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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
1856 novel by Harriet Beecher Stowe

Robert Adams (c. 1790–?)
Francis Bok (b. 1979)
James Leander Cathcart (1767–1843)
Ólafur Egilsson (1564–1639)
Petro Kilekwa (late 19th c.)
Elizabeth Marsh (1735–1785)
Maria ter Meetelen (1704–?)
Mende Nazer (b. 1982)
Hark Olufs (1708–1754)
Thomas Pellow (1705–?)
Joseph Pitts (1663 – c. 1735 )
Guðríður Símonardóttir (1598–1682)

Lovisa von Burghausen (1698–1733)
Olaudah Equiano (c. 1745 Nigeria – 31 March 1797 Eng)
Ukawsaw Gronniosaw (c. 1705 Bornu – 1775 Eng)
Jean Marteilhe (1684-1777)
Roustam Raza (1783–1845)

Marie-Joseph Angélique (c. 1710 Portugal – 1734 Montreal)
John R. Jewitt (1783 England – 1821 United States)

Juan Francisco Manzano (1797–1854, Cuba)
Esteban Montejo (1860–1965, Cuba)
Mary Prince (c. 1788 Bermuda – after 1833)
Venerable Pierre Toussaint (1766 Saint-Dominque – June 30, 1853 NY)
Marcos Xiorro (c. 1819 – ???, Puerto Rico)

Mahommah Gardo Baquaqua (1845–1847, Brazil)
Miguel de Buría (? Puerto Rico – 1555 Venezuela)
Osifekunde (c. 1795 Nigeria – ? Brazil)

Dred: A Tale of the Great Dismal Swamp is the second popular novel from American author Harriet Beecher Stowe . It was first published in two volumes by Phillips, Sampson and Company in 1856. Although it enjoyed better initial sales than her previous, and more famous, novel Uncle Tom's Cabin , it was ultimately less popular. Dred was of a more documentary nature than Uncle Tom's Cabin and thus lacked a character like Uncle Tom to evoke strong emotion from readers.

Dred is the story of Nina Gordon, an impetuous young heiress to a large southern plantation , whose land is rapidly becoming worthless. It is run competently by one of Nina's slaves, Harry, who endures a murderous rivalry with Nina's brother Tom Gordon, a drunken, cruel slaveowner. Nina is a flighty young girl, and maintains several suitors, before finally settling down with a man named Clayton. Clayton is socially and religiously liberal, and very idealistic, and has a down-to-earth perpetual-virgin sister, Anne.

In addition to Harry (who, as well as being the administrator of Nina's estate, is secretly also her and Tom's half-brother), the slave characters include the devoutly Christian Milly (actually the property of Nina's Aunt Nesbit), and Tomtit, a joker -type character. There is also a family of poor whites, who have but a single, devoted slave, Old Tiff.

Dred, the titular character, is one of the Great Dismal Swamp maroons , escaped slaves living in the Great Dismal Swamp, preaching angry and violent retribution for the evils of slavery and rescuing escapees from the dog of the slavecatchers.

The response to Stowe's first work greatly impacted her second anti-slavery novel. Uncle Tom's Cabin drew criticism from abolitionists and African-American authors for the passive martyrdom of Uncle Tom and endorsement of colonization as the solution to slavery. Dred , by contrast, introduces a black revolutionary character who is presented as an heir to the American revolution rather than a problem to be expatriated. Dred can thus be placed within an African-American literary tradition as well as a political revision of the sentimental novel (see David Walker's Appeal (1829) and Frederick Douglass 's The Heroic Slave (1852)).

Dred himself is a composite of Denmark Vesey and Nat Turner , two real leaders of slave insurrections. Stowe included a copy of Nat Turner's famous confessions as an appendix to the novel. [1]

One often-overlooked subplot involves Judge Clayton, who issues a proslavery opinion that absolves the man who attacked Cora's slave Milly of liability. This judge was constrained by the law from providing relief; this fits with Stowe's belief that law and judges—and religious leaders, too—could not be expected to help end slavery. It was humane sentiments rather than the rule of law that would be the lever for antislavery action. [2]

The novel is also interesting in the historical context of runaway slave communities surviving for a long time in swamp areas. Swamps were places where runaway slaves could hide, and therefore became a taboo subject, particularly in the south. The best hiding places were found on high ground in swampy areas. The novel also contains detailed descriptions of the wetlands in the "Dismal Swamp" and is therefore also interesting in the context of the way in which African Americans relate to the natural environment.

Phillips, Sampson and Company (first edition)
329 (vol. I, first edition), 370 (vol. II, first edition)

Definition from Wiktionary, the free dictionary

1 status as a case is disputed
2 in later, non-classical Volapük only





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DRED stands for Device Removed Extended Data. DRED is an evolving set of diagnostic features designed to help identify the cause of unexpected device removal errors, delivering automatic breadcrumbs and GPU-page fault reporting on hardware that supports the necessary features (more about that later).
DRED version 1.1 is available today in the latest 19H1 builds accessible through the Windows Insider Program (I will refer to this as ‘19H1’ for the rest of this writing). Try it out and please send us your feedback!
In Windows 10 version 1803 (April 2018 Update / Redstone 4) Microsoft introduced the ID3D12GraphicsCommandList2::WriteBufferImmediate API and encouraged developers to use this to place “breadcrumbs” in the GPU command stream to track GPU progress before a TDR. This is still a good approach if a developer wishes to create a custom, low-overhead implementation, but may lack some of the versatility of a standardized solution, such as debugger extensions or Watson reporting.
DRED Auto-Breadcrumbs also uses WriteBufferImmediate to place progress counters in the GPU command stream. DRED inserts a breadcrumb after each “render op” – meaning, after every operation that results in GPU work (e.g. Draw, Dispatch, Copy, Resolve, etc…). If the device is removed in the middle of a GPU workload, the DRED breadcrumb value is essentially a count of render ops completed before the error.
Up to 64KiB operations in a given command list are retained in the breadcrumb history ring buffer. If there are more than 65536 operations in a command list then only the last 64KiB operations are stored, overwriting the oldest operations first. However, the breadcrumb counter value continues to count up to UINT_MAX. Therefore, LastOpIndex = (BreadcrumbCount – 1) % 65536.
DRED v1.0 was “released” in Windows 10 version 1809 (October 2018 Update / Redstone 5) exposing rudimentary AutoBreadcrumbs. However there were no API’s and the only way to enable DRED was to use FeedbackHub to capture a TDR repro for Game Performance and Compatibility. The primary purpose for DRED in 1809 was to help root cause analyze game crashes via customer feedback.
Although Auto-Breadcrumbs are designed to be low-overhead, they are far from free. Empirical measurements show between 2-5% performance loss on typical “AAA” D3D12 graphics game engines. For this reason, Auto-Breadcrumbs are off-by-default.
Because the breadcrumb counter values must be preserved after device removal, the resource containing breadcrumbs must exist in system memory and must persist in the event of device removal. This means the driver must support D3D12_FEATURE_EXISTING_HEAPS. Fortunately, this is true for most 19H1 D3D12 drivers.
A new DRED v1.1 feature in 19H1 is DRED GPU Page Fault Reporting. GPU page faults commonly occur when:
DRED attempts to address some of these scenarios by reporting the names and types of any existing or recently freed API objects that match the VA of the GPU-reported page fault.
The D3D12 runtime must actively curate a collection of existing and recently-deleted API objects indexable by VA. This increases the system memory overhead and introduces a small performance hit to object creation and destruction. For now this is still off-by-default.
Many, but not all, GPU’s currently support GPU page faults. Hardware that doesn’t support page faulting can still benefit from Auto-Breadcrumbs.
Not all GPU’s support page faults. Some GPU’s respond to memory faults by bit-bucket writes, reading simulated data (e.g. zeros), or simply hanging. Unfortunately, in cases where the GPU doesn’t immediately hang, TDR’s can happen later in the pipe, making it even harder to locate the root cause.
DRED settings must be configure prior to creating a D3D12 Device. Use D3D12GetDebugInterface to get an interface to the ID3D12DeviceRemovedExtendedDataSettings object.
After device removal has been detected (e.g. Present returns DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_REMOVED), use ID3D12DeviceRemovedExtendedData methods to access the DRED data for the removed device.
The ID3D12DeviceRemovedExtendedData interface can be QI’d from an ID3D12Device object.
Debuggers have access to the DRED data via the d3d12!D3D12DeviceRemovedExtendedData data export. We are working on a WinDbg extension that helps simplify visualization of the DRED data, stay tuned for more.
Applications can use the DRED API’s to control DRED features and collect telemetry for post-mortem analysis. This gives app developers a much broader net for catching those hard-to-repro TDR’s that are a familiar source of frustration.
As of 19H1, all user-mode device-removed events are reported to Watson. If a particular app + GPU + driver combination generates enough device-removed events, Microsoft may temporarily enable DRED for customers launching the same app on a similar configuration.
D3D12_DRED_VERSION_1_0 – Dred version 1.0
D3D12_DRED_VERSION_1_1 – Dred version 1.1
Enum values corresponding to render/compute GPU operations
Congruent with and numerically equivalent to D3D12DDI_HANDLETYPE enum values.
Used by ID3D12DeviceRemovedExtendedDataSettings to specify how individual DRED features are enabled. As of DRED v1.1, the default value for all settings is D3D12_DRED_ENABLEMENT_SYSTEM_CONTROLLED.
D3D12_DRED_ENABLEMENT_SYSTEM_CONTROLLED – The DRED feature is enabled only when DRED is turned on by the system automatically (e.g. when a user is reproducing a problem via FeedbackHub)
D3D12_DRED_ENABLEMENT_FORCED_ON – Forces a DRED feature on, regardless of system state.
D3D12_DRED_ENABLEMENT_FORCED_OFF – Disables a DRED feature, regardless of system state.
D3D12_AUTO_BREADCRUMB_NODE objects are singly linked to each other via the pNext member. The last node in the list will have a null pNext.
pCommandListDebugNameA – Pointer to the ANSI debug name of the command list (if any)
pCommandListDebugNameW – Pointer to the wide debug name of the command list (if any)
pCommandQueueDebugNameA – Pointer to the ANSI debug name of the command queue (if any)
pCommandQueueDebugNameW – Pointer to the wide debug name of the command queue (if any)
pCommandList – Address of the command list at the time of execution
pCommandQueue – Address of the command queue
BreadcrumbCount – Number of render operations used in the command list recording
pLastBreadcrumbValue – Pointer to the number of GPU-completed render operations
pCommandHistory – Pointer to the array of “render operations” used by the command list
pNext – Pointer to the next node in the list or nullptr if this is the last node
Describes allocation data for a DRED-tracked allocation. If device removal is caused by a GPU page fault, DRED reports all matching allocation nodes for active and recently-freed runtime objects.
D3D12_DRED_ALLOCATION_NODE objects are singly linked to each other via the pNext member. The last node in the list will have a null pNext.
Contains pointer to the head of a linked list of D3D12_AUTO_BREADCRUMB_NODE structures.
pHeadAutoBreadcrumbNode – Pointer to the head of a linked list of D3D12_AUTO_BREADCRUMB_NODE objects
Provides the VA of a GPU page fault and contains a list of matching allocation nodes for active objects and a list of allocation nodes for recently deleted objects.
PageFaultVA – GPU Virtual Address of GPU page fault
pHeadExistingAllocationNode – Pointer to head allocation node for existing runtime objects with VA ranges that match the faulting VA
pHeadRecentFreedAllocationNode – Pointer to head allocation node for recently freed runtime objects with VA ranges that match the faulting VA
DeviceRemovedReason – The device removed reason matching the return value of GetDeviceRemovedReason
AutoBreadcrumbsOutput – Contained D3D12_DRED_AUTO_BREADCRUMBS_OUTPUT member
PageFaultOutput – Contained D3D12_DRED_PAGE_FAULT_OUTPUT member
Encapsulates the versioned DRED data. The appropriate unioned Dred_* member must match the value of Version.
Dred_1_0 – DRED data as of Windows 10 version 1809
Dred_1_1 – DRED data as of Windows 10 19H1
Interface controlling DRED settings. All DRED settings must be configured prior to D3D12 device creation. Use D3D12GetDebugInterface to get the ID3D12DeviceRemovedExtendedDataSettings interface object.
SetAutoBreadcrumbsEnablement – Configures the enablement settings for DRED auto-breadcrumbs.
SetPageFaultEnablement – Configures the enablement settings for DRED page fault reporting.
SetWatsonDumpEnablement – Configures the enablement settings for DRED watson dumps.
Configures the enablement settings for DRED auto-breadcrumbs.
Enablement – Enablement value (defaults to D3D12_DRED_ENABLEMENT_SYSTEM_CONTROLLED)
Configures the enablement settings for DRED page fault reporting.
Enablement – Enablement value (defaults to D3D12_DRED_ENABLEMENT_SYSTEM_CONTROLLED)
Configures the enablement settings for DRED Watson dumps.
Enablement – Enablement value (defaults to D3D12_DRED_ENABLEMENT_SYSTEM_CONTROLLED)
Provides access to DRED data. Methods return DXGI_ERROR_NOT_CURRENTLY_AVAILABLE if the device is
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