along with your desire to freeball. Also you get to put on a good show...so everyone wins
if its what i think it is, he's talking about Daffy's on 34th street. I do the same. I take a pair of underwear in when i'm shopping, but they come off soon as its time to put my street clothes back on.
Try the Bloomingdales Men's Shop (1st Floor) So-Ho branch (New York) it has all glass walls with free hanging circular curtains on a rod (like the curtains/dividers in a hospital room). If curain isn't brought entirely to the mirrored wall on either side - it will expose you - to the entire 1st Floor - without even trying - as you walk down the main shopping aisle you can see into many many dressing areas! Fantastic !
right, nudepreston, i remember going to buy a suit at SYMS a while ago and trying the pants in that communal room. they were the pnats i was buying anyway (they were being fitted), so I freeballed and didn't hide it from the other guys in the room.
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This reminds me of something I noticed at my local pool last summer.
The changing room has a small number of cubicles which open into a public changing area.
It is not unusual for dads to bring very young daughters into the gent's changing room (seldom older than 5). Typically they enter, go into a cubicle, change, and leave. The young child sees very little, and there's no big deal.
On this occasion there was one exception.
When i left the pool, and went into the showers, as i always do; I noticed a girl who looked atleast 12 years old. She was showering in her swimwear. With her being present, I felt unable to remove my swimwear (not because of embarrassment, but it seemed indecent to expose myself). There were a another three blokes in the shower. Two of whom were talking to this girl, and it became apparent that they were her dad and brother (the third guy, i guess was an irrelevent stranger). I then noticed her father was showering completely naked despite his young daughter being present; yet nobody batted an eyelid. I decided fair enough then, and removed my swimwear to shower naked (as i would have done if she had not been there). Her brother, like her, retained his swimwear, he looked about 14.
After showering, I went into the changing area an began to dry off. This family followed about a minuete later. They were not at all embarrassed by the situation; i.e. they were not making any effort to minimise attention. This girl even had brief conversation with some of the guys in the changing room.
Then she went into a cubicle with her towel and clothes. Her dad and bro spoke to her from the public changing area. It all seemed like a normal family day out, barring the fact that this was a male only changing room.
The boy wasn't quick to get changed and just stood there air-drying with a towel around him. His sister emerged from the cubicle having got dressed. Rather than make an immediate exit, she hung around chatting, although, she didn't really make any effort to observe any other guys.
By this point, this girls's older brother was ready to get dressed. He quite litterally just dropped the towel and continued dressing; not at all bothered by his sister's presenece (he was developing and had pubic hair). I left the changing room at that point.
I didn't really know what to make of the situation. This family were so liberal and nudity must have been a part of their lives. Part of me envied them for that; but all in all; it didn't seem normal.
The next time I went to the swimming pool, i noticed signs had been put on the chaging room doors stating "only children under 7 allowed in the chagning room of the opposite sex." I have a strong suspicion that these signs were put up in response to this incident.
Interesting story and I suspect you are right about the sign. I admit, the first time I was in a situation where a young girl was also in the lockerroom with her dad, I did not even realise it was a girl. Just after they entered the room, I had gone over to the urinal from my shower in the buff. I merely noticed a guy walk in the room with their child. After a few minutes, I heard the child speak, it was then that I realised it was a girl. Where the urinals were located she would have had a clear shot of viewing my relieving myself. After, I got back to my towel and just after the girl stepped into a stall I apologized to the father stating that I did not realize it was a daughter with him, or I would have worn a towel. He was very cool and said not to worry about it.
For that brief period when I realized the child was a girl and I was nude for her to see not only my whole body but me urinating, I got scared as if I had done something horrible. All the while knowing I had done nothing wrong. Anyway, it was a relief that the dad was cool about it.
It has happened a few additional times over the years. I just mind my own business and everyone that I have noticed just act like it's normal. And really unless you are doing something you shouldn't be doing anyway, I now see nothing wrong with it.
I don't remember any scenario with a girl quite as old as 12, but quite a few times with girls who must have been 10 or 11 and many many times with girls in the mens changing room younger than this.
Sometimes they took their costume off and sometimes not, sometimes they looked at the boys and men around them, and sometimes not (presumably where they didn't look around they were so used to mens locker rooms there was nothing new to see for them).
I was always intrigued by times when an older girl took her costume off and was in the shower with a boy her own age (and sometimes that boy wouldn't take his trunks off, sometimes would have done) or a girl younger than her who refused to take her costume off. I presume their upbringing just made them more comfortable with their nudity.
A similar thing happened to me the other day. First some background, I am an American who has been living in the Netherlands for many years. In Europe nudity is not seen in the same sexual context as that in America. Girls (and women) often see Men and boys in various stages of undress, including completely naked, and visa-versa. As most understand, topless and nude beaches are common in southern Europe and common saunas, with people completely naked is the norm in northern Europe. It is not uncommon for a young girl, even after entering puberty to enter the men’s only pool change room with their father. On occasion they do change and shower there, but mostly, they have changed in the women’s change room and then come to help their fathers with their younger siblings. I admit, at first, I found it disconcerting, the idea of being naked in front of women and especially pubescent girls (having girls of a very young age (under 8 years) never bothered me, because their concepts of body and sex are generally not developed.) Overtime though, I have become comfortable with young girls seeing me naked and it is now quite normal in appropriate places (i.e. the beach and change rooms).
Back to my incident. At my club, there is a Dutch-Japanese man who often comes to the pool with his 5 and 7 year old daughters. I have known him and his daughter for a few years, and they have always changed and showered in the men’s change rooms. We are on friendly terms and often make small talk. Last week, he came with his daughters in tow, as he entered the change room he saw that I was completely naked and greeted me as usual. This time however, two other girls came with him, one looked to be about 12 years old and thee other 10 years old. They were apparently sisters. The man introduced me to them as his nieces visiting and I instantly reached out to shake their hands. Both politely greeted me but could not remove their stares from my groin. The man then turned to the girls and spoke to them in Japanese, probably saying that he was off to take a shower and to help his daughter get changed – I say this because this is what happened. I quickly realized that these girls were from America. They would speak to each other in English in an accent that was obvious. As I was drying and applying, the two other girls were continually fixated at my groin area. This made me a little anxious, especially since I now realized that this may have been the first time that these pubescent girls were seeing a naked man. Growing up in the US, I know that pre-teens and teens would not have the opportunity to see an opposite sex person naked in a non-sexual context. And if I had been a 10 or 12 year old boy in their situation, I would be most intrigued and would certainly tell all my friends about it. I would also likely embellish the story. I also know if the woman I had saw was not attractive, I would not have stared. So I am slightly flattered at their attention – but I know this is once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Having said all of this, I doubt that this incident will have any long-lasting negative effects on these girls. I think this is especially true as in the next week they were visiting they had the opportunity to see me naked on 5 more occasions. Thus normalizing the situation and having them experience non-sexual nudity. We even talked a little about their visit to the Netherlands, with me standing in front of them completely naked and they completely dressed.
Did they never change clothes whilst they were there, or did they keep everything covered when they did change? Were there any boys, closer to their own age, in the change room whilst you were there?

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A surprise in a changing booth! I am in a hurry so we will change here together.
Beach locker room A surprise in a changing booth! I am in a hurry so we will change here together

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