Download The Minecraft Demo

Download The Minecraft Demo

Minecraft now has a demo. Procrastinating Excavators: There's no excuse for missing your favorite open-world adventure. It has even branded cows Notch designed for us. These animals are programmed to be voodoo cows. Each PC Gamer editor feels a slight thud when they are punched. Be gentle.

Minecraft is a customizable tool. First, create your own skin. If you're lazy, you can download one of our favorite custom skins to look cool while building.

Next, install some Minecraft Mods. Minecraft is already huge. But why not add airships, muskets, and Pokemon? It's almost guaranteed fun.

Check out our Top Ten Minecraft Creations and get started building!

Download the Minecraft demo (4MB).

The demo is generous: every tool, mineral and item is accessible, and you can dig, frolic, and build in your world for 90 minutes before it "locks" and becomes uneditable. You can create as many worlds as you like. don't even mess with me Let us know about what you're creating--send a screenshot to of your demo environment. Also check out a rundown of our five favorite Minecraft mods below.

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