Dragon Growth Giant Porn

Dragon Growth Giant Porn

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3D Animator |
Member Since: Jun 7, 2013 11:36
For a good time...
Posted 4 years ago
Youtube 360 link ^^
Posted 5 years ago
Thoughts About Life
Posted 5 years ago
I've often been asked for details on Andres background and lore, and while I've sometimes briefly explained it to individuals, I've never really written it up before. I've always felt it was a lot of detail for what is ultimatley a shallow story, and not really worth anyone's time. But fuck it; I like hearing about the lore of other people's characters and world, so there might be people out there who would like the same from mine. If so, this journal is for you guys ^^.

It should be noted that Andre has many different lores depending on the setting and tone I'm going for. This isn't the story behind dragon growth animation; though it is loosely derived from it. Likewise, Buckey did an excellent SFW sequence with him that was way cuter and fun than this. And there is also a huge story being written by someone that has an awesome take on the lore too; its a much lighter tone than this which I love, and probably has more depth. Once that story is done I might look to adjust the core lore to be more in line with that; but for now, this is essentially Andre's core story and universe, of which everything else is derived from. I had this in mind when drawing the rub for more wishes sequence, and will have this in mind when I start animating that next year.

But enough rambling. This is it:

The gods created the physical planes, though it was likely not for any significant purpose other than to amuse themselves. While the physical planes may literally be everything to us, the contemporary understanding of the gods suggest that it is but one of many little things to them.

They did not seem to really intend for any specific outcome; initially they were happy to just watch it develop, and enjoy how their interference can alter and warp reality. While the classical understanding of the gods saw them categorised as patrons for concepts such as life, war, fire and fertility, a lot of this was based on how they chose to interact with the world, and the ongoing ignorance that mortals have towards them. It is now understood that certain gods may have a passing fascination with their patron concepts; but they are best described as enthusiasts rather than creators or overseers of anything specific.

Mortal life was likely an unintended outcome of their creation, but the concept of different forms of consciousness and existence likely intrigues them as it does us. As ethereal beings, their existence is unfathomably different to our own. Sensations as we know it are completely alien to them; they cannot enjoy a delicious meal, wonder at a mountain view, or be driven by compulsions. And while they certainly view mortals and their existence as objectively inferior to their own in every way, they do find the prospect of temporarily living as such novel and enticing.

some time after the dawn of life, a number of gods got together and designed a being for them to pilot in the mortal planes; a physical avatar to assume whenever the fancy of a mortal vacation arose. Those beings have come to be known as dragons.

A dragon by nature has two states; they may be inhabited by a god, or they may be 'blank' and awaiting possible habitation. In mortal years, it may be hundreds of generations between gods visiting their realm, meaning that thousands if not millions of dragons will live and die as blanks, before one single vessel is chosen to be inhabited.

Blank dragons are genderless, and cannot reproduce on their own. Their bodies are essentially clones of one another; there is no physical variation between them. However while their nature is uniform, their nurture is not, and each dragon develops their own unique personalities and interests much like any other sentient being. They are highly intelligent and, in general at least, highly inquisitive and placid.

Dragons may be synthetic, but they were designed to mimic the organic creatures that evolved through random mutations. They are made of flesh and bone, and are structured like a mammal, complete with organs that function as one would expect. That aim is, after all, to get a mostly authentic mortal experience. There were, however, certain liberties the gods took with their design in order to maximise their experience.

Dragons, unlike mortal creatures, are born with an organic 'wand' within their bodies; an item that is able to draw and direct mana from the ethereal planes. While they cannot innately weird such power to their conscious desire (as no organic mind can), their wand is designed to direct the mana to service their bodies needs.

As such, a dragon cannot starve or suffocate or freeze to death, and are able to heal most wounds almost instantly. Larger wounds such as missing limbs naturally take longer to grow back, but anything that does not kill a dragon will ultimately do them no harm.

This means that dragons can be fierce foes, being almost indestructible by most readily available means. However, the organic races are spared from domination by the dragons stable population, and their diminutive stature, weighing in at 25 kilograms.

This has meant that the intelligent races have always viewed dragons with curiosity and novelty rather than as a threat or competitor. It is not uncommon for noblemen to own them as pets, or features in travelling circuses. More practically, wizards favour owning them as assistants they refer to 'familiars', given their ability for literacy and unusual interactions with magic. In all cases however, the owner must be wealthy, as dragons are highly sought out and rare, with domesticated dragons obviously rarer.

which brings us to the rat wizard. The wizard is not rich, but he does have Andre on a lend to a king, with whom he serves. The wizard has also been provided his own study and laboratory in order to supply the castle with its apocrathy and enchantment needs. The money is not great, however, and as an entrepreneurial spirit, he has big dreams of inventing and selling his own wares to the public at large, and become renowned in the process.

The story, if it can be described as such, takes place right at the moment when the wizard believes he has found a way to acquire a theoretical but as yet unobtained alchemical ingredient which he believes will make his dreams a reality. That ingredient being seed of dragon.

Blank Dragons, being genderless, have neither sperm nor eggs. That is, until they are inhabited by a god. Once inhabited, the wand within the chosen dragon activates a specific transformation sequence, turning them into a male. His body will grow slightly larger and gain muscle mass, and sprout appropriate sexual organs and hormones. At the same time, all other living dragons in the world undergo a similar transformation; though their wands transform them into females.

What follows next is, to it bluntly, a generation long orgy. This was almost certainly an unintended outcome compared the the gods initial vision; though had they lived and thought like us mortals, they likely could have foreseen it. As it does with all cells in his body, a dragons wand flows mana to his balls, replenishing and regenerating his seed. It flows down his penis and replenishes and relaxes its muscles, removing any soreness and sensitivity from its orgasm. And it recharges any hormones expended from his glands.

In short, it enables the god dragon to fuck endlessly, and the constant horniness to compel him to do so. It should also be noted that the gods are accustomed to feel impulses or urges, and have not needed to learn, or evolved to value self restraint. While they did evision a somewhat broader pallet of mortal sensations and experiences than merely a lifetime of fucking, it should be noted that they do continue to return without fixing any errors.

Sex was always intended of course. By design, the eggs which the females lay after mating go on to hatch steadily through the eras in which the gods no not inhabit a dragon, ensuring that there are always blank dragons when a god wishes to indulge. But whereas the gods had originally envisioned three or four living dragons at any time, we instead have tens of thousands.

Which finally brings us back to Andre and the rat wizard once again. The wizard, through years of studying Andre, believes he has discovered a method in which he can replicate the process of a god inhabiting a blank dragon, and trick Andres wand into transforming him into a male. And once he has achieved this, he would have a monopoly on an endless and potentially priceless resource.

The rat wizard casts the spell, and on the surface it appears to be a raging success. Andre turns into a male, but for perhaps the first time in history, no god comes down to pilot his body, leaving the dragon in control of his body after the transformation.

Andre is obviously apprehensive at the situation and suspicious of his squishy new organs, but the wizard convinces him to be provided with a demonstration on how they all function. One hand job later, the wizard has his prized alchemical ingredient, and a bewildered but content Andre has his first orgasm.

However, it is at this stage that it is revealed that not everything has gone according to plan. A mortal mind has limitations that a gods does not, and a dragons wand was never meant to be used by such a being. While the wizard was able to get the overall pattern of the mana surge correct, he did not account for the patterns contained within the pattern. As a result, the wand was overwhelmed by brute force, and burned through many intricate connections.

A crude analogy is that instead of opening a locked chest by interacting with the detailed and delicate mechanisms of the lock, he jimmied the lid open with a crowbar. Sure, the single objective of opening the chest has been met; but the lock is no longer fastened in place, and it's unable to continue to function as intended.

The damaged wand inside Andre continued to function, drawing in mana when needed for a specific purpose, but it was now unable to properly direct the energy to a specific location in his body. So when it came to tasks such as multiplying sperm cells after an orgasm, mana leaked through his whole body, causing every cell to multiply, only stopping once his body has enough sperm to climax again. This meant that his body virtually doubled in size after ever orgasm.

Once the rat wizard gave Andre his first orgasm, the fate of the world was sealed. Like their designers, dragons have never before felt or learned how to deal with carnal urges, and with no physical restraints, Andre quickly became a little obsessed. As soon as he finishes his climax, his thought is set upon his next release.

Andre does not particularly wish to be bigger; but he isn't phased by the situation too much as it's easy for him to rationalise away the problem. Being bigger is not that bad after all; the wizard won't be able to fit him back into his cage. Just one more. He could be strong enough to open the doors himself and go outside. Just one more. The wizard won't be able to force those potions down his throat by overpowering him anymore. one more. Then he will be bigger than the lab and free to go outside. Then maybe just one more after that.

If the gods are watching, then their inaction must mean they are enjoying the show.

The end?
My thoughts on the DNA boycot/piracy movement.
Posted 2 years ago
I don't support it.

I'm not convinced that a boycott of DNA's comics will help. Whatever financial situation he is currently in with Voco, it appears to be as a couple (in whatever form that may manifest). I don't see how such a move could avoid hurting him, even if indirectly.

Further to that, I don't see how removing the last thread he has to the community will encourage him to reach out. And it runs the risk of him completely moving on to radio silence. This seems to be the opposite of the stated aims.

But whatever; people have the right to spend their money as they like, and ultimately I don't really know how the universe will play out. Maybe, somehow, cutting his income will 'bring him back'. This in itself is not worth writing a journal over.

But I do not understand, at all, what uploading his back catalog of comics for everyone to pirate is meant to achieve.

For one, it destroys the value of his entire body of work. Forever. It ensures that if he ever does 'come back', then there is nothing left for him to come back to.

For two, the optics on this just looks terrible. I'm not going to judge anyone's motivations here; knowing the people involved I can only believe that the intentions here are good. But by consuming his product, it can easily be read that you don't care about DNA and will gladly leverage this current situation to justify piracy. All piracy can and is morally justified.

Anyway, that's just my two cents on the matter. People will do whatever they think they need to. I don't expect my hot take will change anything.

On a separate but related note, I suspect the eyes of DNA will never see this journal; but in the remote chance that it is, then this next bit is for him.

I can't speak for anyone by myself, but for what it's worth, I'll be happy if I never see another picture from you if it means that you are pursuing your dreams. I know you want to move on from furry, and if this is the way in which you want to do it, then I wish you all the luck in the world. Your work, which for the longest time you shared for free, has already inspired pretty much everyone in this generation of the fandom. You owe us nothing. You have the right to pursue your life as best you want. Your successes and failures will be your own, as they are for everyone.

However it would seem, at least from your video updates, that you are still maintaining your comics to help fund the bridge between your old and new lives. That would be the smart move, as you have a paying audience which you have earned over more than a decade that can help you pay the bills until you get your big break.

I appreciate that this is unsolicited advice, so make of it what you will. But for as long as your macro comics can help your situation out, you need to market them. Because you've withdrawn so thoroughly, you have effectively closed your audience. It will will gradually be lost to attrition, let alone the added pressure of any boycott movement. There are people who are unaware your comics are still for sale. The next generation don't know what you are selling. You don't need to orient your life to this community; but if you were to engage enough to let people know, in your own voice, what you were selling and drive up the hype, then you would have a chance of steering fresh traffic to your store, as well as potentially assuage those who are currently pressing for a boycott.

Anyway, take that for what you will. You have asked us not to contact you; I have and will continue to respect that. I might have sent you a text when this all began last year; I was responding to the note you sent me on Patreon a month earlier. I apologise for that as you did not tell me, and I didn't yet know that you had communicated that in a journal. I wish you luck for whatever comes next. I'm not going to reach out to you. But you have my details if you ever want to hit me up for whatever reason. You will always be welcome to, be that tomorrow or in twenty years.
If you know something about web development & love growth...
Posted 2 years ago
So, I'm not the best person in the world to try and get something like this started, but here goes:

Those of you who love macro/growth stories, both writing and reading them, have probably looked at or even participated in Dragonien's 'A changing Perspective' on writing.com. The story is essentially dead now, because of the toxic website it is hosted on; but I would really love to get this story (among others) revived on a different platform.

There's been an effort to put it together on twine; but even if that happens then it would still be static; no one would be able to post new chapters. If it could be made alive online, then a community of creators could form around it, and add to it, and make it grow. Something that would have an editable database of chapters and account management for people to create and edit new chapters; I can;t imagine it would need much more than that.

Now, I don't know if there is an appropriate platform ready to be utilised, or if something would need to be created from scratch; so I figured I'd pitch this idea out and see if there are some people in the know who could help out, with either advice or actual skills.

Personally, I can't offer anything in the way of skills or even much time; but I can offer some (albeit limited) financing in terms of hosting and potentially coding if its needed (which could all be discussed).

please let me know if you have any knowledge/skills in this area and this is of interest to you!
Hey everyone!

I was surprised when that an upload last week received a number of comments referring to me being back. Someone also shouted on my timeline asking for an update, so this is it!

I never left ^^. I've just been busy.

In my personal life, things are going well. I've been settling into New York with my wife. The company I’ve been working at looks like it’s on the verge of something big, which would bring some exciting opportunities. I've also been getting back into shape; I've lost 6 kilos ^^ (just another 25 to go >.>)

In my growth animation life, things have also been going well. I think I've got something like 7 minutes of unreleased animation which I've been working on, spread across two projects. So dont think theres nothing new coming just because I've been quiet on here!

I've been working on it very consistently the past two years, and thanks to a successful patreon, I've been able to commission a lot of extra stuff for them, such as character models and environments and scores etc. There should be some stuff released this year that will be a level above what I've released to date ^^.

Just on that patreon, since a lot of people hiss at that word; it's not a paywall. I mostly share WIP content. I'll still be releasing stuff here for free once it's done, albeit at a slightly lower resolution.

My patreon is primarily for people who are willing and able to pitch in. it means that I can work on growth stuff rather than commercial contracts in my spare time, which I absolutely would be doing without it. (New York is too expensive not to). It's also allowed me to re-invest in the quality of work through commissioning other furry artists in the community that are better in their fields than me, allowing me to focus more on animation.

If you've tried to contact me on any social media platform and I haven't responded, then I'm so
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