Dreams, visions, DJT, Biden, 2010 and 2021

Dreams, visions, DJT, Biden, 2010 and 2021


What you are about to read is my improved versions, yet mostly verbatim, of the dreams I had in 2010 about Biden, our country and our future; and a dream about Trump - these are visions.

I am gifted with the ability to translate dreams. I can tell you these were both connected and divinely inspired, but were deliberately somewhat undefined. I did not heed the first dream. But it came true.

Biden is truly putting out fires that he had begun (think election audits) and the economy is truly falling, and we are truly living a possible timeline that would otherwise lead to civil war ... then in comes the 2nd dream to clarify it all.

Take heed.


Dreamt of having the ability to float/fly. 

The year was 2021. 

I and 2 others were exploring a nuclear wasteland.

All was mud, rain; no grass, sun(light). 

We entered an old school, seeking materials. 

We scraped mud from the wall, finding the remains from the day the bomb went off. 

A calendar was marked [uncertain, blurry - had a ’17’ and a ’14’ in it, maybe “august].

We entered a second building. 


  1. US President BIDEN had rigged factories around the country into a bomb and frantically trying to fix it before the bombs exploded. He was in the Oval Office controlling them from one central location. Alarms were giving a countdown. I tried to get others to listen and to leave, but no one did. Finally, I had to leave before the big bomb exploded - an entire factory (the US economy) was rigged. 
  2. By 2165 the US had undergone four or five rebellions and flag changes. There were bombs in the water with a futuristic war on the shoreline. Young soldiers at war in future with other Americans were killed by warheads on the shoreline that looked like microphones (death by words). I saw the various flags. I heard a narrator say “there will be internal wars and the US will divide into factions and never again unite … if did not act and prevent it. The dream implied communism would be taking over our nation soon (2021). 

26/January, 2021

I was an observer in the Whitehouse Oval Office, though it looked different. 

It was largely empty, except for a few advisors (military generals) and DJT. He was not president, but neither was anyone else. Trump was only visiting the Whitehouse on personal business. 

A national emergency was in progress (undefined but explosive) that I could see out the main window of the office. Biden was NOT there to contend with it. He was missing in action. 

With no president in charge (MIA), I could see out the Whitehouse window over the main lawn, cities afar, where chaos and (it appeared) war against the US had begun (but that might be inaccurate). 

DJT said to the generals, “Since there is no President, the LAW puts me in charge, correct?” And they agreed, and so it was. DJT became full President and the war/chaos was subdued. 

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