Drain Hole

Drain Hole


Drain Hole
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The Pitot Tube is an essential part of an essential aircraft system and failure to understand exactly how that system functions or assure its proper operation has made for catastrophic results. When you inspect the Pitot Tube don’t forget that there are two — not just one — holes in that thing that must be open for the system to work properly … three if you count the static port.
We all look into the ram air opening of the Pitot Tube before every flight. We want to make sure that there is no debris in the hole that could block the incoming rush of air into the tube. But the Pitot Tube also has a drain hole that must be clear as well. The air that enters the tube is not always dry — humidity and visible moisture (clouds, rain, etc) will enter the tube in the slipstream, so a drain hole is included to get rid of the water. The drain hole is located on the underside of the Pitot Tube and should be checked prior to every flight — especially an IFR flight.
The ram air from the Pitot Tube is led through a flexible line into the Airspeed Indicator. The Airspeed Indicator gets its reading by comparing the ram air that comes from the Pitot Tube to the outside static air that is coming from the static port(s).
How it works : You can understand what is taking place easier by imagining a closed cylinder with a diaphragm across the center. On one side of the diaphragm is the ram air and on the other is the static air. Ram air is like what your hand would feel if you stuck it out the window of a moving car — static air is like what your hand feels inside a closed car. The ram air will be much stronger and therefore will ‘inflate’ the side of the cylinder that is linked to the Pitot Tube. That pressure will cause the diaphragm to bulge from the ram air side toward the weaker static air side. The greater the bulge, the greater the airspeed reading.
If the ram air opening of the Pitot Tube became blocked , the drain hole would then act like another static port. For the diaphragm, it would be like letting the air out of a balloon. The pressure in the system would equalize on both sides of the diaphragm as the pent-up air pressure in the ram air side ‘drained’ out the drain hole. Without a pressure difference in the diaphragm, there would be no bulge. Without a bulge, there is no airspeed indication. The Airspeed Indicator would read zero.
If both the ram air opening and drain hole both become sealed in flight, the ram air side of the cylinder is ‘pressurized’ and this force pushes back the diaphragm and against the static pressure. If both ram and drain holes become blocked while the diaphragm is bulging, the pressure will become trapped. It would be like blowing up a balloon and then tying it off. The Airspeed Indicator would read correctly — but only for the airspeed and altitude at which the Pitot Tube holes became clogged! This is the condition that is sometimes referred to as the ‘airspeed acting like an altimeter.’
Example : If the airplane climbs to a higher altitude, the outside static pressure will reduce. This means that inside the Airspeed Indicator there will be less static pressure available to oppose the trapped, higher-pressure ram air. The diaphragm will bulge even more, because less static air is there to hold it back. This greater bulge will show up on the Airspeed Indicator as a faster speed. Like an altimeter, the airspeed indicator will now indicate a larger number when you climb. When the airplane descends, the static pressure will increase. The greater static pressure will provide more resistance to the sealed up ram air, the diaphragm will bulge less and the airspeed indicator will indicate a slower airspeed.
The ‘airspeed acting like an altimeter’ phenomenon (described above) caused the fatal crash of a Boeing 727 in 1974. The airplane was enroute to Buffalo, New York, to pick up the Buffalo Bills football team. The crew of three was alone on the airplane and was climbing through freezing rain. At some point, the Pitot Tubes and drain holes became covered over with ice. From the Cockpit Voice Recorder (CVR) investigators later heard the conversation among the pilots. The key conversation began as the aircraft climbed through 16,000 feet:
Of course, it was not the ‘Mach’ buffet that they felt — it was the stall buffet. When the First Officer pulled it up, as the Captain requested, the airplane went into an aggravated stall. The airplane had reached 24,800 feet before entering into a stall/spin that put the airplane into a 15,000-fpm descent. The crew was able to send out a MayDay call, but, misled by their instruments to fight the wrong problem , they were unable to recover before impact .
The airplane was not going 405 knots in a climb — the airspeed indicator was acting like an altimeter. The higher they climbed, the faster the airspeed reading became and that reading was completely false. The crew believed the false reading so much that they concluded that the buffet they felt must have been a product of approaching the speed of sound, rather than the stall buffet it actually was .
BOTTOM LINE : The same problem can easily develop in a smaller airplane — the Pitot-Static systems in a 727 and a Cessna 172 are essentially the same. However (and in one of the rare cases that this is actually fortunate for you) you can bet that a Cessna 172 will not accelerate in a climb. So, be suspicious of the system if you see something that can’t possibly make sense. Prior to that, make sure to do a thorough, non-complacent, investigative, preflight inspection and know your systems .

By: Ilana Goldowitz Jimenez , Plant Scientist & Writer

This article was last updated on 09/09/22
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Why are drainage holes important? No matter what type of plants you are growing, using containers with drainage holes is essential to their health. A lack of drainage is one of the most common culprits in cases of unhealthy and dying plants.
With the exception of a few aquatic plants , plant roots don’t like to sit in water. They need to exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide with the air, and excess water closes off the air pockets in soil. Plants in pots without drainage holes are prone to becoming overwatered. Even if the soil surface appears dry, the soil at the bottom of the pot may be sopping wet.
Waterlogged soil can lead to root rot , a serious condition that can easily kill your plants. Signs of root rot include wilted leaves that don’t perk up after watering, yellow leaves, and leaf drop. If you remove the plant from the container, you may see black or brown, slimy, or mushy roots.
Another major reason to make sure that there are enough holes in pots is to prevent salt buildup in the potting soil . Tap water and fertilizers contain salts that can harm plants. As plant roots take in water, they leave some of the salts behind, and salts concentrate in the soil over time. When you water thoroughly and let the water flow out through the drainage holes in the bottom of the container, salts are flushed out of the soil.
With no drainage holes, salts are never removed from the soil but just keep building up, creating an unhealthy environment for your plants. If salts do build up in your potting soil, you may see the plant’s leaves turning brown on the tips and edges, or you may see a whitish crust of salt on the soil surface.
Many homeowners keep their houseplants sitting in saucers to protect the furniture or floor from drips. This is fine, but make sure water does not sit in the saucer, where it can wick right back into the potting soil. Be sure to dump the water out of each saucer regularly. Or try watering your plants in the kitchen sink, then moving them back to the saucers after they drain.
If your pot came without a drainage hole, see if you can drill holes in the bottom. If it is impossible to drill holes in your container, try using it as a decorative pot in a “double potting” system.
Pot up your plant in a smaller container with drainage holes, then place the smaller pot inside the larger, decorative pot. Every time you need to water, simply remove the smaller container and water it in the sink. When it’s finished draining, replace it in the decorative pot.
Read more articles about Container Gardens .
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Drain hole is a small hole which is provided in the lower region of orifice plate.
Drain hole is required in gas flow service where liquid entrapment may occur.
Drain hole size could affect the accuracy of flow measurement.
However, if the diameter of the drain hole is less than 10% of the orifice bore, then the unmeasured flow is less than 1% of the total flow.
Drain hole is not recommended in dirty fluid service or slurries as the hole could be plugged.
In this application, the use of eccentric orifice plate becomes alternative.
Vent hole is a small hole which is provided in the upper region of orifice plate.
Vent hole is required in liquid flow service where gas entrainment may occur.
Vent hole size could affect the accuracy of flow measurement.
However, if the diameter of the vent hole is less than 10% of the orifice bore, then the unmeasured flow is less than 1% of the total flow.
Vent hole is not recommended in dirty fluid service or slurries as the hole could be plugged.
In this application, the use of eccentric orifice plate becomes alternative.
Your statement regarding decrease in accuracy due to drain and vent hole is not correct.There is no change in accuracy as it is taken care during orrifice design
We have orifice , DP range : 0-2500 MMWC and flow range 0-250 M3/Hr. Can we used it for measurement of 0-10 M3/Hr. is it impact on accuracy of measurement ?
You cannot unless you want to sacrifice accuracy. A basic orifice gives a turndown ratio of 1:3 i.e for your case you can measure 83 m3/hr with an accuracy below ±0.5 %.
However, in order to measure 10 m3/hr, you need to install a 2nd and 3rd DP transmitters in parallel on same orifice by Tee joint to measure flow ranges of 28 to 84 m3/hr (Tx2) and 10 to 30 m3/hr to maintain flow accuracy of ±0.5% throughout measuring range

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Window air conditioners are compact, affordable, easy to install, and make a perfect cooling solution for your home. In addition to cooling or heating, they also dehumidify your space. However, as window units remove excess moisture from your home, they require regular upkeep to keep running efficiently. Neglecting routine maintenance can clog the drain holes with dirt and debris, causing your AC to leak water indoors .   
In this blog, we will show you where the drain holes on your window air conditioner are and how to clear any blockages to help keep your unit running smoothly!
Your window air conditioner takes in hot, moist air from your room during its cooling process. After that, it cools the air by removing its water content. The moisture is collected in a drain pan and is removed through a drain hole. 
On most window air conditioners, you will find the drainage hole underneath the exterior part that hangs out of the window. You will have to go outside to access it. If you can’t access your window unit from outside, you will have to remove your AC from the window.
Older models have drain holes in the middle, while modern units have holes on their sides. It is usually connected with a drainage hose so if you can’t find it, follow the hose to the drain pan, where you will locate the hole. If there isn’t a drainage hose, follow the dripping water, and it will take you to its source.
Sometimes, you keep searching for a hole, but there’s no sign of it. It’s because some window ACs don’t have a drain hole, and some units have their holes plugged. These window systems don’t require a hole because they reuse the collected water. They have a slinger ring instead that is attached to a fan blade. This ring picks up water when the blade rotates and slings it against the coils. This helps to keep the coils cool and prevent overheating.
If your window AC has a plugged hole, you should not unplug it unless the drain pan becomes full and water starts to overflow out of the drip pan.
Note: Never drill a hole to fix drainage issues. You could puncture the refrigerant line or damage other AC components . 
It is highly important to keep the drain hole and other components such as air filters unclogged and debris-free for proper functioning. You can connect your window unit to a smart AC controller to receive reminders whenever filter cleaning is due.
Follow the steps below to unclog the drain hole of your window air conditioner:
Different parts of your air conditioner can rust over time. This rusting material can fall into the drain pan and block the hole. You can easily clear the debris using a bottle brush or simply use a damp cloth to wipe away any dirt. Make sure that your unit is turned off before proceeding with the cleaning process.
Keep checking the drain holes periodically to ensure they are clear of obstruction.
To help drain your window unit, you can try tilting it so that it leans out of the window. This will push the water out of the drain holes.
If you live on an upper floor, it’s recommended that you take assistance from someone else to drain your unit. Doing it on your own can be extremely dangerous, and there’s a risk of your unit falling down the building.
Turning off your unit for some time can help drain the accumulated water and prevent overflowing.
Follow these steps to clean the drain hole of your window air conditioner:
Note : Never plug in and turn on your AC immediately after cleaning. Let the unit dry out completely before use.
Dripping water from your unit can result in mold growth or rust stains on the surface beneath the unit. It can also become a breeding ground for mosquitoes and other insects. You can prevent this by collecting the water and using it for other purposes such as watering your garden. You can use a combination of the drain pipe and your garden hose or use a window air conditioner drain kit to collect water.
The drain holes in a window air conditioner help remove excess moisture and prevent the collected water from damaging your unit. Without drain holes, your unit won’t be able to properly cool and dehumidify your room. If the drain holes are clogged, your air conditioner will have to work harder to cool/heat the room. This can lead to higher AC bills and premature failure of the unit.
All in all, properly draining your window AC unit is key to preventing water damage and other AC problems . By locating the drain hole and properly maintaining it, you can help your window unit run more efficiently and save money on energy costs.
My midea is spitting water out of the vent please helpive tried to solve
This usually happens when air filters or AC drain pan is clogged due to dirt and debris build up. But it’s best to consult an HVAC technician to figure out the exact issue.
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