Download The Wonder Kids - 30 Stories & 30 Songs About Jesus (2018) Album

Download The Wonder Kids - 30 Stories & 30 Songs About Jesus (2018) Album


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Download The Wonder Kids 30 Stories & 30 Songs About Jesus Album mp3 zip


1. An Angel Visits Mary
2. The Wind and Waves Obey Him
3. Jesus Goes to Heaven
4. Heavenly Sunlight
5. Jesus Heals a Lame Man
6. Stand Up, Stand up for Jesus
7. Jesus Heals a Blind Man
8. Amazing Grace
9. Jesus Is in Heaven
10. Jesus Loves Me
11. Jesus Taught from a Boat
12. It's Possible with God
13. O How I Love Jesus
14. Jesus Taught Us How to Pray
15. The Lord's Prayer
16. Jesus Tells of God's Kingdom
17. Standing on the Promises
18. Jesus Walks on Water
19. Footprints on the Water
20. Jesus Washes Peter's Feet
21. J-E-S-U-S
22. Jesus' Helpers
23. Jesus and the Mustard Seed
24. I Have Decided to Follow Jesus
25. Jesus and the Sinful Woman
26. Jesus Loves Even Me
27. Go to All Nations
28. Children, Go Where I Send Thee
29. John 3:16
30. For God so Loved the World
31. Judge Not
32. Do Not Judge
33. Let the Children Come to Me
34. Mustard Seed Faith
35. Jesus Loves the Little Children
36. Palm Sunday
37. Sing Hosanna
38. Parable of the Net
39. Don't Get Caught in the Net
40. The Lost Sheep
41. What a Friend We Have in Jesus
42. The Prodigal Son
43. Jesus Wants Me for a Sunbeam
44. The Resssurection
45. Jesus at the Temple
46. Praise Him, Praise Him
47. The Ten Lepers
48. He's Got the Whole World in His Hands
49. The Wise and Foolish Builder
50. The Wise Man Built His House Upon the Rock
51. Through a Roof
52. Praise Ye the Lord, Hallelujah
53. Who Is My Neighbor
54. Let My Little Light Shine
55. Woman Healed by Touch
56. We're Going to God's House Today
57. If You're Saved and You Know It
58. Jesus Calls His Disciples
59. I Will Make You Fishers of Men
60. Jesus Calms the Storm


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