Download The Daughters of Mary - A Day in the Cloister (2010) Album

Download The Daughters of Mary - A Day in the Cloister (2010) Album


The Daughters of Mary - A Day in the Cloister rar mp3 m4a Album zip Mega


Download The Daughters of Mary A Day in the Cloister Album mp3 zip


1. Morning Prayer - Jam Lucis
2. Noon Prayer - Psalm 118
3. Noon Prayer - Adjuvabit Eam
4. The Angelus
5. Evening Prayer - Psalm 112
6. Evening Prayer - Ave Maris Stella
7. Evening Prayer - Magnificat
8. Holy Hour - O Salutaris Hostia
9. Holy Hour - Litany of Loreto
10. Holy Hour - Tantum Ergo
11. Night Prayer and Invocation
12. Morning Prayer - Psalm 53
13. Night Prayer - Confiteor & Deus in Adjutorium
14. Night Prayer - Psalm 4
15. Night Prayer - Psalm 90
16. Night Prayer - Psalm 133
17. Night Prayer - Te Lucis
18. Night Prayer - In Manus Tuas
19. Night Prayer - Nunc Dimittis
20. Night Prayer - Visita & Blessing
21. Night Prayer - Salve Regina
22. Morning Prayer - Christe Fili
23. Mass of the Angels - Kyrie
24. Mass of the Angels - Gloria
25. Mass of the Angels - Credo
26. Mass of the Angels - Sanctus
27. Mass of the Angels - Agnus Dei
28. Noon Prayer - Rector Potens


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