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DP - How many women have had it done? How many guys have done it to a women?

DP - How many women have had it done? How many guys have done it to a women?
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Ladies who have taken it in both holes at the same time and men who have been half of the dp. Talk about it...

yonkers weights

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I have been involved in several dp's with women. Most of them cum a lot harder then normal. They say it is a different kind of cum. Is this true ladies?


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Never tried... it looks good sometimes in porn or in fantasy but I do not think it would feel too comfortable for real.

yonkers weights

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Each is own. I guess it depends on the women and the men. Comfort comes first. :-)


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I was the vaginal side of the DP, girl was a hawtie stripper in Houston. I liked it from my side, she had some awsome tits! She didn't say much, just alot of moaning, and YES, YES, YES type of shit, guess she was pleased.

I had just got through doing her psycho roommate, I posted about her once here, she had knives all over the bed and told me how to use each one, the one she liked best was shaped like a cat's claw and sharp as a fuckin' razor, she drew it across her belly and vaginal area just hard enough not to bring blood. Crazy..... That's when her room mate opened the door, she said , "she'll take care of you now.." like I was some kind of customer going from housewares to mens clothing... LOL

"know matter how pretty she is, some guy, somewhere, is sick of her crap!"

"what a long strange trip it's been"

"you'll miss 100% of the shots that you don't take"

"how hard would you practice this week if next weeks game was your last?"

"I'm your huckelberry..."


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I was the vaginal side of the DP, girl was a hawtie stripper in Houston. I liked it from my side, she had some awsome tits! She didn't say much, just alot of moaning, and YES, YES, YES type of shit, guess she was pleased.

I had just got through doing her psycho roommate, I posted about her once here, she had knives all over the bed and told me how to use each one, the one she liked best was shaped like a cat's claw and sharp as a fuckin' razor, she drew it across her belly and vaginal area just hard enough not to bring blood. Crazy..... That's when her room mate opened the door, she said , "she'll take care of you now.." like I was some kind of customer going from housewares to mens clothing... LOL


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Stripper with knives, that's pretty much asking for trouble. If you look like her dad you'll be set.

The DP thing looks good in porn but I'm not sure a girl would get much out of it other than the thrill of it.


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every girl thinks about it at one point of their lives....


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Never.....only a man and a toy...but not two men


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My girlfriend's roommate used to join us. They'd been doing each other before I came along, sort of a friendly roommate thing, so it was fun and easy for me (two women NOT helping each other out is work). Once in a while they'd take turns with the toy up the rear. For my part, I loved the vibration coming through wall. And they both came harder which is what I get off on the most.

That two-man thing looks weird and awkward.

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Excerpt: Ladies who have taken it in both holes at the same time and men who have been half of the dp. Talk about it...

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The hottest thing you’ll read all day.
You’ve heard the usual Fifty Shades Of Grey BDSM fantasy, and the “have sex in public” fantasy over and over again, from every woman on the planet. Hot, sure, but that’s old news. So we asked a bunch of women for their dirtiest, naughtiest secret sex fantasies, ones that maybe you’ve never heard before. 
Feast your eyes and ears on these seven hot, forbidden fantasies, as told by the women themselves*. You won’t be disappointed.
“I have this fantasy that basically recreates the airplane scene from the music video for ‘Toxic ‘ by Britney Spears, but the flight attendant is a guy. I’m sitting in my first class seat on the way to an exotic destination, and the sexy male flight attendant is pouring some champagne for me but “accidentally” spills some on my silk dress, all over my upper thighs. He reaches down to help me wipe the champagne off and slips his hand under my dress. We’re obviously attracted to each other like crazy so he slyly follows me to the bathroom when I get up to clean off. He gets in after me and locks the door. We have passionate, rough sex in the airplane bathroom. Nobody notices, and I never see or hear from him again after that flight.” -Nadia, 31
“I’m usually not interested in anything but plain, normal sex, but I really want to try double penetration at least once. I’ve seen it in porn so many times and it looks really enjoyable. I don’t care who the two guys are, I just want the experience and that feeling of being completely filled up.” -Sarah, 24
“I hate going to the doctor, but that doesn’t stop me from fantasizing about getting fucked by a doctor in an exam room. When the doctor walks in, he locks the door behind him without saying a single word. He slowly walks up to me and spins me around and bends me over the table. He pulls my panties to the side and fingers me until I’m panting and begging him for more. We have sex, then I thank the good doctor for his excellent patient care before leaving.” -Loni, 28
“I live on the fourth floor of a building in New York City, and there’s a fire escape that I can climb out onto from my bedroom window. The fire escape overlooks 14th Street, which is a pretty busy street, and ever since I moved into that apartment two years ago I’ve wanted to have sex on the fire escape where everyone on the street can see if they look up. We’d have our clothes on because I don’t want to get arrested, but the thought of having sex over a busy street really turns me on.” -Quinn, 27
“I’ve always wanted to have a threesome, but not just any threesome. I picture my boyfriend and I going to a bar, and spotting the most beautiful woman there. After we decide on someone, we approach her and have an evening of charming conversation. Then when the time is right I slip my hand onto her leg, then slowly ease my skirt up, revealing lace thigh-high stalkings and a garter built. Without a word, she understands, and we go back to my place for a night of insane sex.” -Sabrina, 29
“I had a sex dream about my fiancée’s father and ever since that dream I can’t get the idea of having sex with him out of my head. I love my fiancée to death, but I can’t help but fantasize about his father now. I imagine that he’s rough and dominating and tells me to call him Daddy, and has me wear lace lingerie and fluffy high heeled slippers. But to be fair, he’s only in his mid-50’s, he’s tall and fit, and is 100% a silver fox. A perfect Daddy image.” -Talin, 27
“A guy I dated sophomore year of college had full-length standing mirror by his bed and we would watch ourselves having sex. I thought it was the hottest thing ever, and it made me want to make a sex tape so I could watch myself having sex. It’d be shot from in front of me when I’m on my hands and knees so I can watch him when he’s hitting it from the back.” -Magda, 22
“I’m dying to dominate a man and be the boss for once. I’d wear a latex bodysuit and black spiked Louboutins, and have a whip in one hand and a feather in the other so I could take turns tickling his balls with the feather and taking the whip to his ass. I’d cover his mouth with black duct tape and pull some The Wolf of Wall Street moves. Real freaky stuff. ” -Hannah, 24

Monday, August 21, 2017 9:59 AM by Guest

Cheating on my husband... +65|-116

I'll try and get to the point quickly, I have ptsd from being raped. I was on a disability leave from work for a year and a half, single w 2 kids. Told this guy I work with that i didnt want a relationship, he kept pressing, I kept telling him I didn't like him like that. Somehow I ended up w him... and married him. I knew I shouldn't have, I told my therapist I felt it was a mistake before, s..

Tuesday, August 8, 2017 8:28 PM by KEISHA KORE


Confessions of the Mistress
“Life has taught me that you can’t control someone’s loyalty. No matter how good you are to them it doesn’t mean that they will treat you the same way.”
It seemed as though my life was spinning out of control. Too many, it seemed I had it together. Others knew I was just barely hanging on. And I was. I was fighting depression alone, now raising chi..

Tuesday, August 8, 2017 5:36 PM by Tony84

Wife Cheated On Me With Boss +1271|-1333

Okay, so my marriage wasn't doing great, but I didn't think it was that bad. I have PTSD and my depression just made everything bad for her. She had told me the separation would help our marriage. Well, months later I found out she was with her boss...from the job she took one month after leaving me. Everyone saw the signs and so did I, she was cheating on me. I found out her messaging password ..

Tuesday, August 1, 2017 8:38 PM by Jeff j

So it all started back in the summer of 2016 my wife was just a few months into her new job. She had left the ems field for a 8 to 5 job. To be home with are two boys more. A little about us we meet in 2008 got married in 2010 had two bright and handsome boys. Back to what happened not to long after she started her new job about 5 month in her job site lost a co worker to a car accident. She she..

Monday, July 31, 2017 9:02 AM by DET

I had to forgive her because i told her i would. This was soon after we married, and before our two children. Stacey confided that her previous boyfriends had always accused her of cheating. I said i dont know what the big deal was as long as you stayed together. Though she said she'd never would it was shortly after our second child that we had an iud placed to avoid further pregnancies. I ..

Friday, July 28, 2017 3:58 PM by Guest

> My husband asked me to write our story to see
> what some other opinions about it might be, what others
> might do. The story, like other stories about cheating, must
> begin at the beginning of the marriage itself. I was 15 when
> I met my husband, who was 18. We met because he asked his
> sister to invite a friend over to give him some booty.
> Turned out to be me. I swore u..

Wednesday, July 26, 2017 2:23 AM by Aphrodite

Last night I crossed the line with my husbands business partner. He kept saying come over, but I didn't but I crossed the line with the conversation. Today's conversation furth pushed me over that line and now we are planning to fuck tonight. My husband is 27, I'm 36 and my new lover is 52. I love and adore my husband, and I am in love with him, and our sex is amazing most days BUT I think I'm so..

Friday, July 21, 2017 11:38 AM by Guest

I was in fl with my gf for her friend's wedding at a ritz Carlton hotel. The night before the wedding my gf exhaused from the long flights was dead asleep. I could not sleep so i went to the bar for an old fashioned. It was late so there weren't too many people at the bar. I ordered my drink and sat down and i noticed this beautiful middle aged white lady seating a table away starring at me. I d..

Thursday, July 20, 2017 8:06 PM by nah

Alright so, I had been dating this guy for two years. We were very bad for each other so inevitably, we broke up. we ha
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