Dream Of Mature

Dream Of Mature


Dream Of Mature
The keywords of this dream: Sex Mature Woman
To dream about anal sex symbolizes compliance and obedience. You harbor concerns about revealing your inner thoughts and emotions to others for fear of experiencing pain.... Dream Symbols and Analysis
A creature of myth, symbolic of excitement and temptation, the anima in her heavenly and at the same time animalistic role threatening and destroying. Also a symbol of the wise woman (for instance, night owl) and a symbol of death.... Little Giant Encyclopedia
To dream that you bisexual, when you are not in your waking life, is a suggestion that you are holding back your needs and desires related to sex. Perhaps you are unable to communicate these needs properly. You may be perplexed or bewildered by your masculinity or femininity.... Dream Symbols and Analysis
If you are not bisexual and dream that you are, then it may indicate some sexual repression. It doesn’t necessarily mean you have bisexual feelings in your waking life. You may simply be trying to compensate for your lack of sexual expression in real life, by dreaming about sexuality. Alternatively, this dream may represent general sexual confusion.... My Dream Interpretation
Within us we all hold both masculine and feminine potentials. One is more overt than the other and when there is conflict between the inner and the outer selves this can sometimes show itself in dreams as bisexuality.... Dream Meanings of Versatile
To dream of cave men or women represents the primitive and instinctual aspect of your character. You may have experienced a primal emotion lately, such as jealousy, fear or anger.... My Dream Interpretation
In a woman’s dream, female lovers are symbols of what you deeply crave, need, hope for or avoid. In a man’s dream, female lovers are about your relationship with the feminine aspects of your personality, and a satisfying sexual experience in your dreams with a woman you know or don’t know suggests harmonious union between the masculine and feminine aspects of your personality. Sex with more than one woman suggests an element of wish- fulfillment but it may also point to conflicting desires within the male dreamer. The younger the woman in the dream, the more vulnerable are your emotions.... The Element Encyclopedia
A spirit of perversion, Lev. 18:22-23 ... Christian Dream Symbols
If you dream of being homosexual or that someone else is, this is about processing your relationship with your sexuality, your same sex parent, or exploring the realm of homosexuality. Depending upon the emotional context, this dream could represent -love and adoration, or fear/defensiveness/disdain of the opposite sex. Because we all contain masculine and feminine energy, regardless of our sex, this could represent an imbalance of an aspect of your nature, unresolved issues with your opposite sex parent, or the freedom and -love to explore beyond the boundaries of society’s parameters. Consider the feeling tone of this dream.... Strangest Dream Explanations
Assuming that the dreamer is heterosexual, dreams of this nature suggest feelings of basic insecurity in relations with the opposite sex, and, perhaps, professional psychological advice would be beneficial.... The Complete Guide to Interpreting Your Dreams
Figuratively, a course of action without ability to conceive a new beginning; of no connotation with “sensual”; see “baby”... Dream Dictionary Unlimited
(See Pederasty; Sexual intercourse; Sodomy) ... Islamic Dream Interpretation
Each of us has some element of homosexu­ality in us unconsciously. In one’s dreams it may suggest a desire for the father or mother’s love, perhaps because they were not demonstrative. So one was led to crave the love of a man/woman. Conflict or anxiety about one’s own gender, feelings of sexual inadequacy or inadequacy in one’s own gen­der, unconscious pain in regard to the opposite sex—this may be rationalised into reasons for being homosexual rather than being expenenced and made conscious; depicting an introver­sion of one’s sexual drive. ... A Guide to Dreams and Sleep Experiences
Integration of parts of our personality on an internal level moves us towards spiritual maturity. As this integration takes place we may dream of homosexuality.... Dream Meanings of Versatile
Material aspects: Dreaming of having intercourse with somebody of the same sex as oneself often indicates a conflict or anxiety about our own gender roles. We may find ourselves attracted to someone of the same sex in dreams because we are looking for either parental love or a depth of mature love. We may also be looking for love of a different sort – a nurturing rather than sexual love.... Dream Meanings of Versatile
Gives gender - specific: In a woman’s dream a lesbian affair does not mean the dreamer is gay, simply that she seeks understanding. In a man’s dream there may consciously be a degree of homophobia and a fear of his more sensitive side, but it is more likely that he is seeking approval of some sort from his peers.... Dream Meanings of Versatile
A spiritually immature person may be represented as a younger person; see “age”... Dream Dictionary Unlimited
Dreams of Lasex, laser eye surgery, symbolize your willingness to see beyond the surface of things, to see what has been right in front of you all along.... Strangest Dream Explanations
(Sexual organs; Vagina) Lustfully looking at the vagina of one’s wife or that of another woman, or touching it in a dream means engaging in a rotten business. Seeing a naked woman without her knowledge in a dream represents common pitfalls and mistakes one makes in his life.... Islamic Dream Interpretation
In a man’s dream, a male lover is a symbol of what you deeply crave, need, fear, hope for or avoid. In a woman’s dream, a satisfying sexual experience with a man you know or don’t know can suggest a harmonious union with the masculine aspects of your character, and your power to be competitive and challenging in the world; an unsatisfactory sexual experience with a man would suggest the opposite. Sex with more than one man would represent different aspects of yourself. Sex with an ape or wildman would suggest sexual urges at odds with your present circumstances.... The Element Encyclopedia
He will succeed in acquiring his pursuit regarding which he has lost all hopes.... Islamic Dream Interpretation
Dreams of a male who is man enough to care for his appearance is about the balance of masculine and feminine energy. You are allowing the masculine part of you out into the light of day to get primped and primed, sanding off the rough edges of your rugged masculine exterior and interior. Or this dream may be showing you that you are spending too much time caring for your exterior, and not enough time caring for your most essential, interior self.... Strangest Dream Explanations
Carl Jung said that the wise old man is the “archetype of the spirit” and the “speaking fountainhead of the soul.” Dreaming about him may attempt to bring the dreamer into awareness of the larger meaning of ones life. Old people in dreams represent wisdom and maturity. They may appear in our dreams at times of confusion and lack of direction, or when we need consultation and help in decision-making. See also: Aging ... The Bedside Dream Dictionary
See Meeting.... Gypsy Dream Dictionary
To dream of seeing an old man, or woman, denotes that unhappy cares will oppress you, if they appear otherwise than serene. See Faces, Men, and Women.... Ten Thousand Dream Interpretation
A fortunate dream; to court and marry one is also fortunate, but you will have reproaches from the world (Artemidorus) . ... The Fabric of Dream
To dream that you axe courted by an old woman, and marry her, shows that you shall have good luck in prosecuting your affairs, and yet not without some reproaches from the world.... The Complete Dream Book
An old woman in a dream symbolizes feminine energy, life and nuturing of the spirit. This dream can also mean a transition to a new, pleasurable stage of life.... My Dream Interpretation
An old woman is an archetypal symbol whose feminine energy is the power of life and death, having brought forth life as a mother and now ushering in the last phase of life as physical deterioration leads to mortal death.... Dream Symbols in The Dream Encyclopedia
To dream about oral sex may be a reflection of your sexual desires or curiosity. This dream can also symbolize your ability to give or receive pleasure (in a non-sexual way) in life.... My Dream Interpretation
Need to return to the womb. ... New American Dream Dictionary
See roles. ... A Guide to Dreams and Sleep Experiences
Sense of what is socially right or wrong— our feelings of what others would dislike or punish us for; our social rules of conduct rather than our innermost sense of lightness, therefore inhibitions; feelings of guilt or shame. Po­licewoman: more emphasis on moral issues connected with feeling values. ... A Guide to Dreams and Sleep Experiences
Indicates questioning about one’s own sexual persona. ... New American Dream Dictionary
To dream of sexual intercourse may be the result of having contact with a person influenced by a spirit of perversion. Sexual content in a dream may also result from being in a relationship with someone past or present... Christian Dream Symbols
Union of opposites; union of male & female principles; satisfaction; completeness.... The Bedside Dream Dictionary
Dreaming about having sex may compensate for sexual inactivity. It may fulfill a desire for intimacy and sexual expression. Being caught having sex may mention that you feel exposed sexually or embarrassed about sexual feelings.... Ariadne's Book of Dream
To dream of sex represents teamwork, stability, serenity, fulfillment, affection, harmony, matrimony, relations, and adoration. All aspects of your life are in perfect balance. It can also denote that you are satisfied with your home life.... Dream Symbols and Analysis
Need to blend or merge left-brain with right-brain.... Expansions Dream Dictionary
Having sexual relations in a dream or seeing others having sex may indicate repressed desires for physical or emotional love, as well as the urge to “bond” and create new life. Sexuality is too complex and confused an area of modern life to capture here its broad range of possible meanings.... Dream Symbols in The Dream Encyclopedia
Dreams will often allow us to explore physicality in a safe way. Real spiritual growth takes place when we are not afraid of the curiosity that allows innocent exploration of our own body. When a child is first born, its first awareness is of itself as an individual. It has to learn that it is now separate from its mother and cope with the separation. It begins to become ‘conscious’ of itself, and of its need for warmth, comfort and love.... Dream Meanings of Versatile
Psychological / emotional perspective: Dreams highlight the whole range of the individual’s sexuality. One vital stage of growth is the baby’s fascination with its own body and the ability to be physical. Only if later we ignore our own sexual nature and fail to appreciate his own life force do the negative aspects make themselves obvious in dreams. This is a natural attempt to balance the waking state, which may have been over-intellectualized, or over-dramatized. Contact with others then becomes necessary, and often this need will manifest in dreams. Consulting the entries for androgen / androgyny, castration, clothes, hermaphrodite, homosexuality, incest, kiss, masochism and sadism will help you clarify your dream.... Dream Meanings of Versatile
Dream analysts tend to describe dreams about sex with famous people as simple wishfulfillment. For example, an aspiring athlete may dream of having sex with a famous sporting hero. But someone who has no talent for sport might also dream of making love with a sporting icon. The quality that is desired here might be the sporting legend’s ability under intense pressure. In some cases, the famous people you might be romantically involved with in your dreams are really standins for people who aren’t so famous, the people in your everyday life. See also SEX.... The Element Encyclopedia
A dream about sextuplets suggests that your mental, emotional and spiritual states are coming into harmony. You may also be experiencing positive changes that are making your home life more happy.... My Dream Interpretation
Sexual images in dreams symbolize the unification of the conscious and subconscious minds for the purpose of creation. In a dream, the man and woman represent the conscious and subconscious minds. Intercourse symbolizes the unified effort for the purpose of creation. Research has documented that both men and women experience sexual arousal during REM sleep; dreams of sex might supply the desired missing elements in an unsatisfying marriage or emotional life, or heighten the sense of anticipation during an intense love affair.... The Element Encyclopedia
(See Pleasure; Sexual intercourse) ... Islamic Dream Interpretation
(See Sexual intercourse) ... Islamic Dream Interpretation
Dreams in which you feel inadequate, impotent or embarrassed during sex are in no way predictive and most dream analysts suggest that they are a way for your unconscious mind to vent its frustrations and anxieties. To imagine voyeurs watching or spying on you during lovemaking suggests unease with your sexual performance.... The Element Encyclopedia
Merger of energies, aspects or qualities within self. When having sexual intercourse with a particular person, it represents blending the qualities of that person with self, and usually is not actually a sexual dream. Having intercourse with a member of the same sex means a merger of the masculine or feminine qualities within your own being. Could also mean you have a need for sexual release to harmonize and balance the body, this being accomplished through the dream.... The Dream Books Symbols
(See Looking at a sexual organ; Span) ... Islamic Dream Interpretation
(See Pleasure) ... Islamic Dream Interpretation
Dreams of tantric sex symbolize your awareness of the sacred in the sexual and the sensual/sexuality of your spiritual devotion. This dream may also be reflecting the value of being able to properly channel your sexual desires and urges in the direction of your higher aspirations.... Strangest Dream Explanations
Dreams of a transsexual is about sexual expansion or confusion. Consider the feeling tone of this dream to discern its meaning for you. You are either embracing your opposite and/or dismissing or disowning your own sex. This dream can also be about the celebration of your of your opposite nature, feminine or masculine.... Strangest Dream Explanations
To see a washerwoman in a dream signifies infi­delity and/or a peculiar adventure. ... New American Dream Dictionary
It bodes no good for a woman to dream that she washes clothes for a living, for it is a sign that she will be careless of her reputation in her dealings with men.... The Complete Dream Book
Dreams of a wise man or woman symbolize guidance, an enlightened message and connection to your inner crone, witch, grandmother, grandfather, sorcerer, goddess, or guru. See Prophetic Dreams.... Strangest Dream Explanations
To dream of woman argues infirmity (Gypsy) . ... The Fabric of Dream
see People... Ten Thousand Dream Dictionary
To see many Women in a dream, wealth and renown; a beautiful Woman, a happy marriage; an ugly Woman, worry and vexation; a Woman’s voice, changes in position.... Mystic Dream Book
whoever was awoken / alarmed from a woman coming to him [in the dream] and she is the reason, that is [interpreted as] his non-fulfillment of zakat to its rightful people.... Islamic Dream - Cafer-i Sadik
See people... Dream Meanings of Versatile
Left brain; ego self.... Expansions Dream Dictionary
See Female.... The Dream Books Symbols
Success in love and / or business. Recognition for your efforts.... Gypsy Dream Dictionary
If a woman dreams that she has acquired a spinning wheel, if she is expecting, she will give birth to a girl. Otherwise a sister will be born, if such a spinning wheel has a spindle or rod, it means she will get her daughter married.... Islamic Dream Interpretation
If a woman sees herself as mounting an ox it means she will marry a man if she is unmarried. But if she is married her husband will obey her and she will take advantage of his good nature.... Islamic Dream Interpretation
Concept of loving physical reality more than spirituality.... Expansions Dream Dictionary
This may be a reference to her husband who will enjoy a good reputation as a result of his high standing in the community.... Islamic Dream Interpretation
If a person sees a woman with a male generative organ it means she will give birth to a son if she is pregnant in real life. Moreover, the son will grow up with good character and leadership qualities. But if she is not expecting in reality, and she already has a child it means that whenever she does give birth she will do so to a son whose upbringing will be as mentioned above.... Islamic Dream Interpretation
Anger at physical reality.... Expansions Dream Dictionary
End of egotistical thinking.... Expansions Dream Dictionary
Abduction/control of logic.... Expansions Dream Dictionary
(See Courting; Yarn salesman) ... Islamic Dream Interpretation
The question here is: What is really important in your life and where do you want to go from here? How do you see yourself? In practical terms, this is mostly a question of taking life and its problems and fears more calmly.
The old man / old woman is and always has been the symbol of the teacher. Often, it also represents the grandfather or grandmother of the dreamer or even the dreamer him / herself. This image may also express a desire for greater peacefulness. Standing at the outside of society looking in, like the Alchemist. Gaining freedom since one has nothing to lose.... Little Giant Encyclopedia
2. Sexual repression, difficulties with sexual expression.
3. A need or desire to address either masculine or feminine as­pects of self or integrate them. ... New American Dream Dictionary
If she is unmarried, she will soon marry a very dignified, respectable and influential man.... Islamic Dream Interpretation
Purses, according to Freud, are symbols of female genitalia or the womb; when the purse opens, this suggests sexual availability and when it is snapped shut, this suggests withholding.... The Element Encyclopedia
It is not unusual for heterosexual men and women to have dreams about gay sex, and such dreams are not necessarily related to sexuality or the waking-life expression of it. However, if the dreamer identifies as a gay man, then such dreams should be explored more literally.... Complete Dictionary of Dreams
If this is the case, your dream may have been fulfilling your unconscious fantasies and was encouraging you to be honest with yourself. Many psychologists believe that we are all bisexual at a deep level; a dream like this may have given you the opportunity to explore in a safe environment an experience that your conscious mind finds objectionable due to social conditioning. If, however, you are convinced you are not gay or lesbian, your dream may simply have highlighted the intimate nature of your friendships with people of the same sex or your desire to meet someone similar to yourself. Your unconscious may also have been highlighting the fact that if you are in a relationship, you sometimes you feel closer to your friends than you do to your partner.
If you are homophobic in waking life or in your dream, your unconscious may have been urging you to be more open-minded.
If you are gay and dream of making love to a person of the same sex, this will have much the same interpretation as dreams concerning heterosexual sex and partnerships.

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