Drapro Nutaku

Drapro Nutaku


Drapro Nutaku
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>>15168541 no if you are on nutaku there is no such thing what dark day on nutaku FKG get "localized" and agis "locaization" continues

>>15168541 Girls don´t bleed silly lad.

Worth getting a perfect Imelia, or no? I do lack physical duelists.

>>15168784 Apparently yes, but as always be prepared to shell out some serious crystals for it. Personally, I'm setting my standards much lower than perfect.

How useful is Sandra in pre AW teams? I'm not really at the point where I need a good dueler but it seems like her skill can trivialize a couple maps.

>>15168809 Not really useful, she is more of a niche unit than a reliable one, also she is a subpar duelist. Swormasters are only good for their skill, she can be useful in the crystal daily, but if you want a more solid unit, you wont find it in her or any swordmaster.

>>15168877 Who are good duelists, anyway? Princesses? Bandits?

Holy shit ?-3 is fucking annoying. How the hell do I even get ANY teams to both the top fights fast enough? I even went speed setup and put the fastest teams on that route and they're still too slow because of the fucking webs.

>>15168889 1. Have Lilac/Dipladenia to ignore webs 2. Place really slow units to your non-top route teams to lower their average speed, it doesn't matter if they're weak. 3. Weaken your non-top route teams so that they can kill the small fry/middle boss but die to the final boss.

Any of the Nutaku Aigis spotlight units worth rolling for? Or should I wait?

>>15168898 Adele is solid, Anelia a treasure. Sophie a monster. I rolled 15 times and got no one. Spotlight is a joke. Hope you get more luck anon, they are worth it.

>>15168883 Bandits, Valks, Angels and some AW units. Nearly all units that have some defensive means (HP or Def) to stay by themself and not disrupt too much the healers and dish some good damage.

>>15168928 I see, thank you. I have Nadia to fit that role in a pinch, but nobody else. Should I raise Shizuka for the job, since she has consistent self-healing and a neat AW skill that gives her 3x attack/defense for the duration?

>>15168877 Which level of crystal daily is she useful for, specifically? Just god, or expert too? And what level should she be, at a minimum, to be useful for it?

>>15168979 Nadia is among the best duelist ever, awaken her as soon as possible, only thing she can't tank by herslef is the 5k damage golem, everything else is just an scratch to her. Shizuka is not really worth it because her cost, but if you see you are using her a lot, go and AW her, but keep in mind that she will need a good priest when her skill isnt up.

Reminder that Nutaku have a time travel machine and isn't afraid of using it.

>FKG limited gacha >I'll just do single rolls until I get Lilac >25 rolls later >all 3*/4* dupes and not a single Lilac Fuck me, this boosted rate is even worse than Aigis. I loaded up and got Lilac and Toad Lily back-to-back immediately after, but fuck me, I got trolled hard.

Had 20 spare crystals so I decided I'd try to get Sophie. Got those four instead. I swear plat units seem to love me for whatever reason... So I remember someone said that Marr was pretty good, how good is she compared to the other healers ? I play with Camilla, Chydis and Iris.

>>15169096 >single rolls >25 rolls you had 125 gems? why not 10+1 2 times and then 5 singles? missed 2 free rolls there m8

Nutaku Cymbidium should be in two weeks with the next event, right? Or is she further out than that?

>>15169088 >>15169096 All this gold-getter scum. You know no suffering.

>>15169125 Because I only wanted Lilac and don't care enough for the other two in the spotlight. I didn't think I would get fucked that badly with 10 or so silver dupes. Seriously, three Violetta Tulips when I already had a maxed one and 2/4 on a second one is a huge kick to the balls.

>>15169120 Replace any of your healers with Marr, she's typically the first healer you want out and at 17 cost its easy enough to do. Marr is best unit that heals in Nutaku version.

>>15169120 Also, Damn you to hell too. Come here, come here...

In the colourful gardens of map ?-3, there is only suffering.

>>15169120 Also use those rainbow fairys on her, she gets a huge boost from her skill getting upgraded.

>>15169148 >>15169170 Okay thanks, I guess she'll be a good replacement for Iris.

New to aigis, can anyone explain the thing with the stamp cards? If I spend 50sc during a month, the next stamp will be upgraded? How do I get the other tiers above the special one then? So it is recommended that whenever I spend sc, to do it in interval of 50?

>>15169260 spend 50 and get special, spend 100 get deluxe, spend 150 get legend. Simple. Optimal would be aiming for deluxe for the extra 5 SC.

>>15169268 Forgot to say, you can also save for Legend for the guaranteed plat+ ticket if on DMM. 150 takes time tho.

>>15169260 Yes thats right, 50 SC spent for the special, 100 SC spent for the deluxe and 150 for the legend card. Then theres the 250 card on DMM with the plat+ ticket and cost reduction fairys. I'd ignore the special, go for Deluxe if you can but the legend card is great for all the fairys.

>Anelia's BRIONAC skill lets her attack 5 enemies at once Damn this girl is a cute monster. And yes her and Imelia's skills are in ALL CAPS for some reason at least on the Reunion map

>>15169291 How much in USD is 250 sc on DMM?

>>15169669 Well it's 10000 points for 150 SC, 5000 for 70, and 3000 for 35. So you could do 18000 points for 255, or 20000 for 300. A point is one yen. So 18000 would be ~$168.80 and 20000 would be ~$187.69.

>>15168346 Which color of tulip is this again?

>>15169926 Hard to imagine since none of her other sisters except Red actually look slutty.

>>15169947 Trying to gauge a girl's sluttiness from her appearance has led countless men to their ruin.

>>15169947 Now yo know that all tulips are slutty.

oh shit isn't this nigga the best fuckin soldier in the whole game

>>15170152 >*one of best unit in the whole game ftfy

>>15170152 There are some instances where the black soldier is better when skill awoken.

>>15170089 Put in how many souls you have at the upper left. Put how many souls you want to get to the right of that. It extrapolates to estimate how many souls you'll get by the end of the event and what % you've already done, and what % of that goal you're on pace to reach. Then below that there's stuff for estimating how many SC you need to spend on refreshes.

Rolled the limited gacha, got Lilac + Camelia, anything I should know about them?

>>15168809 >>15169011 God-Tier is the one I see her used most on, but I presume she'd be able to help a lot on Extreme as well. Even a really low level Sandra can one-shot Gazers with her skill. But you'd probably want her to be around lvl 40-50 so that her defense and HP aren't paper-thin. As for her usage outside of Crystal Daily, there's also the Skyfallen God-Tier, and she works fine on most other maps too. The issue is that if you use her solely as a duelist she's pretty shit. Not because her stats are shit or anything, hell, on pre-AW teams people use the fucking base Prince as a duelist. The issue is her cost, 22-27 for an okay-ish duelist is a shitty deal when you compare to 14 for a maxcost Thetis who rapes basically everything, or a Plat Bandit who costs 18 maxcost (20 if you're using an event Bandit). So if you -do- use her, you have to make sure she's in a good position to hit stuff with her skill. Like-wise, the other Swordmasters suffer from the same problem (though to a lesser degree since those have their ranges in a perfect circle around them).

>>15170152 Best Soldier in Nutaku Aigis, not necessarily the best on DMM Aigis though.

>CC Mel >check out her AW >that giant fucking angel howizter Mel why are you so perfect What's her AW passive? and when can we get her in nutaku

keeps saying "preregister failed" when i try to make an account on nutaku, what am I doing wrong?

>>15170299 According to this, I get more from the easier maps? The 30/2 and 50/7 maps are alot better than the last one?

>>15170505 Thats drops/stamina ratio, and it assumes you'll get all the drops. The drop rate on the earlier maps is lower, though, so you'll almost never hit that ideal ratio unless you have really good luck. The last map might have a lower max ratio, but its 100% drop on souls every time or close enough to it.

>Want to roll 10+1 on dmm fkg >Can't because I don't like lolis Should I wait for the next feature or just do the normal roll?

>>15170475 >What's her AW passive? Damage up, attack speed down. Helps a ton with letting her one-shot Gazers in high-difficulty maps. > and when can we get her in nutaku Never.

>>15170475 Who the fuck is Mel? There doesn't exist an angel named Mel.

>>15170050 >>15170074 Fuck that, apparently I'm into sluts.

>>15170553 >I don't like lolis wrong place and game

>>15170973 I have Lantana and I like her well enough, but the current featured ones really don't appeal to me, particularly the their face and overcutesieness.

>>15170475 メル is the shit, I maxed her out the instant I got her.

Goddamn hell, I've got no *5. Fucking priority gacha. At least I've got this new Lilac girl and St. Paulia for char quest.

>>15171782 you did have to bring this thread back to life

Why does Aigis-sama keep giving me this girl? Please stop

>>15171782 Is that suffering I smell? You rouse me from my sleep. There is always room in the well as always, mind your step, it's a bit wet with tears and the salt can't keep up. An in related news, Reunion G is a pain and 0% affinity Claudia laughs at me.

>>15171821 >Aigis-sama. Please stop asking mercy from demoness

>>15171826 I did one premium summon on the current nutaku Aigis set and my heart immediately sank when I got Kerry. I would have rather had a random plat unit over this piece of shit dupe.

>>15171826 get back at the bottom of the well and where did your decorations went

>>15171839 You can only see them from the bottom, you need that glimmer of hope to shine on them.

How hard is it to get flower gems later in the game? Should save up until I have 50 and go for the "new character priority gacha", or would it be wiser to spend the flower gems you get in the early game on more storage space?

>>15171844 ooh camouflage of pit trap

>>15171861 DMM 2-3 weeks for 50 Butaku who knows

>>15171782 Are you me? I rolled with the 40+10 they gave yesterday and got even less silvers than you, allof which were dupes except Forget-me-not.

>>15171861 Assuming we get constant events then it'll be 16 every two weeks from events, and 4 every 10 days from login bonuses. That's like 44 a month, and you get 1 from gathering every now and then.

>>15171821 She just wants you to make full use of "Gold Get!" by having five Betty's deployed of course! >FKG question below Is it ideal to give my stat boosting Manyus to a gold I have, save until I get a rainbow, or shove them all into my ideal waifu?

>>15172043 Your waifu of course. Even more so if she's lower tiered.

>>15172059 In that case, I will resume hoarding them until that kitsune I saw posted many threads back ends up in Nutaku.

Donate Pierce knight pls All I have is Hibiscus and she's maxed.

>>15172106 If you need room just use some on someone else. You will still get a decent amount of exp.

>>15172106 No love for the 3* girls?

>>15172079 I hope you know she's a Rainbow

>>15172165 Guess he'll have to wait for one of those "choose your waifu" campaigns. How do they work anyway? You pay 5000 yen for "just" a rainbow or do you get some extras? Feels like the only way I'll ever hope to have one.

Anyone else thinks Bashira looks better like this?

>>15172219 Nah, I think she filled up nicely, and I'm sure Thetis would agree.

>>15172219 I certainly wouldn't have sold her if she looked like that.

What else does Chocolate Cosmos fire with her arrows in her skill? I could've sworn I saw some girl in yellow and some indistinguishable shape sometimes.

>>15172309 That's Cosmos, her cousin.

>People getting rainbows left and right >Three 10+1 pulls >Not even one frickin gold I just want one gold that is not a dupe of the free one or from event.

>>15172488 I know that feeling, but I just take it and then when I do get lucky and get a nice gold or my first rainbow it will be a nice feeling.

I been wondering for a while, can Aigis be classified as p2w? Paying gives more advantage than a f2p can ever have, silvers are neccessary for everything but is not like a f2p can really swim in them. Collections events are clearly aimed to spend SCs too, so in the end can Aigis really be called p2w or not?

>>15172544 You can pay, but you don't really win anything. I don't think non-competitive games can be called p2w.

>>15172544 There is no PVP, no interaction with anyone, is more like, pay to have a little more fun, pay to not get triggered by missing that last event goal to get min/max unit. But yeah, the events are fucking dumb for the amount of both time and money you need to spend to get the top rewards, compare it to FKG where the events are easy, gives great rewards for little time and so-so effort.

>>15172576 >But yeah, the events are fucking dumb for the amount of both time and money you need to spend to get the top rewards This only applies to item trials.

>>15172555 That's my doubt, paying you get qay more resources and "power" than you ever get as f2p. Being silver units a key factor for everything makes me wonder even more, i'm probably wrongly thinking about it using Nutaku version as example, because there's never a double drop chance weeks or revivals and everything feels more painful to play. So let's put it in this way: Is Nutaku Aigis even if non-competitive, a p2havefun? More stuff gets added and more broken the game becomes without all these missing units/double rate weeks.

>>15172576 I may sound like a casual but i don't even feel Aigis like a real Tower Defense, is more like "grind your units/get lucky getting something better" than actual tactic.

>>15172586 Nutaku Aigis is not a game, it's a piece of shit. Like many other browser/mobile games, Aigis was designed around constant events and updates to keep players engaged. There's nothing left if you throw that out of the window. I don't know why anyone would play it, unless they were dumb and/or masochistic.

>>15172544 >silvers are neccessary for everything but is not like a f2p can really swim in them Tell that to my 2 barracks full of silver dupes. I'm actually out of ideas about how to use them up, I already have all my core units AWed, and almost all silvers I use mincosted. Probably gonna trade all my valks for angels and get some more skill ups on Chloe.

>>15172635 Well you got lucky, good for you, i can't even awake a single Healer yet and i've tryied farming a single Calliope during the last even without ever getting a single one.

>>15172586 >p2havefun That's pretty much the business model of these kind of games. You can pay money to get better units, faster progress etc. You can still do fine in Aigis without spending money.

>>15172219 Is there a colorful version?

>>15172717 Dunno, probably is just my bad rng starting to hurt, can't CC/AW a single unit even if i've farmed the event all the time.

>>15172663 Luck doesn't play any role in it, most of silver fodder come from guaranteed first kills from event maps, and _lots_ of runs for farm events. If you do like 100 runs of map for item collection event, you are bound to get at least 15 silvers out of it. I've got shitton of bandits and pirates while earning my maxed out Claudia on nutaku.

>>15172744 Mine is 11cost Except I have a lvl99 Altia and literally no reason to use other soldiers

>>15172781 >RNG >Luck doesn't play any role in it Please tell me more.

>>15172781 >silver fodder come from guaranteed first kills from event maps >Nutaku Lol no.

>>15172852 > still playing on nutaku Here's your problem.

>>15172873 >I can't read >better using a meme! Go on.

>>15171826 Reunion G is e.z. I can use Claudia, Sherry, or maxed-out Lyla and it works fine

>>15172576 I spent a lot more time on FKG and its constant farm events than I ever did in Aigis where I log in twice a day for 10 minutes. And the "great rewards" are subpar golds that you're going to replace once you get lucky with gacha.

>>15172905 I actually 3 starred it on the second try, but it gets quite hectic, I use AW Cellia since she's the only one that can endure and drop some meat-sacks behind her like Saki or a HA when the rush starts. I can farm it easy, but the fact that the Lich King dies last makes it quite....thrilling. I won't be able to do the other G map I'm afraid. Cellia just doesn't have the damage.

>>15172942 I haven't tried the 100/2 yet I should be able to cook something up but yeah I think this is the first G map I've 3*ed first try

Oh look, more Violetta Tulip. 8U5M XR3A ZXS1 CPAP Source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iq1g7bdjsHk

>>15173057 >>15173078 She is really a full slut now.

>>15172942 >it gets quite hectic This setup lets me pretty much afk it. Katie behind Imeria -> Spica -> Kattie trigger -> Odette -> Anelia trigger -> Prince -> Fedora -> Kattie trigger & retreat -> Cellia -> Iris -> Alissa. At this point you can go AFK or drop extra mage for faster clearup.

>>15173145 If you have Elizabeth this map is even easier. You just activate her skill when the liches spawn and watch the genocide. It's amazing how OP this girl is.

>>15173093 Slut or not, she's the girl I like the most. I'll try to un-slut her with the power of D.

>>15173057 >>15173078 Violetta like Lori, damn. >>15173093 Violetta is a good girl, leave Violetta alone.

>>15173313 >Violetta is a good girl Every guy in the clinic agrees. She is indeed a good girl to heal you with a fuck.

>>15173057 >>15173078 It's sad, I can't use those codes, when I click the banner it says that I already received this, it doesn't even let me input it.

>>15173057 >>15173078 How do I claim these this time?

>>15173057 >>15173078 Apparently you can only claim one Violetta Tulip, even if the code is different. False alarm, then.

>>15173462 You're talking about Nutaku right?

>>15173573 Whoa...didn't know that DMM used the english youtube comunity to promo their games.

>Only one code works >Several different codes out >Not doing the same thing we could do in Kanpani with maxing the 3* healer >Too bad they killed Kanpani with no content Fucking Nutaku can not do anything right

>>15173652 They don't need to give out Violetta Tulip to max her. You'll very likely max her out naturally since she's in both normal and premium gacha. Not the same as Lori, since she's Battlefield only.

>>15173750 They don´t need to do anything at all honestly. No need to do giveaways, no need for events. Is about doing things that are not needed but appreciated. That´s how you retain your customers and get new ones. If she is so common, getting her maxed a little earlier wouldn´t be bad. Just saying.

>>15173801 >no need for events Events are literally the only reason to play FKG. No events = game dead in a month.

>>15173801 >no need for e
Mea Melone Bondage

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