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Drake Nrwrestling


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Since May 2006 we've had the pleasure of having over 200 men work for us. Here is our current roster of active fighters. Want to reward your favorite fighter
for a performance? Use the AMAZON button below their picture to buy them
something from their Wish List!
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Email info@nrwrestling.com
Ben "Icebreaker" Shaw
165 lbs

Just relocated from the midwest where he fought in the underground leagues of three states, Ben "Icebreaker" Shaw earned a reputation. Smaller than most opponents, he often took a beating from some of the truckers that used to pass through and fight. His win-loss record doesn't do him justice. He has great stamina and doesn't go down easily.
Perhaps the most talked about fighter ever at NRW. This lean mean fighting machine held the title several times before retiring but guess what? HE'S BACK for limited engagements...mainly when he feels like taking on some rookie!
Dave Calbrese
170 lbs
The people's favorite. He formerly ran his own pro wrestling league but came to NRW because fighting with no rules where anything goes is REALLY what he wants.
There is no finer fighter at NRW.

Show your appreciation for Dave Calbrese, order him something from his wishlist.

NRW's resident janitor was forced to fight and he proved he can take a beating. See how long he lasts being one of the smallest men on our roster.

The long hair is gone, but unlike Samson, his strength isn't. While gone, Locke packed on the muscle and he's ready to do some damage.
Don't let those model good looks fool you. Drew Spano is a tough competitor and he's coming to prove it.
He both dished it out and took it during his debut series but there's no arguing, he looks great.

Ken Calbrese (KCal)
190 lbs
Dave Calbrese's real life brother. He's a hunk of solid muscle that can take a pounding. He is one of the strongest, most brutal fighters ever on our roster.
Small but ripped and a skilled Martial Artist
He couldn't stay away. He's been training hard overseas and came back to NRW upon his return to the states. The problem, he soon discovered, is the opponents have not gotten any less competitive. Hopefully he shakes his ring rust and starts dominating soon!
Devlin is currently on medical leave.


This muscled latin specimen with flowing hair is as tough as they come. Rey is willing to take on any challengers and as soon as he gets used to fighting with No Rules, he'll be a force to be reckoned with. Rey is taking a break but will be back.
Matt Meadlock
165 lbs
Meadlock was with us for over 10 years and is taking a break.
Even though he won his only two fights he had while here, the competition was too tough and he disappeared knowing the fights he had upcoming would surely result in a serious beat down.
After his first series at NRW, he disappeared. He may be back, but who knows?

He returns every now and then to do some damage at NRW! He disappeared again after his last two fights when a rookie destroyed him. He may be back.
This guy was a BEAST and a brutal, high impact, fighter.
Brian "Bone Crusher" Baxter
215 lbs
Corn fed all star from the mid west.
He's big, he's tough, but is he tough enough for NRW?
NRW's most popular fighter has returned in 2016 and did you get a close look at him? He's got a little ink now, he's more ripped than ever, and based on your feedback...you love him! He is currently taking a break.
This ripped collegiate wrestler was recruited when we saw him training at a gym. He was a great wrestler in High School and afterwards he still wanted to compete. NRW is the ideal place for him to fight and when he learned he wouldn't be restricted by rules, he was anxious to get in our ring. He told us "I'll fight anyone, anytime."

This fireplug tried to make his mark at NRW.  He's small and muscled and tough. Unfortunately the brutality was too much.

He's welcome back anytime.
We don't know a lot about this guy but the first time he fought here he got his butt kicked...and we think he was faking. What we do know is that since then, he has been a brutal heel destroying the NRW pretty boys.
Knee and elbow pads in place fans are reacting positively to our new fighter. Let's face it, people like seeing him get beat up!
UPDATE: After the brutal beating Mike Foster took here, he requested an indefinite break. He is always welcome back.
Kurt (Kent) Corbitt
165 lbs
Next to Kyle Braddock Kurt has the best hair at NRW.
A former high school and collegiate wrestler he has a winning record but he's had a tough time with the No Rules aspect of this league. After all scholastic wrestling doesn't allow you to punch an opponent and the first time he got hit, it rocked him but he has adapated. Look for a lot from this new fighter.
"Shredded" Jordan Prince
180 lbs
One of the most ripped guys currently on the NRW roster. This tough fighter from the Middle East has about a fifty fifty record here at NRW but the truth is...we like seeing him suffer, don't we?
"The Devil" Jinn
205 lbs
This Afghani fighter calls America home now and is both a showman and a brutal fighter that has never been squashed in any fight. He dishes out TERRIFIC punishment to opponents.
"Stylish" Kyle Braddock
160 lbs
He boasts he has the best hair in NRW and fans agree. He is a tough fighter, often resorting to dirty tactics. He will stand toe to toe with anyone and trashtalks like no one else!
A fried of Jinn, if Jinn has friends, this tough fighter hasn't been around much...don't worry, we will get him back.
Appeared in a few memorable fights and is always welcome back.
Oh this pretty boy was fun to watch. He fought for us several times. He also was a regular toughman fighter and got knocked out so bad he retired.
175 lbs
Now does this guy look like NRW material?
The BRUTE of NRW. This guy was a machine. Getting him here was a bit tough though.
Lorenzo's brother. Needs to learn a little respect for the law and his family before we'd have him back.
Fought a few matches with us before leaving the country.
We loved us some Damie Arch. All his fights were great and he was in great shape. After time, he went back to college.
His brittle bones couldn't handle the beating.
Veteran of Iraqi Freedom now running his own business.
Took us back to the Dungeon against Drake but admitted this was tougher than he imagined.
From England. Gave us a few hot matches.
Fans loved this big dummy.
Now a celebrity trainer.
Never showed up for his second filming.
Fans loved seeing him pounded on in his brief career here.
He didn't like getting pounded on.
WHAT A BODY! This guy never gave us a bad performance. An injury outside of the ring sidelined his career.
One big tough man that is welcome back if he ever wants to but he has a blossiming career to worry about.
A very talented performer, fans loved him. Now putting on large stage productions that takes most of his time. A very talented artist.
We love this smart mouthed little guido.
A tough guy that trash talked and move quick. Held the title shortly. Now a proud father.
Fought a few times but was frustrated at losing.
A real MMA fighter he entertained us with his oratory skills. He is a friend of NRW and welcome back anytime.
He did a few fights. That was enough.
Chris Commons
155 lbs
Fans liked him. Now a memory at NRW.
Did a few fights. Still wrestles in another tiny fight club.
One of our oldest fighters, one of our best fighters. Who didn't love seeing him crush and get crushed?
We loved this guy. He was here in the early days. He had a brutal flesh tearing claw that put out many fighters.
This guy's been everywhere fighting. Great body, but we don't share our fighters!
Another ripped fighter, master of The Heart Punch. In a word, he was brutal and feared. Now established in a new career he's always welcome back if he wants.
One ripped little fighter. Now surfs in Hawaii.
Couldn't handle the brutality and went to a smaller league.
Thought he was too pretty. He wrestled in many indy leagues and suffered a career ending injury.
Did a couple videos with us. He was cool, he's welcome back but he has a pretty nice job and needs to stay pretty.
Ah, we loved GQ. A talented artist he still comes back from time to time to get some aggression out.
Big and slow but for some reason you guys liked him.
Fans LOVED Jesse. He left us, joined the Army, and served in Iraq. Now he's married.
Couldn't handle the NRW heat and went to a small league. Couldn't handle their heat either...GONE!
Barely spoke a word of English. Don't think he understood us when we said we'll call you next time we want you.
One series against Dave Calbrese that was awesome. He now wrestles in one of the lower divisions of the WWE.
We liked this airhead. He now drives a truck.
Great guy that did one fight with us against Drake. Unfortunately on his way here for his second fight he was hit by a car...no really!
Tyler's brother, he never won but MAN did we love seeing him suffer. He did many matches for us.
Thought he could handle us...he couldn't.
A fan favorite with a great body. We loved seeing him lose more than we liked seeing him win.
Mark Tower's brother. Had a few matches, that was enough.
Appeared in our first ever fight. He was tough and it was good while it lasted!
Cocky, arrogant, tough, and gone...whew!
This gentlemanly fighter showed great martial arts skills in his few fights here at NRW.
Tony and his buddie Paulie are two tough italians. Honestly, one of the funniest guys ever to enter the ring...tough too!
This mountain of a man caused some havoc in his one season here at NRW.
A real MMA fighter that had some great matches here.
We loved watching this toned fighter go after opponents with wreckless abandon. So wreckless he suffered a career ending injury.
Nice guy, too nice, and the beating he took from Flash convinced him to try something different.
We loved this crazy bastard. Now a model and actor, he's welcome back anytime.
Now married and flourishing in a great career outside of fighting!
Real MMA fighter that fought here a few times. When he got carried out on a stretcher, he had had enough!
Not the best body, not the best skills, but he won...most of the time. He used dirty tactics but it was fun watching him beat up on guys...until he took a beating so bad he disappeared.
Perhaps the best body ever in NRW he married and moved away to launch a new career. Now a father you might find it interesting to know he once played in the Arena Football League.
Couldn't handle the heat at NRW so he went to a less challenging organiztion...whew!
From Poland, now back in Poland. Thank God.
Cocky little Italian but fans loved that body. He returned to college.
Our first NRW Champion. Fans loved him and he was a pleasure to work with. After his last fight his ankle was hurting him and he discovered it was broken. He thanks his fans but has retired.
This ripped fighter fought here many times. He used his earnings to go to college and now is a lawyer!
We liked him, but he was too slow and getting hurt so he bowed out.
Only did one series with us against Dave Calbrese but we liked him. Welcome back anytime but now has an impressive career.
Tall and tough but not tough enough in the end. He left after a few fights but MAN did we love seeing him lose.
He was new, he was tough, this Iraqi War Veteran made a lot of fans but couldn't handle the war here.
Handsome fighter from Puerto Rico that was in one incredible series against Flash. He returned home after that battle and is welcome back anytime.
Now a Hollywood stuntman that from time to time still comes back east. He is one skilled fighter and one of the fan's favorites!
From the United Kingdom a brutal fighter that was so confident in his fight skills he signed for a "You Lose, You Leave" fight and, well, he lost.
The punk cousin of Matt Meadlock. If he grows up, he can come back.
Scrawny little guy couldn't handle the beat downs.
Once Playgirl's Man of the Year there wasn't enough room for him and his ego at NRW.
Our first fighter ever. His heart punch was feared.
Had no idea what he was getting into and left after the first few ass kickings he received.
He got split open and never returned.
This master of the heartpunch was formerly Dark Snake...until he took off the mask. His heartpunch devastated many opponents.
Now a professional actor in Hollywood you'll see this guy from time to time on TV or in the movies and say "where do I know that guy from?" He was an impressive martial artist that beat many of NRW's finest into the ground.
This was one fine tall drink of water. He's always welcome back but he now has an incredible family and impressive career that he attributes NRW to helping finance his education.
GQ's brother, a tough little Italian, took too much punishment.
One hot fighter, only fought once before deciding beauty was more important than victory.
One tough little Latin fireplug. He won some and he lost some but if he brought down his forearm against an opponent's chest while in an inverted choke...it was over!
Handsome fighter with some skills. Unfortunately he didn't hang in there long enough to develop them.
Big things come in small packages...just saying!!!
Scrawny little guy that didn't hang around long.
Tough fighter unable to take any more punishment. Nearly died fighting here.
Handsome actor/model Joe Wegner retired after several brutal beatdowns but we loved seeing him beat up!
Once his identity was exposed in his only fight, he disappeared.
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